There is Room For Abandoned Women In the 1980s

Chapter 17 I feel shameless and want to jump off the building

Zheng Xinyue really didn't want to hear Zhang Hongbin's voice, especially when he had big snot bubbles in his nose, which was disgusting to death. She simply didn't look at him and looked up at the small second floor of the factory office. Isn't it too old a building? The white plaster on the walls turns off-white due to wind and rain. The window frames are made of wood and painted with green paint. Unfortunately, the paint is chipped, giving people an old feeling. ▂ ▄ ▅ ▆ ▇ ██ ▇ ▆ ▅ ▄ ▂

In this era, this should be regarded as a good factory building, but compared with the modern high-rise buildings and bright floor-to-ceiling glass windows, this place looks like a dilapidated building in a ghost movie. It must be scary at night.

"I can't live anymore, I can't live anymore."

Zheng Xinyue was about to look back when she saw a window on the second floor suddenly opened, and a girl wearing a white and pink flowered shirt crawled out, crying and sitting on the window sill. Perhaps she was afraid, so she clung to the window frame. Don't dare to look down.

Afraid of death, do you still want to jump off a building?

Zheng Xinyue blinked curiously, did she really want to die? Or to scare people?

Gu Changfeng had just walked out of the door of the office building when he heard shrill cries from upstairs. He stopped and looked up. His sharp eagle eyes instantly became solemn. He looked back at the office and secretly thought that he might not be able to go back in time. He calmly walked towards the window where the girl wanted to jump.

"Xinyue, she is the vixen who seduced Zhang Hongbin. Do you know it's embarrassing? What have you been doing?"

Zheng Chengbao looked up when he heard the cry, and immediately recognized who the girl was, and immediately turned back to tell his sister.

"Bah, it would be better if you fall to death!"

Gao Guilan spat on the ground. She couldn't have murderous intentions without a woman outside seducing Zhang Hongbin. She would scare people when the matter was revealed. She was afraid that others would talk about her and find a way for herself!

When the workers in the grain depot heard the cries, they quickly gathered around downstairs to watch the excitement. Wang Caihong, who was holding on to the window frame, was already shaking and did not dare to look down. It was so high! She held the window frame tightly, her knuckles turning white as she watched more and more people gathering downstairs.

She started to cry non-stop to express sympathy, but she didn't even dare to wipe her tears for fear that they would fall if she let go.

"Wang Caihong, we all know that you were wronged. Come down quickly and Uncle Gu will help you clarify."

Director Gu got the news and ran to the broadcasting room to persuade him earnestly. His old heart couldn't bear it and almost jumped out of his chest.

Wang Caihong's father, Deputy Director Wang, burst into tears: "Caihong, don't jump. Do you have the heart to let me and you, my mother, have a white hair and a black hair?"

"Wow, I'm so wronged."

Wang Caihong burst into tears. Deputy Director Wang wanted to get closer to his daughter. When she saw her, she suddenly shouted: "Don't come over."

"Okay, I won't go over, come down quickly, the strong wind outside the window will blow you down."

Deputy Director Wang was so frightened that he stopped in a hurry and moved his hands downwards to make comforting movements. His daughter's hair was fluttering in the wind. He was very afraid that Rainbow would be blown down if he couldn't hold on.

"What's so unthinkable about this?"

"I heard that Zhang Hongbin's daughter-in-law came and said that she was having an affair with Zhang Hongbin? She was so embarrassed that she wanted to jump off the building."

"Zhang Hongbin still has a wife?"

The workers watching below were talking a lot. They didn’t know what was going on at first, but if they knew anything, they would explain it to everyone. At this time, the issue of work style was a big issue, and it was also people’s favorite topic of discussion. At that time, they could talk about everything.

There are many young men who like Wang Caihong in the grain warehouse. She actually likes a married man and doesn't choose unmarried men like them? They were all furious.

"Don't jump! If you fall from the second floor, you won't kill anyone. You will break your legs! You will be paralyzed in a pile of feces and urine for the rest of your life. You have to think clearly."

End of update. I love you all.

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