Within the carriage.

While enjoying the comfort brought by the four-wheel carriage's spring shock absorber, Liu Chen focused on the system panel.

During this period, with the construction of various states and counties, Liu Chen's original points of more than 1.1 billion are now only more than 300 million.


In addition to Jizhou, Krypton Gold Acceleration spent more than 800 million points on the construction of the other five states!

It’s a massive amount!

But the rewards are worth it.

In addition to Jizhou, Liangzhou, Bingzhou, Youzhou, Sili, and Qingzhou have now entered the formal stage.

Although it is not as prosperous as Jizhou, it can definitely beat other states and counties in an instant.

Whether it is cement roads, red brick cement houses, port water transportation, etc., or other infrastructure such as schools, hospitals, shops, etc., they are all comparable to the standards of later generations in the 1970s and 1980s! certainly.

It's just infrastructure, but some technological developments are still a bit behind.

However, Liu Chen predicted that in a year or two, he should be able to reach the point of the first industrial revolution.

That is the age of steam!

The three most important factors in the technological development of the Industrial Revolution were fuel, steel, and steam engines!

Fuel aspect.

Coal mining, one of the fuels, has improved by leaps and bounds in terms of mining quality, safety, technology, etc. with the building bonus of [Mine]!

During this time, Liu Chen has ordered his subordinates to get involved in the oil and natural gas industry.


Oil and natural gas have been exploited and used in Dahan, but the scope is not that extensive.

For example, in the"Book of the Former Han Dynasty", it is clearly recorded that petroleum was used for lighting, lubrication, medicine, ink making, warfare and other purposes.

For example, Shuhan is rich in well salt, which uses local natural gas to boil the salt.

All are sufficient to illustrate the use records of fuels such as oil and natural gas.


To make steel, make iron first.

But in fact, in the Han Dynasty, steelmaking skills were also already available. Techniques such as steel frying and steel-making were not studied in the West until modern times.

As the old saying goes: If you hate iron, it will never become steel.

In addition to being dissatisfied with the expectations of people who are not living up to expectations and not making progress, and eagerly hoping that they will get better, it is enough to show that there was already a method of making steel in ancient times. certainly.

Steelmaking skills were extremely difficult to master in ancient times.

But with the addition of later techniques and research theories brought by Liu Chen, such as the crucible steelmaking method, everything is moving towards a better and more convenient road.

This time the four-wheel carriage uses a shock absorber spring device. The spring above is itself a testament to the rapid advancement of steelmaking skills!

It is extremely difficult to achieve this kind of craftsmanship for the humble spring in later generations.

Liu Chen's current high-tech development zone contains many technologies that would have shocked people even in the 1990s!

All kinds of technical accumulation are enough to show that Liu Chen has no problem getting involved in steam engines now!

The most important steam engine in the first industrial revolution allowed mankind to move from manual work to the machine age. This is also one of the important inventions that Liu Chen has always wanted to create!

With the steam engine, many handicraft industries can be liberated, and the railway industry and navigation industry can be developed, which will be extremely important for Liu Chen's future expeditions to the world!

The world is so big, it's impossible for Liu Chen to conquer the whole world on horseback, right? but.

After the fuel and steel-making aspects are solved, steam engines cannot be built just because they want to.

The required mechanical foundations, transmission design, material mechanics, mathematical foundations, geometric principles, physics knowledge, etc. are terrifying!

Even if you put the drawings of a steam engine in front of you, you may not be able to create it 1:1.

This is one of the reasons why Liu Chen is crazy about compulsory education and teaching for free!

Only among a large number of talented people, they are involved in in-depth research in various aspects such as mathematics, physics, chemistry, materials science, etc., and work together, and then add Liu Chen's strategic goal coordination from later generations.

Only then would it be possible to start the first industrial revolution and the age of steam in the Three Kingdoms era!

With Liu Chen's crazy development and crazy spending money, this era is coming, and it will only be one or two or three years away!

Liu Chen predicted.

