This Game is Not Easy

Chapter 62: heretics

Succubus? Kind of awesome.

If converted, the rarity is almost equivalent to the high-level occupation among professionals.

It's just that the combat power is not strong, it belongs to functional monsters, and it is very good for torture to extract confessions.

Compared with the special attributes of the succubus, Fang Yi was more concerned about the actual combat power of the succubus, as well as the status of the [Blooming Tree] in the Demon King's army, and whether it has utility value.

"Where is she now? I have observed that there is no succubus in this army of demon kings."

"Of course not. The commander of this Demon King's army is the Demon Ape. The Demon Ape obeys the succubus's orders, gathers members, and launches an attack on Mianliang City."

Command issuer?

Fang Yi's eyes lit up, and then he frowned slightly.

"That's not right, if she has such rights, why would she choose to attack Mianliang City? And although you can't say that this team is strong, it also has certain victories. She didn't control her own hands? Instead, let the ape monster be the commander. position."


The eight-clawed spider, with slightly surprised compound eyes, looked at Fang Yi in unison.

"That's right, as you guessed, the succubus just conveyed an order from above. In short, it was a microphone. After conveying the message, she left the army and went to the real army of the West Wing Demon King. gathering place."

now it's right.

If 【Tree of Qiang】has autonomy, he will definitely not let go of the command of this army.

With a large army, with subordinates, and if you want to improve your strength, you can do anything without going anywhere.

Such good things, if it is not impossible, no one will choose to give up.

In addition, after discovering teammates, they did not merge together, but returned to the main army of the West Wing Demon King, which also explained a certain problem from the side.

After all, the situation of [The Tree of Qianqian] is different from Fang Yi and the others.

They are in the human camp and belong to the Light Religion. They are hostile to monsters, and it is inconvenient to act with [Ink in the Belly].

However, the succubus and the leader of the eight-clawed spider do not have such concerns, and they can take care of each other when they act together.

According to the information provided by [There is Ink in the Belly], the succubus may not have the right to act independently, and is bound to the main army of the Demon King.

Although he has power, he cannot move freely.

This is equivalent to limiting the upper limit of strength. Unless a war breaks out, the strength is basically stuck there and cannot be improved.

After thinking for a moment, Fang Yi asked, "Brother Ink, can you still contact the [Tree of Qianqian]?"

"Before she left, she left something for me, so I can still get in touch, but it is estimated that the message will take several days."

"Then have you asked her for information about the Demon King's main army?"

"Naturally asked, but she seems to be unable to disclose the news to others because of the contract."


Fang Yi looked stunned.

"What contract?"

"A contract to participate in the war. Although I got into the Demon King's army with the help of the [Qianqianzhi], I also signed a contract to participate in the war. However, my contract is relatively simple, and the content of the constraints is just not to have internal strife. As for the succubus, it is estimated that a stricter soul contract has been signed."

And this kind of thing... The Demon Lord of the West Wing is very good at personnel management.

In this way, the hope of obtaining useful information from the succubus is relatively slim.


The explosions in the distance became more and more frequent, and the scope of the battle has gradually spread from the initial half of the city to the entire Mianliang City.

After experiencing the initial chaos, the adventure group and the city's defenders finally gained a firm foothold and began to fight back and forth with the Demon King's army.

In the final analysis, this is a temporary army of miscellaneous monsters. Except for a few monsters, most of them are high-level miscellaneous fish.

Dealing with ordinary professionals is indeed devastating, but when dealing with strong players, the battle situation becomes stalemate, and the battle is difficult to separate.

At this point, it should have been the time for the human camp to sing the horn of counterattack.

However, the support they expected did not appear for a long time.

The garrison supplies that were taken by people have already been secretly destroyed by people.

Without the assistance of large-scale defense equipment, even if the battle rhythm becomes slow, for the people of Sleeping Cool City, it is just a slow death.

The panic spread, and the speed of people running away became more and more.

The army's heart was broken, and the situation of this siege battle gradually became clear.

At this time, the fiery red morning sun gradually rose on the horizon.

This monster siege took place all night.

That night, Fang Yi stayed on the roof, observing the situation, and did not step into the battlefield rashly.

With his strength, it would be very dangerous to be surrounded by monsters in such a battlefield.

As for [There is ink in the stomach], there are subordinates who help to slaughter, even if you don't need to move, you can still gain a lot of experience points, which is still the kind of zero risk.

That's the benefit of having subordinates.

"It's almost time for me to go."

Looking at a small black spot in the distance, Fang Yi moved quickly in a panic, and ran towards the City Lord's Mansion in Mianliang City, Fang Yi finally made a move.

"Brother Dongmen, don't worry about me, just move freely. I'm also going to go down and find more lonely people to kill, so as to improve my level. It is estimated that the next time I meet, I have advanced to a high-level monster, even a high-level monster. Demon King!"

Brother, you are really confident...

Fang Yi has witnessed the birth of the Demon King, and knows that it is not that simple to become a Demon King.

Of course, Fang Yi doesn't need to say this kind of blow to his self-confidence If he wants to clear the blood-stained map, it is natural that the stronger the team members, the better.

One person and one spider jumped from the eaves in opposite directions.

Not far from this house, green leaves are flying.

A green figure shuttled through the sleepy streets and alleys, like a death storm, the lives of the members of the adventure group that the Reaper stubbornly resisted.

In fact, at this point in time, the adventure groups that can survive and continue to resist are all ranked very high.

Only under the double attack of the monster and the immortal Sanbu, he seemed helpless and suffered heavy casualties.

The more the number of people fleeing, the more and more there is no doubt that Mianliang's fall has become doomed.

And in this war-torn Mianliang City, Wangyafeng, a few kilometers away.

The three mysterious people in black robes stood on the top of the mountain in unison, like gods, looking down at what happened to Mianliang City and the protective shield of the imperial capital of the Selma Empire in the distance, with a cold expression.

"Is that there... The power of the heretics seems to have become stronger."

"I feel it... I feel it all! God, I'm angry!"

"Get rid of it, you must get rid of it quickly! The world should be equal! Except for the hero of the devil, there should be no heresy! This is the rule of God, and it is also the will of God!"

Even though it was a kilometer-high mountain, the three of them jumped down together and disappeared in an instant.

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