This Game is Not Easy

Chapter 38: floor

Again, Xian Sanbu has been here many times.

Every time there is research, but in the end, nothing is found.

Even how to use the ability of [Flower of Sin], how to improve the occupation level, there is no way to start.

As a result, Fang Yi has just studied for so long, and has an idea?

It's true, it shouldn't be fooling me.

Facing Xian Sanbu's suspicious gaze, Fang Yi just pointed at his feet.

"I don't know how to become a dual career, but I already have some ideas about the summoning ceremony of the Dark Sect."

Under Fang Yi's feet, it was just an ordinary floor.

Some are broken, some are missing, some are new, some are old.

It's like a floor in various states, a hodgepodge of mixed together, and a post-war situation that has experienced some kind of war.

Therefore, Xian Sanbu was completely puzzled by his actions.

"Floor, floor."

Fang Yi blinked to give a hint, but Xian Sanbu's face darkened.

"Be direct, say something if you have something to say, don't make it like a guessing puzzle for me!"

Don't be so violent...

"Xian Sanbu, look carefully, the floor in this area has been refurbished."


Xian Sanbu almost burst into a thick mouth. Could it be that she couldn't see such a superficial change?

However, considering Fang Yi's unique reconnaissance skills, he should be patient and suppress his temper.

"Didn't I already say it before, isn't it normal that the people of the dark religion have occupied the underground tomb for a long time, and it has been renovated?"


Fang Yi looked at her unexpectedly.

"This was originally the cemetery where Sirmadi didn't know the number of generals, right?

Looking at the posture along the way, you can understand that the decoration can be described as extremely luxurious, and the area is very vast.

Even after so many years, it is still very durable and there is no need for refurbishment.

Thinking from another perspective, if you are a member of the Dark Sect, you can still use the cemetery for a long time after you find it, but you only use it as a temporary base, would you deliberately renovate the floor here? "

"You want to say that there is something wrong with the floor of this area? And it is related to the summoning ceremony? This conclusion is untenable. This underground tomb, not only the floor of this area has been renovated, but also the other areas are more or less. Refurbished."

"Of course I noticed this, but you didn't realize that the refurbished floor here is very different from the floors in other areas? Use your 'reconnaissance' skills to get a good feel for what the floor is like here. different."

"Where did my investigation come from..."

Halfway through the words, Xian Sanbu suddenly came back to his senses.

This is a mockery of her previous action of sticking to the floor!


"Don't be in a hurry to get angry, just do as I said, stand in that position, and investigate."

Staring at Fang Yi, Xian Sanbu held back for a long time, and finally spit out a word.

"it is good!"

As soon as the voice fell, she followed Fang Yi's words, stood at the position pointed by Fang Yi, and leaned over to the floor.

I have already thought very clearly in my heart, if there is nothing to gain.

It's like the kind of beating Fang Yi and never letting go!

But just as she was close to the ground, she immediately felt a very strange feeling.

It was a very smooth floor, but there was a very sticky feeling, as if something was sticking its tongue against her cheek, disgusting and oozing.

Listen carefully...

dong dong dong!

The sound of the heart beating is so clear.

However, Xian Sanbu's expression froze instantly.

Because the beating of the heart was not from her.

It's... from the floor.

It's like there's a living person hiding in the floor... no! It's this floor, it's a living person!

And in this area, tens of thousands of floors are densely covered...

Cold sweat slowly swept across Xian Sanbu's forehead, and more and more flowed.

Xian Sanbu's body trembled, and a very terrifying thought appeared in his heart.

And this thought took over all of her brain almost instantly, causing her body to tremble slightly.

With his trembling body, he slowly got up.

It was just such an ordinary movement, but it made her sweat and her breathing was so short.

"Looks like you've noticed too."

"No...impossible...there can't be such a thing..."

"Remember when I told you about the encounter with the demon apostle? That guy once said... The demon kings are about to launch a holy war. I'm afraid these are the vanguards now... Be careful!"

Halfway through the words, Fang Yi's expression suddenly changed.

The internal force is flowing, and the lotus step has already stepped out!

The figure was informed from the place in an instant, and when it reappeared, it had left the place with Xian Sanbu.

No way, in the face of this level of monsters, Fang Yi really can't keep his strength, otherwise Xian Sanbu will be severely injured even if he doesn't die.

It's not that Xian Sanbu is not vigilant enough, but that she doesn't have night vision ability, so she can't detect the abnormality around her in advance, and coupled with the absolute gap in her basic physical quality, it's normal that she can't react.

Even Fang Yi discovered the anomaly in advance and saved people, but it was still a little late.

A line of blood bloomed in the air and splashed to the ground Touching the warm blood flowing down his cheeks, Xian Sanbu finally came back to his senses.

Looking forward, there is a huge shadow outline at the previous position.

Flying Corpse LV25.

The absolute level gap means the gap in basic strength.

Fang Yi had already felt it before, without raising a level, his physical fitness has improved in all aspects.

Of course, subdivided down, it must be the most improved in strength and physique, after all, it is a melee axe warrior.

The same is true for monsters, but the increase in the strength of monsters has a greater connection with their own species, and the level is only a part of the strength.

In any case, if the flying corpse of LV25 is not treated with real skills, the probability of death is very high.

And such a monster, in the floor under his feet, I don't know how many heads are asleep!

This is Fang Yi's discovery, and the reason why Xian Sanbu was shocked before.

Countless monsters fell asleep at the feet of the two of them, and they could wake up at any time and kill them in seconds.

How not to be intimidated by this.

"Xian Sanbu, I believe that you should have guessed it more or less. In fact, you are not a successful product, but a miracle! It is the only miracle born in the countless experiments of the dark teaching. The Flower of Sin, a dual occupation, is also an existence based on miracles! And this flying corpse is the true experimental success of the Dark Sect!"

Although this is only Fang Yi's unilateral guess, he feels that it should be inseparable.

"Miracle... It makes sense, it does make sense, because miracles are also a manifestation of the will of the world. Or called the son of planes, there is no problem. It seems that this **** map really needs me to stand up!"

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