When he unifies the Han Dynasty, the steam engine will almost come out. Just perfect enough to connect seamlessly and sweep across the world!

At that time.

It is really a torrent of steel that is overwhelming the whole world!

"Gunpowder cannons are also on the agenda."

Thinking about conquering the world, Liu Chen suddenly thought of gunpowder, cannons and firearms.

During this time, he has been busy conquering the world and developing his states and counties, and he almost forgot about the research on gunpowder.

This is also the super invincible and terrifying weapon. A murder weapon that can end the invention and creation of the cold weapon era!

"After this tour of the six states, I personally supervised and asked people to study gunpowder when I returned."

Liu Chen made various arrangements and decisions.

At this moment, news from Yanzhou suddenly appeared on the system panel

【The cement road paving of the main road in Jiwu County, Chenliu County, Yanzhou is expected to be completed in 127 days. Will krypton gold be accelerated?】

"Krypton gold!"

【The host is asked to choose the krypton gold acceleration time, which can be accelerated for up to 65 days and requires 1,000 points per day!】

"The highest time for krypton gold!"

【The host spent 65,000 points!】

【The cement road laying of the main road in Jiwu County, Chenliu County, Yanzhou, is expected to be completed in 62 days!】


【The cement road construction from Shanfu County, Jiyin County, Yanzhou to Jishi County is expected to be completed in 177 days. Will the krypton gold be accelerated?】

"Krypton gold!"

【The host is asked to choose the Krypton gold acceleration time, which can be accelerated up to 90 days and requires 1,000 points per day!】

"The highest time for krypton gold!"

【The host spent 90,000 points!】

【The construction of cement roads from Shanfu County, Jiyin County, Yanzhou to Jishi County is expected to be completed in 87 days!】


"It seems that Fengxiao has invested crazily in the development and construction of Yanzhou."

Liu Chen saw that most of the roads were cement roads. Guo Jia obviously wanted to solve the transportation aspect first.

After the battle in Yuzhou and Xuzhou later, he would provide a more convenient role in the transportation of troops, grain, grass and baggage!

This will In military operations, it can undoubtedly provide more terrifying logistical support!

Very satisfied with Guo Jia's arrangements, Liu Chen also started a crazy journey of accelerating krypton gold.

Time flies.

By the time Liu Chen and his party arrived in Zhuojun, Youzhou After that, he had spent fifty to sixty million points.

Liu Chen estimated that the construction of the entire Yanzhou would require hundreds of millions of points.

But it was all worth it.

Youzhou Mu Liu Yu met with Liu Chen.

Today Liu Yu, with a smile on his face, has completely lost the worries and melancholy that he once had about the country and the people.

This is not because Liu Yu has changed his mind and developed into a corrupt official, but because of Youzhou today, it can be said without exaggeration - —The people live and work in peace and contentment, and have enough food and clothing!

For Liu Yu, who loves his country and his people, this is more joyful than anything else!

During the exchange between the two, Liu Yu seemed to show off by taking Liu Chen and others to visit Zhuojun in Youzhou.

Not only This.

Except for the counties far away in Liaodong, which are still in the hands of Gongsun Du, Liu Yu personally took Liu Chen to visit all other counties, even Liaoxi County. The development of cement roads has made the people of Youzhou We have convenient transportation, which makes it easier for them to travel, business and trade development.

It can be said that if you want to get rich, build roads first, which is fully reflected!

Youzhou is also close to the Bohai Sea, Yuyang, Beiping, Liaoxi and other counties , are all coastal areas.

Liu Yu ordered people to build the port, and with the acceleration of Liu Chen's krypton gold, it has already been put into use.

This has allowed the people to develop fisheries, have more ways to earn income, and make their lives happier.

In addition to transportation.Liu

Yu also took Liu Chen to visit many people's homes, praising the convenience of heating with the fire kang.

This allowed the people of Youzhou, who once had to rely on strong support and countless people froze to death every winter, could finally live in the warmth of spring. The family lived happily.

