There is a Problem with This Online Game Planning

Chapter 586 Completely different from the previous few days


The iconic Switch logos collide with each other.

Then disappear.

A highly saturated cartoon-style picture appears.

With the shaking of the ground, a Tyrannosaurus rex ran forward, then stopped suddenly on the edge of the cliff, flicked its tail, turned its head, and roared upwards.

It looks like that's the case.

But the next second.

As the camera moved up slowly, it aimed at the red hat on the head of Tyrannosaurus rex.

The painting style suddenly changed.

Mario, with a big nose, a hat, blue overalls, and a beard, jumped up along with the fireworks.

The prelude to the announcement of "Super Mario: Odyssey" has officially kicked off.


Just the second day after UMedia Technology announced the completion of financing.

Forest Studio began to publicize the game "Super Mario: Odyssey" on a large scale.

Everyone just wanted to see Lin Yao's big kill, how to lead the financing-completed UMedia Technology to ride the wind and waves.

She introduced the game to everyone.

It's just... nonsensical.


It's not Lin Yao's fault, it's mainly the crowd who watch the excitement and don't think it's a big deal.

After financing is completed.

Lin Yao didn't say anything.

Most of Zhang Youjie's remarks to the media are actually nonsense.

Plans after real internal financing is done.

Only a few high-level insiders know about it, and it is impossible to tell the outside world.

Many things have already been decided by Lin Yao, and she will not speed up her pace or change anything because of the completion of financing.

So, how could Linmu Studio announce with great fanfare what it would do on the second day of financing.

However, for the people who eat melons, it is probably because the Future S1 is too dazzling recently, the previous Switch's overseas performance is too dazzling, and the financing amount is too high.

The first round of financing was valued at 40 billion.

The first round is equivalent to two half-day foxes.

Most of the mobile phone companies that have emerged now have experienced 3 to 5 rounds of financing, and there are even higher ones, which means that UMedia will go through at least two rounds of financing in the future.

If they keep this momentum going, then a smooth IPO...

The final market value is unimaginable.

Plus the first round of financing up to 6 billion.


There are really many people who want to see the next big kill of Linmu Studio.

Of course, there are many people who are very wary of this.

And this caused a dislocation of expectations, and it seemed that the announcement of "Super Mario: Odyssey" seemed out of place.

Many people are dumbfounded by this.

But Lin Yao didn't care about it.

Linmu Studio is a game company, why not announce the game?

Just started.

Some people still think that Linmu Studio is hinting that using the games on the Switch, it hints that the Future S1 will be as big as the Switch.

Especially the sand sculpture players, the analysis is clear and logical.


As the time goes.

There's been more and more announcements about Super Mario Odyssey, but none of it has anything to do with phones.

Everyone has to admit it.

Linmu Studio is really just announcing its new game...

And with the heat of financing-related news gradually faded.

Players are finally no longer entangled.

Start focusing on the game.

As a long-lost first-party masterpiece on Switch.

There are still many players looking forward to it.

After all, whether it was last year or the first half of this year, it was PC-side games that made the big kills.

Switch has suffered without first-party masterpieces for a long time.


Many players also understand that the current timing is indeed a bit embarrassing...

Switch, as a host with free switching and portability as its main buying point, just hit the tide of mobile game development head-on...

Really too bad time.

This is also the reason why many players feel that Linmu Studio is not announcing the game, but hinting at the foreshadowing.

Not to mention Linmu Studio's own six mobile games.

Now Tianhu and other companies have launched their own mobile games.

Mobile games have indeed started to go on the right track.

In terms of convenience, mobile phones are more convenient.

Are Switch games still competitive?

This became a topic.


This is still one-sided in the game circle.

The gameplay of the first-party masterpieces on Switch, as long as you have played it, you will know that it will be much higher than mobile games.

So most players don't see this as a problem.

But for users who haven't been exposed to Switch, it's hard to say.

This period of time is due to financing news.

Many ordinary users have also been able to see the promotional video of "Super Mario: Odyssey".

After all, Linmu Studio is in the limelight, and their other actions are of course also attracting attention.

Under the various reports of "Super Mario: Odyssey", many Future S1 users left messages asking others if this is a mobile game...

After learning that it was not.

Many people asked again, why not make it into a mobile game and launch it on Future S1...


This embarrassing scene has become a hot topic in the 'game circle'.

“[Screenshot] I have to say, it’s really embarrassing. The current Switch feels like it’s colliding with Future S1. What’s even more embarrassing is that it’s still a product of the same company.”

