This Game is Not Easy

Chapter 4: bloodstain on

[There is ink in the stomach] He was originally a small person. In a sense, he was able to gather such a team, which is a good time, place and people.

The main reason is that he was lucky enough to get a rare bloodstain at the beginning of the game.

It is in the new district again, so such a group of people can gather.

Otherwise, if you have ink in your belly, you can only look at the blood-stained map, begging others to join in and help with the strategy.

After the team members got to know each other and formed a team, [there is ink in the stomach] asked Fangyi: "Dongmen Zui, what else do you need to prepare? If not, we will officially open the map?"

There must be none. The points are all used up. Even if Fang Yi wants to prepare something, he has no money.

"Then I'll go."

[There is ink in the stomach] It seems that the situation of other people has been confirmed before, so just by asking the definition, I directly chose to use the black iron-level blood print.

In the next instant, a light curtain popped up in front of the five members of the team.

The title at the top reads [Blood Print], and there is a line of small characters below the title that reads [Black Iron Grade].

The box below shows the IDs of five people, all of which are red.

Tap your ID once, and a secondary window will pop up immediately, displaying the buttons of [Agree] and [Reject].

Needless to say, pressing the [Agree] button, Fang Yi's ID immediately turned green.

The same goes for the others, wait until all five IDs turn green and the light curtain fades away…


The pool was boiling, and a huge rectangular black iron gate slowly rose from the water.

"As the initiator of this event, before entering the bloodstain map, there are a few things I must say. First of all, the harvest of the copy ability depends on your ability. There is no doubt about this, and I believe that everyone has no opinion. If you need to cooperate. Items that can only be obtained are distributed according to work.”

Very reasonable and fair distribution.

It's just that there is no credibility. In the face of interests, how people will react, I really can't say.

"Secondly, the blood-stained map is very difficult, and there are many places to cooperate. I hope you can choose as many development routes as possible, and form teams that can make up for each other's shortcomings..."

When he said this, [Ink in his stomach] obviously lacked confidence.

The others also all went in from the left ear and out from the right ear, so they didn't take it to heart.

"...The last point, no matter what happens in the bloodstain map, I hope everyone can clear the customs as the first goal. After all, the bloodstain map has not been cleared, and any items obtained in it cannot be taken out."

This is true, but the difficulty of the bloodstain is graded. Generally speaking, the bloodstain of the black iron level is not very difficult, and it is completely no problem to pass the level.

Clap clap clap.

[There is ink in the stomach] After saying these three points, only the newcomer who made up the head clapped his hands to show his support.

As for the three old players, they each walked forward, preparing to enter the bloodstain map.

This made [Ink in the Belly] feel a little embarrassed, and also felt that this newcomer was a lot more pleasing to the eye.

Pushing the scrap iron robot with duck wings, they jumped into the swimming pool together. After they surfaced, the two kept muttering something in a low voice.

Outside of the dungeon, Fang Yi had no skill blessing, so naturally he couldn't hear the murmurings of the two, and Fang Yi didn't care about the two.

At this moment, he was standing on the edge of the pool with Xian Sanbu.

Looking at the [Qianqian Tree] who had already jumped into the swimming pool and pressed the branch into the gate of black iron, Fang Yi lowered his voice and asked, "Xian Sanbu, have you joined the team now?"

Xian Sanbu heard the words and glanced at Fang Yi unexpectedly.

"No, you want me to join your team?"

Indeed, it is generally the intention to ask such a question, and Fang Yi has no intention of concealing it.

Turning to look directly at the clay figurine beside him, Fang Yi said seriously: "Yes, I want to invite you to join my team, how about it? Are you interested?"

"...Dongmenzui, did you misunderstand something? Winning me once doesn't mean you are better than me. My gameplay, my genre, is to exert power in the later stage, but in the early stage, you need to invest a lot of resources. I was not joking just now. , now try again, you will lose miserably!"


While speaking, the quicksand on Xian Sanbu's body suddenly bubbling out, like boiling, looking full of momentum.

Obviously, Xian Sanbu took Fang Yi's words as a provocation.

The problem is, Fang Yi doesn't mean that at all.

Without arguing about who is stronger, Fang Yi said indifferently: "My team is called [Fate], and the team's goal is... this year's professional league championship!"

What? !

Xian Sanbu's pupils shrank, as if hearing an inconceivable term, he looked at the person beside him in shock, but the latter had already jumped out of the swimming pool.


The water splashed, and when Fang Yi got out of the water again, he was already swimming forward.

"Xian Sanbu, you don't need to rush to answer me now. When this **** drawing is over, if you change your mind, and you believe me, we will discuss the details."

Looking at the private chat message from the friend list, Xian Sanbu's expression gradually calmed down, and his brows frowned.

Professional league? For regular players... no! It is an unattainable existence for the great **** of fame!

As for the professional league championship, just thinking about it makes one's scalp tingle.

Those daunting professional teams are all fighting for this glory.

Now in the new district, a guy who doesn't even dare to show his waistcoat has bluntly said that he wants to join this battle of gods and compete for the final championship...

This is... how arrogant and arrogant this is!

Xian Sanbu's eyes gradually turned cold.

The little favor that had just recovered from [East Gate Drunk] was suddenly gone.

Originally, I thought that [Dongmen Zui] was sincere in admitting his mistake, and he posted a clarification post. He should be a person with good personality.

Now it's my own misunderstanding.

Fake Dakong, who is describing this kind of person!

Using this slogan to recruit people, its character can be seen.

Thanks to himself, because of the reason he knew, he kept the spot for the blood print for him.

Looking at it now, I really did something wrong.

After the bloodstained image is finished, block him and no longer contact him.

Looking at the four people in front of them, all of them had already pressed their palms on the gate of black and their bodies gradually merged into it, and Xian Sanbu no longer hesitated.

Come to the springboard, pose gracefully, and dive into the pool.


The water splashed more than three meters high, and the spray was terrifyingly large.

The previous graceful posture seemed so embarrassing in this tragic spray.

Fortunately, the four had already entered the gate of black iron, so that Xian Sanbu would not be seen embarrassed.

As for her sandy body, it began to dissolve in water.

However, the sand and mud on his body will continue to regenerate, so he is not afraid of such trivial matters.

Using breaststroke, he came to the gate of black iron, and Xian Sanbu put his right hand on the giant gate.

A suction hit, and the body gradually merged into it.

Darkness struck like a tidal wave, and she quietly waited for the system message.

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