"Your Majesty, in the past few years, I have been hearing officials from all over the country and people from all over the country praise Marshal Yue, saying that it is because of Marshal Yue that they can live a good life without having to worry about the invasion of the Jin Kingdom."

After Qin Hui finished speaking, he looked at Song Gaozong who seemed to agree with this statement. Qin Hui sighed, feeling that his hints did not seem to be effective, and he needed to explain to him personally. So

Qin Hui went on to say:"Your Majesty, have you ever thought about it? However, the people have been so dependent on Yue Fei and the Yue Family Army, but have they ever had such reliance on Your Majesty?

Nowadays, not only the people of the world, but also the Yue Family Army, a highly combat-effective force, only obey the orders of Yue Fei. A month ago, I served as a supervisor and went to the front line with the grain transport officer.

At that time, I wanted to ask several soldiers of the Yue Family Army to do something, but they did not pay attention to my order at all. However, they rushed to do the same thing after Yue Fei said a word.

I went to the army as a supervisor, representing His Majesty, but an ordinary soldier of the Yue Family Army ignored my request.

Therefore, I realize that it is very dangerous to continue like this and it is very detrimental to His Majesty's rule. Now the Yue family army only knows Yue Fei but not His Majesty. If he is allowed to continue, one day sooner or later, the people will only know Yue Fei and not His Majesty.."

Qin Hui's words shocked Song Gaozong. Song Gaozong naturally understood the meaning of these words, especially when Song Taizu Zhao Kuangyin rebelled in Chenqiao and was overthrown by his subordinates in yellow robes, thus establishing the Song Dynasty.

With such experience, Zhao Gou naturally became suspicious in an instant, fearing that one day the Yue Family Army would also give him a yellow robe, or that the people of the world would support him in proclaiming himself emperor.

Qin Hui's words made Song Gaozong, who originally admired Xing very much and even intended to reward Xing, instantly become suspicious. He must be alert. After all, it is a big taboo to conquer a master with great achievements in any era.

Every emperor will be very sensitive to this. After all, what he or his ancestors worked hard to conquer, who can give a minister who is willing to see one of his become a minister? The new emperor

Zhao Gou thought about this for a while, and then asked Qin Hui:"In that case, Qin Aiqing, if you have any clever ideas, just tell me."

When Qin Hui saw Song Gaozong asking about his plans, he immediately felt that an opportunity had come. He took out a speech he had prepared and said:"According to the minister's suggestion, Yue Fei should be recalled to Lin'an immediately and placed under strict supervision to prevent him from treason. heart of. After hearing this, Zhao

Gou frowned and said,"But in this case, who can resist the Jin soldiers from going south? Will our territory of the Song Dynasty be handed over to the Jin Kingdom again?" Seeing that

Song Gaozong seemed a little angry, Qin Hui hurriedly said:"Of course this suggestion will not allow the Jin army to continue to move south. When your Majesty recalled Yue Fei, he sent an envoy to Shangjing to negotiate peace with Wanyan Agu."

The Kingdom of Jin was somewhat unable to stop Yue Fei's attack. His Majesty recalled Yue Fei and then went to negotiate peace with the Kingdom of Jin, and they would agree.

When the time comes for both sides to stop fighting and the world is at peace, and the people know that it was your Majesty who sent people to negotiate peace with the Kingdom of Jin that led to such peaceful days, they will definitely praise your Majesty and no longer think about Yue Fei."

_Feilu reminds you: three things about reading-collect, recommend, and share!,

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