There is a Problem with This Online Game Planning

Take a day off and let's chat...

I don’t know if it’s because of the air conditioner. I felt dizzy when I woke up yesterday, but at that time yesterday, I really didn’t dare to stop updating, so I wrote a chapter on my shoulders.

But the situation didn’t improve today, and the stuffy nose turned into a runny nose. I got off work early today. I was supposed to sleep until after 7 o’clock to continue typing, but the alarm clock rang and I didn’t hear it at all. I slept until now. Today’s update must be It's too late, the main reason is that my mind is so muddled that I can't write at please take a day off.

In fact, I rarely ask for leave for this book, because the sense of guilt is too strong, and this sense of guilt cannot be eliminated by updating the next day, because of limited ability, there is basically no way to add and make up for it... Every time it happens If you ask false thoughts, you will give up because of the DEBUFF of guilt, and this time there is really no way.

Feel sorry.


Taking advantage of this opportunity, let’s talk about the plot by the way. It’s still too early for this book to be finished. According to my daily update rate of 6,000, I estimate that it will be written at least until next spring...

After the carnival will announce the new game, there will be a series of related plots, and then it will lead to the related plots of the last afterglow of the end game.

After that, it will be a new era, and Lin Yao will also work hard to achieve her goals at the time when the old and the new alternate.

In fact, in the original plan, Mu Wanqing had a not-so-short story of returning home. This story had been foreshadowed before, but because of the rhythm problem, I never dared to break into it.

Because the balance between the daily routine and the main line is really too difficult. I just asked for leave, so I will think about it carefully.

In addition, the plot of You Bi some time ago, I know it is quite controversial, although I also explained it a little bit in that chapter, but let’s talk about it.

Writing that plot was of course mixed with personal opinions, but in the final analysis, no one can have smooth sailing, not me, nor Lin Yao.

Often greater success means greater controversy, and You Er's point of view is the controversy that I think is most suitable for the situation of Linmu Studio at that time, and the logic of my writing the plot is also based on this point.

It may not be mature enough, but I did the best within my ability, and then gave the best solution I could think of within my ability, that's all I can do.

I'm really sorry if it did make you uncomfortable.

That’s about it. In fact, my expressive ability is very average, and I’m good at writing novels, but you let me chat, I have no direction, and I feel like a headless chicken...

Also, please take care of your body.

Cold really sucks for Keel...

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