"It's not embarrassing. The mobile phone is a communication tool. No matter how many things are added, the most important function is still communication! But the Switch is a pure game console, just for playing games, and it is not the same thing at all."

"Yes, Lin Yao should have guessed that there would be such a result. Do you remember that interview? During the carnival, she said that this "Super Mario: Odyssey" is the answer to the existence of Switch."

"In fact, it's hard to say. Objectively, mobile game players and Switch players are indeed easy to confuse."

"Indeed, the next step is to see how Linmu Studio responds to this situation."


Players know the difference between first-party games and mobile games on Switch.

After all, the carrier is a completely different thing.

But they also understand that there is indeed room for ambiguity at the moment.

If Future S1 users, most of them think it's the same game.

In the end, it is possible for Switch games to land on mobile phones.

This really worries players.

After all, mobile games are booming recently, and Youmedia, a subsidiary of Linmu Studio, has just completed financing...

Players now want to see how Linmu Studio will deal with the misunderstanding of mobile phone users.

But Linmu Studio... didn't respond at all.

Announce the game as usual.

Most of the fixed audience, although surprised, pre-ordered all the pre-orders.

As for mobile phone users... Linmu Studio didn't care at all.

at the same time.

Although the news of Youmedia financing has passed.

But the power remains.

Zhang Youjie told reporters that he would continue to increase the number of Future offline stores and expand overseas markets.

This is too lethal for developers.


Tianhu, which seized the opportunity last month, announced in a high-profile manner at the beginning of this month that it will increase investment in mobile games. As a result, income has increased significantly.

Tianhu did not say clearly how much growth the mobile version of "Tianhu Travels" has brought.

But a special mention of it can explain the problem very well.

Therefore, Future S1 has once again become the sweet momo in the eyes of developers!

Fall back to the altar again!

As long as there is an aspiration to long-term development, fame and fortune, they all want to release a mobile game that is popular with players.

As for the Jiaming Alliance... it suddenly fell to the altar.

It has become a place that is only suitable for making quick money in the eyes of many developers.

Many developers have changed their attitudes towards the two platforms since then.

Even if.

Now the Jiaming Alliance also wants to be strict.

But without an app store, being strict doesn't help.

Jiaming Alliance thoroughly tasted the bitter fruit of indulging developers at the beginning.

There was nothing they could do.

We can only speed up the pace internally and let our app store go online as soon as possible.

Future S1 here.

Although it has once again become a favorite in the eyes of developers, the wind direction has also changed.

They no longer imitate the six mobile games of Linmu Studio.

Instead, on this basis, I began to think about end games suitable for transplanting mobile games.


Most developers still choose the same path as Tianhu, and follow the turn-based system.

Only a small number of developers continue to scratch their heads and think hard, wanting to be the originator of a type.

A new round of different mobile game fever has risen again.

And users, the perception of mobile games, from the novelty at the beginning, has gradually become accustomed to it.

More and more people accept it.

"Super Mario: Odyssey" on Switch is in this environment, ushered in the release date...

For ordinary users.

This is a game that looks like a mobile game but is not a mobile game.

And for the players.

This Switch first-party masterpiece launched at the intersection of the times, in Lin Yao's words, symbolizes the meaning of Switch's existence.

Most players.

I am very concerned about the performance of this game.

Even many players regard the release date of "Super Mario: Odyssey" as the mobile game era, the moment when Switch decides life and death.


July 3rd.

There are only two days left until the release of Super Mario Odyssey.

at the same time.

New divisions have quietly appeared in Future's offline stores...


Appeared in the Future offline store.

It was not announced with much fanfare.

But reasonable.

Although YouMedia has raised funds, the control is still firmly in the hands of Linmu Studio.

Switch is a product of Linmu Studio.

It's normal to appear in an offline store.

This will also provide Future offline stores with a wider variety of products.

at the same time.

Future's online official website also has an introduction page for Switch.

This matter was soon discovered by the players.

However, the Switch appeared in the physical store, and the next day, some players discovered it one after another...

The time came to July 5th.

At twelve noon, "Super Mario: Odyssey" was officially unlocked.

And at the same time.

Pengcheng, Nanshan.

Yun Xingping walked into the Future offline store...

Pengcheng's Future offline store has been open for some time.

But this offline store, the flow of people is still very scary.

In fact, all major offline stores are in the same situation.

After all, the mobile phone is really easy to use, and the decoration of the physical store is unique.

