Again, Ryu-Seong, who took the entrance exam according to the original rules, defeated the associate professor who offered to break the bridge of his nose with a single strike and proceeded to the next step.
"...I will become your observer."
He could not let the one who would destroy the world go unchecked. If there could be a watcher who would dedicate their life to defending the world, it was something that only he could do.
Now, Ryu-Seong's life was solely dedicated to protecting the world.
He did not care about anyone's feelings.
Even your feelings were nothing.
– Unlike Cassis De Milan.
"Wow, damn. So cool."
The scene where the protagonist, who was trying to scan my body, takes the entrance exam with an associate professor who had suddenly become much stronger, was even more overwhelming than I had expected.
With one strike, the associate professor was blown away by a single sword, and cheers erupted from everywhere.
Thanks to my self-brainwashing, ‘This is Cassis De Milan in this area!’, I maintained a faint smile instead of opening my mouth in amazement and admiration with superhuman endurance. But I couldn't help but feel that I was really the protagonist.
The sight of him wielding a sword with a handsome face and body, he swung to defeat his opponent and casually sharpened his sword….
‘Wow, that’s amazing.’
It was frustrating to be in the body of Cassis De Milan that I had possessed. If it was the body of any minor character, I would have at least tried to sleep with him comfortably, but if I did that with Cassis De Milan's body, there would be no collapse more catastrophic than this character collapse.
To summarize, it means that even the original protagonist and the final villain require a sophisticated plan just to share the same blanket.
‘Where else does a scheme fit the final villain as well as this?’
I got up from my seat, turning a happy circuit. The professors were already asking if I was leaving, but oh well. There were unexpected happenings, but since I had seen the protagonist's performance, I didn't need to watch the extras' fumbling around.
A villain of an Earl status smiled ambiguously, and everyone closed their mouths and understood. Even though there was no explanation. Well, he was indeed the best Earl in the world.
Didn’t I mention earlier that this novel has a national setting where pure energy only flows on the Korean peninsula?
So, one might wonder why the largest and most prestigious family, "De Milan," created by the marriage of strange European nobles, is considered the world's top aristocracy, even though they may come from Korea.
The reason is simple. This is because even in this novel, foreign invasions targeting the Korean peninsula were frequent.
Despite being a small land, why do they relentlessly target Korea?
‘Of course, there isn’t much to target, but anyway.’
Even in this world, Korea has held up well. It was only in modern times that it had failed to defend against Japan's invasion. They maintained a pro-China strategy until China collapsed due to opium.
This is similar to the original history, and as soon as the Japanese took over the land of the Joseon Dynasty, they cut off the spirit of the Joseon people and put wooden sticks on the ground according to Feng Shui to prevent rebellion.
And the imperialist aristocrats from Europe found an opportunity to intervene at that point.
"You can't harm the purest energy!"
"We cannot entrust the Korean peninsula to Japan, who is destroying world cultural heritage!"
"Let's manage it together!"
The land with good energy has an effect that randomly raises the efficiency of luck and mana circulation. That's why everyone is crazy about owning the Korean peninsula. Honestly, Japan or Europe makes no difference to us.
If the Japanese bastards stormed into someone else's kitchen and made a feast with someone else's ingredients, the European imperialist bastards only tried to spoon feed on the already prepared table.
Anyway, as the war intensified, the novel dropped a magic bomb specially developed by Japan from the European imperial alliance instead of the United States that did not exist in the story. The power was equivalent to an atomic bomb, and the world was shocked.
The noble family De Milan stepped forward.
"Shall we start harmonizing?"
And thus... like so many colonies, the Korean peninsula also achieved independence. Of course, there was a tremendous independence movement in the meantime.
The independence movement in Korea was truly fierce and intense. However, it cannot be said that the influence of De Milan had no effect on the smooth and prompt progress of independence. De Milan had everything, including dignity, image, and substance. They were merciful…
‘Damn, I'm so unlucky.’
Now, the fact that they were once just another imperialistic aristocracy of Europe, and that their subordinates ran around the Korean peninsula like beggars, became irrelevant. Everyone just praised them.
Life is always dirty, but some households are especially vulgar. This was the family that produced the ultimate villain.
