There is still a big gap between the carriers of game animation and ordinary live-action film and television dramas.

Unless it is a work that deliberately relies on the real aspect.

Generally full of exaggerated and artistic expressions.

This is not pejorative.

The reason why the two-dimensional dimension suddenly went from the minority to the mainstream culture in Lin Yao's previous life is because of its virtuality, it escaped from the real world and created a very unique two-dimensional world.

The reason why most of the manga changes are on the street is that they want to directly copy the two-dimensional world full of exaggeration and art to the real stage.

Then there is a strange smell from the inside to the outside...

It's no wonder that it's not rushing to the street.

The rare successful examples of manga adaptations, without exception, are not the more realistic themes themselves, or they have been drastically adapted, or... directly go one step further, even more two-dimensional than the two-dimensional one... with more exaggerated artistic treatment, Dilute that smell.

For example, the well-known "I am Big Brother".

He ran straight in the direction of neuropathy.

Hashimoto Kanna also ran all the way from an innocent girl to a sand sculpture...

And games are more exaggerated than most animated comics because they are highly interactive. Except for interactive movies like "The Invisible Guardian", most games are also virtual, and they are also mixed with various strange powers and chaos.

This kind of world pursues a sense of reality, either it is a realistic theme itself, or it is a horror game...

No, there is such a thing as God of War in horror games...

So following reality is impossible.

The game "The Witch" of Linmu Studio has been determined to be a magical story. Lin Yao is an artist herself, and the founder of visual design and art style.

Since the technique of expression involves strange power and chaos, what she has been pursuing is expressiveness.

Both the original idea and the action design are based on this idea.

Zhang Seng's middle-two energy, that exaggerated energy.

In the live-action film and television drama, it will be directly brushed off.

But for Lin Yao, it is indeed very suitable.

He obviously also plays games, and he knows exactly what kind of expressiveness games need.

Lin Yao was indeed quite satisfied.


She didn't answer Zhang Seng immediately, but expressed her thanks, and then watched the performance of the last female artist.

The three quickly completed the basic test.

"How about it?"

Lin Yao looked at Chen Qiuwen.

Chen Qiuwen pondered for a moment: "Shu Xiangming is relatively poor, so I basically don't think about it. Zhang Seng is pretty good, and his performance fits the visual design well, but his reputation is a little bit bad... As for the actress, it's average, barely acceptable."


Lin Yao nodded: "Let's use Zhang Seng as the male lead. As for fame, it's okay if you don't have it. The most important thing is that the game is fun. These extra bonuses are not bad. He really meets the standard. As for the heroine, I Seeing that she has a lot of expressions, as a witch, she doesn't have a lot of action scenes, almost all of them are standing and casting spells, and she can do it too."


Chen Qiuwen nodded in agreement, then smiled wryly: "However, the most important male lead, the male lead controlled by the player did not choose a famous artist, and I feel lonely..."

"No way, that Shu Xiangming is famous, but he doesn't meet the requirements. He's not as good as some special actors..."

Lin Yao shook her head: "We are making games, let's focus on games."

There is also Kimura Takuya in the eyes of judgment.

But it's not impossible to surpass Yakuza.

Although the plot is much better than the "Yakuza" series, the game lacks eye-catching content. Even with Kimura Takuya starring, it is not more appealing than the "Yakuza" series.

In the end, the game was forced to be removed from the shelves and modified due to another actor's real problems.

So, compared to fame, Lin Yao still thinks that Zhang Seng, who likes games and knows how to behave, is more reliable.


The motion capture actor is confirmed.

This is the first time in China that real actors are used in the game. Although Zhang Seng is not well-known, another female artist, Xu Chunjing, is quite well-known.

After this matter was confirmed, some rumors spread.

However, it did not attract much attention from the game circle.

Because it would... Players are mostly still immersed in Heroes.

"Heroes" is still an early access version.

Linmu Studio updates very diligently.

Almost a new hero a week.

And a bunch of skins.

Some of these heroes and skins are newly made.

But most of them have already been produced and are only being tested and adjusted, and have not been launched with the early access version.

Because it's just a test, you can use it without any problems, so the update of "Hero" is really fast during this period.

Tie in with the upward momentum of gaming horror.

The gathering popularity is an exaggeration.

Now many middle-aged and elderly people who don’t play games know about this game. When they saw a young man sitting in front of the computer and opened the game-like page, he asked if he was playing a game called "Heroes"...

Many people who don't play have noticed this game when they heard others ask this question.

One can imagine how hot it is.

As for the players, there has also been a wave of changes.

The game mechanics are figured out.

Players began to rank on a large scale.

Meanwhile, last weekend's windy hero also came out...

In an instant, he became the new favorite in the middle lane.

But because fish and dragons are mixed.

There are more people who cheat than those who play well.

Now there are legends about question marks chasing E everywhere in the Jianghu...

And the interior of Forest Studio.

The "Heroes" project team is full of energy as they watch the game move towards the phenomenal level step by step.

the other side.

The project team of "The Witch" is in a bit of pain...

Not that he was in trouble.

Instead, I am experiencing the throes of changing work methods, and I feel a little uncomfortable.

The previous masterpieces of Linmu Studio were all led by Lin Yao.

But now it has become a motion capture operation, and many staff members are very uncomfortable with the movements that are used to capture, and it takes a certain amount of time to adapt.

But the convenience is much more convenient.

Everyone does not deny this.

Just not used to it.

Take it easy.

Lin Yao alone will one day be unable to handle the increasingly large workload, especially after the scale expands.

She herself knows this best.

Even if there is an apocalypse, she can't do nothing, just work, right?

So this attempt at motion capture production is impossible to stop.

Lin Yao is actually very uncomfortable, but she can only bear it... For example, she obviously has a picture in her mind, knows how to express it, can draw it, and then can animate it for the animator K.

In this way, both the action and the performance can be optimized.

But now I have to find a way to let the motion capture actors understand, instead of going directly...

In short, the "Witch" project team is moving forward slowly amid discomfort and pain.

Obviously using motion capture, the efficiency is a bit slower.

But Lin Yao believes that this is only temporary...

Well, hopefully...

at the same time.

After the verification of the inertial motion capture was completed, Linmu Studio also officially notified Zhang Seng to serve as the motion capture actor and face model of the hero of the game.

Zhang Seng was very excited when he heard the exact answer.

Then carefully proposed to visit Linmu Studio.

Chen Qiuwen agreed to his request.

On the third day of the interview, he came to Linmu Studio.

Then, under the leadership of Chen Qiuwen, they looked around with excitement.

But he was a little disappointed.

Lin Yao could not be seen.

Lin Yao is not in the studio today.

He went out to look at the venue.

The headquarters site of Linmu Studio.

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