There are many people who come to join in the fun every day.

Yun Xingping came to try out the phone today.

He is considered a light gamer. He has heard of the name of Future S1 for a long time, and he has also seen the press conference.

But at the time, he felt that his mobile phone was enough.

After hesitating for a moment, he didn't change it.


During this period, after the opening of Future's offline store, Future became popular again, and the news of successful financing added fuel to the fire of this mobile phone.

His suppressed heartbeat couldn't be suppressed anymore.

And it just so happened that he just came to Pengcheng for a business trip these few days.

So after finishing the work, he hurried to the offline store, ready to try the mobile phone on the spot.

If it works, he will buy it.

And come to the store.

Yun Xingping had to was really different from other mobile phone stores.

The decoration is really special.

But more importantly, stay comfortable.

He looked around the shop with people coming and going, sighed a little, and then with a little excitement, he was ready to try the mobile phone.


Not long after he walked out, he was suddenly attracted by a product that was not a mobile phone.

The main reason is that there are also a lot of people who try it out there.

People circled around.

Mostly couples.

Of course, there are also friends.

And their movements are similar - each holding a small handle, staring at the screen intently, and occasionally exclaiming.

Laughter came frequently.

"Isn't that Switch?"

Yun Xingping was a little surprised when he saw the situation over there clearly.

Although he didn't buy this host, as a light player, he has heard of it.

At first, he was a little curious about the fact that the Future offline store would sell Switches, but then he realized that they were all products of Linmu Studio, and he was relieved.

And his purpose this time was not the Switch, so he quickly looked away and turned to use the phone.

Soon... Yun Xingping gasped for air.

Occasionally, there will be a muttering like "exactly the same".

He enthusiastically tried the phone for seven or eight minutes, and immediately made a decision.


He put down the trial mobile phone, then turned his head, excitedly preparing to go to the staff to pick up the goods.

But it's on the way.

He passed the demo area of ​​the Switch.

Suddenly paused.

He thought that he would be able to get the phone later, and thought that he hadn't tried the Switch before. He felt that it was not too late anyway, and it was a rare opportunity, so he planned to try this host as well.

However, the Switch area is small and crowded.

At first, he didn't find a chance to try it out, so he could only watch others play.

And the person in front of him who was trying out was a young couple.

The two each hold a handle.

As for the game he was playing, Yun Xingping didn't know him, but he had a vague impression of the characters in it.

Blue seems to be called Mario.

And this game, with cartoon style and high saturation, feels a little childish, but it is really likable.

This young couple seems to have been trying it out for a while, and they are pretty proficient at it.

"Throw your hat away."

"Throw it away."

The two communicated while manipulating the hat and Mario himself.

It's a poor fit.

But barely made it.

One throws the hat in the air.

The other controlled Mario himself to jump onto the hat, completed the jump, and successfully climbed onto the high platform.

And both were happy about it.

"Haha, Mario is so cute."

The woman is holding the handle, smiling all over her face, not in a hurry.

"Don't bother calling her cute... Throw your hat and eat gold coins."

The man, on the other hand, was a little impatient and wanted to continue playing.

"Are you directing me?" The woman suddenly turned her head.

The man was so frightened that he sweated, and said humbly, "...No, we have to move forward."

The woman let him go: "Okay, eat, let's go."


The man was overjoyed immediately, and controlled Mario to move forward.

Long jump, triple jump, wall jump, ground jump, backflip...

The man is indeed very talented in playing games, even if he just played for a while, he looks decent.

He manipulated Mario to bounce forward.

With Mario's happy cheers, explore the map.

But Yun Xingping was fascinated by watching.

Because it's fun just to watch.

And the levels in the game are really amazing.

Mario, controlled by the two, has new surprises wherever he goes.

The entire waterfall country level is actually not big, but in such a limited space, the puzzles and collection elements are densely packed to a very exaggerated level.

Every box, every wall, every platform and corner, even every tree and stone.

It's not just a scene decoration.

I can tell.

This is all placed and designed by the developer after careful consideration.

It is precisely because of this.

For this couple, every step of exploration in the game may yield surprises.

The laughter continued.

"Hahaha, the iron ball dog will blow up gold coins when it is installed on the wall."

"Moon moon! Look, another moon! Give me the handle, I'll eat!"

"Don't run around, hit the rock wall with a dinosaur! Eat the purple gold coins on it!"

"Haha, it's become flat, so cute."


"Buy clothes, buy clothes! This set is beautiful!"