Is trashiness hereditary?
‘Oh, but what do I do now that this body is mine?’
By the way, I speculate that the reason why there is no United States in this novel is because history and tradition have been important settings for a thousand years, so it seemed to exclude countries with a short history.
In that sense, De Milan was a noble family with titles and nationalities in almost all of the major European empires, such as Britain, France, Russia, Italy, Germany, and so on.
‘If I become a noble, I'll have to carry dozens of surnames besides De Milan.’
Of course, there are many prestigious families in China as well.
While it's true that China has far more people when you don't consider the division of European countries and the solid alliance formed under De Milan's leadership, in reality, China was struggling due to the aftermath of civil wars and defeats.
Until a century ago, it was the birthplace of martial arts and magic that swallowed the continent, so they are now dissatisfied with the current situation and are building their domestic strength to dominate the world.
In contrast, Europe is the birthplace of mana and magic, knights and sword masters.
‘To put it simply, in the East, they accumulate internal energy through martial arts, and in the West, they gather mana in their hearts through mana circles.’
It can be said that they are growing their strength based on setting values suitable for their respective histories.
In addition, there are settings such as indigenous people who manipulate the power of shamanism and the pope of the Vatican who has the power of prophecy, and the healing power of priests, but let's leave that aside for now.
As I watched the scene in front of me with a pounding heart, having finished watching the entrance exam, reading textbooks, and being stuck in a hotel near the academy.
I couldn't understand a damn thing about awakening mana from the secret books, and after about five hours, I threw off the blanket, shouting, "What the hell is this bullshit?!"
Then, in the moment when my toes didn't touch the blanket that had fallen on the floor, I got so angry that I cursed.
"Ah! Damn mana! Damn it, you damn thing, come out a little! Pick up the damn blanket!"
Just when it seemed like something was boiling in the room, a storm-like wind blew in from the southwest. A huge flow, so strong that I couldn't even open my eyes, was rushing in.
That was the result given to me.
"...Is this what the life of a talented person is like?"
Even without understanding, I could unleash this level of destructive power...
I looked proudly at the shattered hotel room and then immediately went down to the counter to request a room change.
With anger and a desire to win, I thought to myself, ‘Are you kidding me, you mana jerk? Are you starting a fight over being stuck in a single room?’
‘Okay, let's just wait and see.’
You'll soon find out who has the upper hand.
It's a lump of mana. It's people who wield the power. You're just a tool, you bastard.
"...Hmph. Inertness."
While combining sudden acceleration and mind control, I sat cross-legged in the newly obtained room and meticulously chewed, tore apart, and dissected the original story in my mind.
In the original story, Cassis De Milan was an unusual case who could learn both magic using mana and martial arts using qi, despite being a European magician. It was because he gathered mana in his dantian.
It wasn't that others hadn't tried such attempts before.For over a thousand years, people driven by various curiosities had violated the rule that mana is the heart and internal energy of the dantian. They tried accumulating energy in their hearts and mana in their dantian.
So my conclusion was, ‘Don't do it.’
"Not too much, not too little."
Qi and mana were powers that diverged from the roots of the World Tree, similar yet different in nature. The positions where they needed to be accumulated and the locations of their meridians and circuits were different. If one deviated from the original positions of accumulation, the circulation would become equally difficult, meaning that the control of energy would become unstable.
If one cannot control the flow of blood or the signals of their nerves, what would happen to a person?
If not careful, there was a chance that all the blood mixed with brain fluid would pour out of the seven holes in their head and they would die from exploding.
‘Or go on a rampage like a crazy person, destroying nearby landmarks and commit suicide together.’
However, Cassis De Milan had a weak heart.With such a body, he couldn't accumulate mana in his heart.That was why the De Milan family, especially the main lineage, didn't acknowledge him properly. It was because a hereditary heart condition had a detrimental effect on his blood.
De Milan didn't possess the ability to use magic, so he wasn't really a De Milan.
So young Cassis stored mana in his dantian and showed them magic.
That was the story.
‘Even if it's just a supporting role in the development arc, highlighting the coolness of the protagonist who surpasses the arrogant talented martial artist.’
There was such a thing.
