The sun never sets on the mainland in March, and the temperature has gradually risen.

Affected by the warm Atlantic current, winter in the Empire where the sun never sets is not too cold. At least, it's much better than the furry bear alliance in the ice and snow.

However, the current situation of the Empire on which the sun never sets is very bad.

The entire country seems to be coming to an end.

The Third Reich Navy's blockade of the Empire's homeland has become increasingly tight, which has resulted in fewer and fewer supplies for the Empire's homeland. Not only military production has been greatly affected, but the expansion of the army has also been greatly affected. Many troops do not even have enough weapons to equip them. Some of the newly formed units could not even afford a rifle per man, and could only have two soldiers sharing one rifle.

The biggest problem is food supply. The food produced in the empire where the sun never sets can only feed half of the local population. The rest of the food needed needs to be imported from overseas.

Generally speaking, the Empire on which the Sun Never Sets supported more than 40 million people in the Empire by transporting food from the colonies back to the mainland.

But now, the Third Reich's tight blockade has completely cut off the empire's maritime trade lines. So much so that the Sun Never Sets Empire could no longer obtain food from overseas.

The domestic food reserves are very limited, and priority must be given to ensuring the supply of the army. Otherwise, once the army does not have enough food and is hungry, it is simply a delusion to expect them to withstand the attack of the Third Reich and to defend the Empire on which the sun never sets.

Liverpool, on the dock.

Countless people from the empire where the sun never sets are crowded here, and each of them is holding a bag of flour in their hands.

"Why haven't you come yet? Didn't it say that there would be several ships of flour shipped from Maple Leaf Country today? Why is there no shadow yet?"

"Will there be any problems on the road again? The recent blockade by the Third Reich Navy was very serious."

"well! When will this war end? It’s the end!"

Many people in the Empire where the sun never sets are full of pessimism about this war.

If they were faced with the indiscriminate bombings of the Third Reich Air Force before, even if their homes were bombed into ruins, they could still carry it. I believe that the Empire on which the Sun Never Sets can persevere and tide over the difficulties.

But now, the Royal Navy of the Empire on which the Sun Never Sets has failed, which makes the people of the Empire on which the Sun never sets no longer able to bear it.

They are very worried that the Third Reich will The army will land on the mainland of the Empire where the Sun Never Sets, sweep across the entire Empire on which the Sun Never Sets, and defeat the Empire on which the Sun Never Sets. In other words, they have foreseen all this. Their worries will become a reality.

Suddenly, the port staff It was announced to everyone that several merchant ships that were about to dock in Liverpool had been intercepted by the Third Reich Navy and had all been sunk.

This made the people who were afraid of being on the dock very angry and frightened.

"Oh, God! how so?"

"How can we buy powder without the arrival of merchant ships?"

"If this continues, people will starve to death!"

Countless people are making a fuss.

However, as the merchant ships are unable to reach the Empire where the sun never sets, the entire country has begun to suffer from a large-scale food shortage. Even the government of the Empire where the sun never sets has no way to do this. They always You can't conjure up food.

Because there is no food, the security situation in the empire has declined sharply. The hungry people began to rob stores everywhere. Bakeries and flour stores have become the focus of looting.

So much so that the government had to dispatch the army to suppress the country to ensure domestic stability.

However, this only treats the symptoms but not the root cause. As long as the food crisis cannot be resolved, greater public security problems and greater riots will break out.

Fog City, Prime Minister's Office , Prime Minister Winston has also been troubled by the recent situation.

Problems are occurring in various regions. There is no food, and the hungry people are causing a new round of social problems. And this has seriously impacted Japan. The stability of the Empire has been stabilized. In fact, it has had a great impact on the preparations of the Empire where the sun never sets.

"Your Excellency, Prime Minister, there are hungry people everywhere. Riots were happening everywhere. Even the military was affected. Many soldiers have begun to worry about whether the army will be short of food. If this continues, it may cause instability in the morale of the military."War Secretary Leslie Bertha is worried.

"Tell the military at all levels that food for the military will be guaranteed first. No matter what, the army cannot have any problems!"Winston looked serious.

If even the army is out of trouble, there will be big trouble.

Maybe, their rule will be overthrown.

"Yes, Your Excellency Prime Minister. Can food reserves be used for disaster relief? Otherwise, a large number of people will starve to death. Only then will big problems arise."Lesley Bertha reminded.

Winston couldn't help but frown:"We don't have much food reserves. If we use food reserves to relieve the people, I'm afraid we won't be able to last long. Even the food for the army cannot be guaranteed. Once the Third Reich launched an attack, how would it be resisted?"

Leslie Bertha nodded:"Your Excellency Prime Minister, no matter what, the food problem has become a big problem for us. If it cannot be solved, the consequences will be very serious"

"Well, let's find a way for the Navy to purchase as much food as possible from Maple Leaf Country and Eagle Sauce Country and transport it back to the mainland. Travel as far as possible through the Third Reich blockade. Only in this way can the problem be solved." Winston said.

Of course, he also knew very well that unless the Royal Navy could defeat the Third Reich Navy, lift the blockade drawn by the Third Reich, and collapse the no-navigation zone drawn by the Third Reich.

Otherwise , , the crisis of the empire will not be lifted until the sun sets.

"Let’s talk about the Third Reich? When are they expected to attack? asked Winston

"Your Excellency, Prime Minister, according to the information we have received, the Third Reich has assembled a large number of troops on the west coast of Gaul and the west coast of the Kingdom of Flanders. At the same time, a large number of merchant ships and transport ships were requisitioned. It can be seen that the Third Reich is already actively preparing for landing operations. As the weather warms up, the Third Reich's offensive may soon begin. It is expected that at the end of this month or the beginning of next month, the Third Reich will launch an attack on the empire's homeland."Leslie Bertha said.

Prime Minister Winston's face became more and more ugly. The current empire on which the sun never sets is definitely in the biggest predicament in history._Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection, recommendation,

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