The young couple were chatting, smiling and playing games excitedly.

Yun Xingping was so baffled that he saw the end.

They successfully launched the spacecraft.

At this time.

The game reminds that the experience level is over.

The young couple put down the handle with a lot of interest, and then inserted the handle back next to the screen while chatting.

"It's so interesting, it's a pity that it's a trial game..."

"The game is also on sale, why don't you buy one and play it at home?"

"Isn't that bad?"

"Not only this game, but also many interesting games. It can also keep fit. Have you heard of the fitness ring? It can lose weight!"

"Huh? Really?"

"Go get your phone first, I will explain to you later, buy this "Super Mario" first, and then buy others."


The two put down the handles and left excitedly to check out.

And Yun Xingping took over from them and began to try out the Switch.

He is also interested in this host.

Instead open the home page.

He found that the trial Switch included not only the trial play of "Super Mario: Odyssey", but also the trial play of "1-2 Switch" and "Star Kirby".

After thinking about it, he opened "Super Mario: Odyssey" and entered the trial level.

And watching others play and playing by yourself is another feeling.

Really... so much fun.

Yun Xingping didn't buy a Switch. As a casual player, he always felt that he didn't need such a console.

After the rise of mobile games.

He felt no more need.

After all, mobile phones can also play games, and it is more convenient.

Then why buy a Switch?

Although many players are saying that the gameplay of first-party games on Switch is simply invincible.

But he has never had a concept of it.

He just came to try it out, but it was just a whim.



He finally has a clear understanding of the 'gameplay of first-party games on Switch'.

Really... It seems to be back to playing 8-bit machine games when I was a child.

It's so much fun!

During this time, he also played a lot of mobile games.

It's really a completely different feeling.

It is more convenient to operate.

The handle also has real-time vibration feedback.

Gameplay... It even kills the current mobile games in seconds.


He's not alone in thinking so.

Because it was on his way to play.

Opposite him, two good buddies who were also trying out the mainframe were also sighing.

"I thought it was the same as a mobile game, but I didn't expect that the Switch could play so many games with the same small screen."

"Yeah, it's so interesting, I want to buy it, what's the price?"



Yun Xingping didn't continue to listen, because he was soon attracted by the game.

But I have to say.

He also wants to start...


And when Wang Yunping was trying out the Switch.

Many players who own Switch are also playing games at the moment.

For example, Li Yu, the number one player of the first carnival, entered "Super Mario: Odyssey" for the first time.

The country of hats at the beginning, followed by the country of sand, the country of lakes, and the country of forests...

After opening the game.

He was instantly hooked.

Tell the truth.

In terms of screen performance, "Dark Soul 2" some time ago can kill this game in seconds.


Playing this game, Li Yu wore a bewildered smile the whole time.

Just rummage through plants and kick rocks to find rewards inside, or play tricks on cute enemies.

He finds it a lot of fun.

It's really... a very special experience.

If you really want to use one word to evaluate this game, then this game has no other advantages, only one-fun!


Just plain fun.

It was so much fun.


After rummaging through the entire forest country.

Li Yu came back to his senses, put down the Switch, rubbed his sore hands, and then looked at the screen.

don't know why.

He suddenly remembered something.

When "Super Mario: Odyssey" was first announced, the person in charge introduced the game and said a word, she said-this is a love letter to the old days.

It's really a love letter...

Lin Mu Studio... really awesome! ! !

Mobile games? The meaning of the existence of Switch?

These are not problems at all.

Forest Studio used this game to tell players that this is not a problem at all!

No wonder Linmu Studio doesn't care about the opinions of mobile phone users at all, and doesn't consider the impact of the popularity of mobile games.

Because Switch represents pure gameplay.

Mobile game now! Can't compare!

Really can't compare!

Think about it.

Li Yu immediately picked up his mobile phone, and then logged on to social media, ready to have a good talk with those users who said that "Super Mario: Odyssey" is like a mobile game.


The impulsive Li Yu, just opened social media, found the game media that reported on "Super Mario: Odyssey", opened the comment section at a click, and was stunned...

Because of the comments with the highest likes.

The style of painting is completely different from the previous few days...

"Hahaha, I thought it was another mobile game, but I tried it on the spot. It's really different from mobile games. It's so interesting!"

"Not only for playing games but also for exercising, the fitness ring looks great!"

"Except for the expensive game, everything else is very good, let's get it!"

"It's very interesting. I didn't expect to find such a good product when I went to buy a mobile phone."


Li Yu: "?????"

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