It was a past narrative to highlight the coolness of the protagonist, who could beat an arrogant talented noble with his skills, saying, "The rival is also a cool person. But it's only for the protagonist's development."
It was a narrative that only served as an entertaining portrayal, but thanks to it, I, the possessed individual, found a clue. Cassis De Milan was a talented person who could achieve such incredible feats even while walking a tightrope where his body could explode at any moment.
A textbook approach is useless for a genius. I just need to "command" what I want.
–Mana is already under my control.
That self-confidence is important. A magician must be arrogant.
I reached out my hand and shouted.
"Kneel before me, you damn mana...!"
...And so, in just one night, I ended up throwing stacks of cash instead of tipping the terrified hotel staff who witnessed me demolish the room fifteen times. Heheh.
Unconsciously, I spent a week like a recluse person, using money to cover up the damage because there was a chance that my clumsiness and inexperience could be recorded on CCTV if I rented a training room.
I wondered if I would end up with a no-income death route until the day before admission to the academy.
Surprisingly, that day, I learned how to control mana convincingly. Of course, I couldn't subdue mana under me like Cassis did in the original work. Even now, the mana nestled in the dantian seemed to growl at me, unwilling to listen to my words. But at least it looked convincing on the surface, so it might be okay for a while.
"Now I don't have to bend down and pick up the remote control even if it falls!"
I laughed triumphantly, waving my hand to create a gust of wind that pulled the remote control towards me. The remote control rushed towards me like a bullet and hit me right on the bridge of my nose. Ouch! Damn you, mana!
When it was announced that a De Milan would be staying at their hotel, the staff prepared themselves with firm determination to serve the VVVIP. This was due to the rumors circulating about how demanding and sensitive he was.
However, when they finally faced him, he didn't show as many demanding and sensitive qualities as they had expected.
‘Maybe we can get through this without any major issues?’
That's what everyone hoped for.
But that hope changed drastically as night fell.
Clang! Crack!
The VIP room was surrounded by a strong barrier and spell to prevent external access. It was impossible to break it with a gun or even a bomb. The robust barrier was the hotel's selling point.
And Cassis Demirang was demanding to change rooms, tearing through those barriers as easily as tearing paper.
‘No matter how skilled the barrier masters are, they say a higher level of inner power or mana can break through the barriers…’
Even the hotel's owner, who was peeking at the world of strategy players, was overwhelmed by the sight.
As a precaution, when the manager asked De Milan's bodyguards if it was a dangerous situation, the obedient dogs of De Milan didn't give a response. They were truly dogs of De Milan, unable to bark without receiving a command. The manager trembled in fear as he collected the scattered tip checks from the staff.
What on earth is happening....
He only hoped for a peaceful check-out without any incidents.
On the morning of my Academy admission day, I was so happy that I could control magic that I even threw some checks while checking out. Anyway, it's not my money, and tipping culture is a noble mannerism.
But for some reason, the faces of the staff and security guards looked much more shocked than when they first arrived, was it just my imagination?
"Young master."
"What is it?"
"I have obtained the information regarding dormitory assignments."
At that moment, one of the security guards discreetly approached me and whispered. Mind you, it was still well before the dormitory assignment ceremony had even been prepared. In other words, it was leaked.
‘Wow. He's so confident and cool.’
I loved this kind of thing.
Compliance? Nah, forget about it.
Finally, I have something to be praised for.
"Well done. Show me."
"......! Thank you......!"
Was Cassis not giving much praise due to some excessive reaction? I thought so, but that feeling was washed away by the content that came up on the screen the next moment.
Underneath the list stating that once the dormitory was determined, the son of a prestigious family would be assigned to the same room as Cassis, there was an interesting note.
[Note: Ryu-Seong from Hara Academy requests to become roommates with De Milan's Cassis. If there are any considerations or requests, they will be taken into account.]
It was very interesting.
"Young, Young Master......"
"This is amusing."
I chuckled softly.
'Is this all it takes to stir up a commotion, protagonist?!'
Keeping my excessively radical thoughts hidden, I continued to exude boundless elegance and beauty.
As for how the people around me reacted, trembling and faltering, it's not like there's anything I can do about it.
TL note : Dantian - lower part of the abdomen, a center of qi or life force energy.

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