This Game is Not Easy

Chapter 282: Hidden dangers appear

The little servant thought that today will be the same as before, and there will be no guests to petition.

But when he saw the dust rising in the distance, a group of fast horses quickly approached here.

He knew he was wrong.

Today, at least one guest will come to the door.

Because this area has only his inn.

In addition, it was already late, and this person was very tired, so he shouldn't do stupid things like rushing all night.

"Miss! There will be guests tonight!"

"Really?! Then I'll go to the kitchen to make a fire now!"

The group of people from the original Fragrant Inn had long since died.

Now the owner of the inn is this little servant.

As for the chef, it is his wife.


At this moment, the horse rushed to the door of the inn.

The man on horseback, about twenty years old, with a beard.

He has a strong body, but his face is a little immature.

This person's clothes are somewhat tattered, as if torn by some sharp weapon.

The little servant looked carefully, and there were brand new scars on the torn parts of the clothes, which should have been left not long ago.

Just then, the man pulled the reins and stopped the horses.

After dismounting, the other party directly threw a tael of silver.

"Is there a fast horse in the inn?"

The little servant looked stunned.

"Yes, but it's getting late, the guest officer won't stay for one night..."

Before the little servant finished speaking, he saw the man stretch out his hand and grab the lower abdomen of the horse.

It was only then that the servant noticed that there seemed to be a small wound on the abdomen of the horse.

The man stretched his **** into the wound, as if he had taken out something.

The little servant couldn't see clearly, only that there seemed to be a flash of green light.

The green light disappeared, and the horses suddenly screamed miserably.

It seemed that the pain was excessive, and he fell to the ground and twitched, and blood rushed out from the wound.

Without struggling for a while, he died completely.

This scene, the little servant who watched it was very taboo, and his attitude suddenly became respectful.

"Senior, you are..."

"Nothing. Get me a room and bring some food to the room. Also, get the horse ready now, and feed the best feed, I'll need it in the morning. Money isn't a problem."


The little servant had never seen the world, and Fang Yi's hand had completely frightened him, and he responded repeatedly and entered the inn.

As the servant left, Fang Yicai looked at the dull green fluorescent beads in his hand regretfully.

When he first got this bead, Fang Yi thought that it would be used in battle and play a huge role.

Unexpectedly, it was eventually used to treat horse injuries.

Five days ago, Fang Yi's whereabouts were leaked and he was besieged by martial arts people.

Although in the end, relying on his strength, he fought his injuries and broke through the siege.

Unexpectedly, Kuaima was also injured during the breakout.

The chasing soldiers behind him were chasing him, but in desperation, Fang Yi could only use the precious green fluorescent beads to treat the horses' injuries and let the horses continue their lives forcibly.

Otherwise, as soon as the horse falls, the group of people will gather around, no matter how powerful he is, his fists will be invincible with four hands, and he will die without a doubt.

With the powerful healing ability of Lu Yingzhu, this fast horse managed to persevere here, throwing off most of the chasing soldiers, and only a few people are still chasing after him.

But the distance has been drawn, so take a night off tonight to recover.

Riding a brand-new fast horse tomorrow, I will definitely be able to get rid of the pursuers completely.

"Scholar Ning..."

Fang Yi whispered these three words, and squeezed the green fluorescent beads that had been completely scrapped.

The green fluorescent beads turned into powder and dispersed with the wind.

It must have been Scholar Ning who had been found out so quickly, making a fuss.

There were only two people who knew that they had left the capital.

Ju Yushuang needless to say, it is impossible to betray himself.

Only Scholar Ning would come to the rescue.

This guy is also a small force in the capital, and knowing that he has stayed in the capital, he will definitely be able to find out about him in reverse.

Finally, through the city gate that he left, infer the direction of departure and spread the news.

Next, Scholar Ning doesn't have to worry about the result.

Because some people want Fang Yi's head on the item, they will definitely be able to feed him useful information.

I haven't had a chance to calculate this account yet.

Fang Yi is now at the cusp of the storm. If he doesn't go to avoid the limelight first, he will easily be killed by the NPC's focus fire.

If Fang Yi's strength was a little higher, the situation would be much better. If he was at the level of an elder, there would be very few who would come to trouble him.

Strength, or strength improvement is too slow, passive in all aspects.

In fact, the copy has only started for half a year.

Except for players with an advantage in the innate dungeon status, normal players, at this time, did not develop very well.

Don't you see Ning Scholar's kind of sloppy wind and water, and the line in the imperial court has just started.

Players who develop a personal force route are normal, and it is estimated that the highest is Mo Feiyan's level.

This kind of senior brother is already the type that uses the identity of the copy to forcibly raise his personal strength. It is estimated that there are other restrictions.

This type, without addressing personal limitations, won't go very far in dungeons.

Fang Yi's current personal strength can be patted on his chest.

Among the players in this dungeon, they definitely belong to the top group.

It's just that the opponents are all dungeon NPCs, so they appear to be very The furnishings in the Fragrant Inn are not much different from half a year ago.

But the people inside have changed a lot.

The so-called right and wrong, probably is the case.

Fang Yi is an old player who has experienced strong winds and waves, and he has long been accustomed to this phenomenon.

The sigh just flashed by and returned to normal.

Going upstairs, Fang Yi took off his shirt and put Moonlight Jade on the wound for healing.

With the operation of the magic art, Fang Yi's upper body appeared dense black fine lines.

Like meridians, it spreads all over the body and looks quite scary.

With the flow of internal power and the pure internal power of Moonlight Jade, the black lines regularly traveled around the body.

A week later, Fang Yi stopped exercising, and the exhaustion from the journey and the injuries on his body had already recovered.

When he opened his eyes, standing in front of him was a woman covered in blood and bleeding from seven orifices, staring straight at Fang Yi, incomparably infiltrating.

The most surprising thing is that this daughter, Fang Yi still knows, is Ju Yushuang!

But Fang Yi was not surprised at all, expressionless, and directly drew his sword.


As if hitting the air, the Liuying Sword passed directly through Ju Yushuang's body.

The heavy rain and frost that bleeds from the seven orifices produces ripples and fluctuations, and gradually fades away and disappears.

It's just that those empty eyes are still staring at Fang Yi.

The illusion disappeared, Fang Yi dressed as if nothing had happened, and stood up.

"The 23rd time... The sequelae of the magic art are becoming more and more frequent, and this hidden danger must be resolved."

The first time I saw the illusion was during the siege five days ago.

Fang Yi's internal strength and physical strength were overdrawn, and his condition was extremely poor. For the first time, an illusion appeared.

In that illusion, a man fell from the sky and pierced his chest with a sword.

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