Liu Chen was even more dumbfounded to find out that these people actually enshrined his own statue as if it were a god, worshiping it every day!

Although he didn't say it out loud, Liu Chen felt the same as Liu Yu in his heart. Generally gratified!

There is nothing more joyful than seeing the people under your rule live and work in peace and contentment, and be happy!

Other infrastructure such as schools, hospitals, shops, etc. are also all over the counties in Youzhou.

This visit took two days More than a month later.

Finally, Liu Chen could clearly see the rapid development and construction of Youzhou, as well as the earth-shaking changes in the lives of the people!

After visiting the people's livelihood, Liu Chen reviewed the army of Youzhou.

Today, the Youzhou garrison is as high as 20 Tens of thousands, which is very terrifying under the [Ability Bonus]. It can be called the level of one million combat power!

His general Xu Huang and other generals are stationed in Youzhou, guarding the border, guarding Youzhou, and guarding against Xiaoxiao.

It is these soldiers who work day and night. Defense, no lax defense, gave Youzhou a stable environment and rapid development!

Liu Chen was very satisfied with these soldiers. With a wave of his hand, he directly ordered people to send year-end bonuses to them!

This is equivalent to a year's military pay for these soldiers. Salary!

Let those soldiers cheer and cheer, shouting"King Changshan is mighty!" King Changshan is mighty!"

For those officers with great military merit, Liu Chen directly promoted them to official positions and did not hesitate to reward them!

This time, the morale of the officers and soldiers in Youzhou was undoubtedly raised to an extremely terrifying level!

Gongsun Du who was far away in Liaodong , this neglected super boss figure in the late Han Dynasty and the Three Kingdoms was trembling!

He was afraid that Liu Chen would directly lead his army to attack Liaodong and capture Gongsun Du alive!

Of course.

Liu Chen did not plan to use troops against Gongsun Du for the time being! Because of his unexpected birth, Gongsun Du, the super boss, may have ambitions in his heart, but he did not show it. He has always expressed his surrender to Liu Chen, the King of Changshan!

What's more, Liu Chen still needs to let Gongsun Du suppress the people beside him. Gao Gouli and other foreigners so that he could go south with more peace of mind!

When he was about to leave Youzhou, it started to snow in Youzhou near winter.

Liu Chen looked at Cai Yan's growing belly and considered that Cai Yan's mood had improved. Many signs of depression have subsided a lot, and he is ready to return to Jizhou.

Then he takes a ship from the Yellow River Basin to visit Bingzhou and Liangzhou!

Before leaving, Liu Chen inspected the Great Wall defenders.

Because of Liu Chen's expedition beyond the Great Wall, the Xiongnu, The Xianbei and other foreigners were far away from the Han Dynasty's borders, and the dangers of border wars and other conflicts were much less.

However, for the Great Wall defenders, they still stuck to their posts day after day, without any slack, to avoid being taken advantage of by those cunning foreigners. Come in!

For these soldiers, Liu Chen greatly rewarded them, which made them very excited!

Standing on the Great Wall, looking at the great rivers and mountains covered with white snow, feeling the cold wind blowing on the face but the vitality in his heart.

Liu Chen was very high-spirited, Reprimanding Fang Qiu. A poem blurted out

"Spring Snow in Qinyuan

The northern scenery is covered with ice and snow for thousands of miles.

Looking inside and outside the Great Wall, there is nothing but vastness; the river up and down suddenly stops flowing.

The silver snake dances in the mountains, and the original wax figure wants to compete with God.

On a sunny day, it is particularly charming to see the red clothes and plain clothes.

There are so many beauties in the country that it attracts countless heroes to bow down.

Xi Shang, Tang and Zhou Wu were slightly less talented in literature, while Emperor Qin and Emperor Han were slightly less elegant.

A generation of genius, Maodun Shanyu, only knew how to bend a bow and shoot a big eagle.

It’s all gone, let’s count the famous people, let’s look at the present day"


While Liu Chen was reciting the poem with excitement, Xu Huang, Zhao Yun, Dian Wei, Liu Yu and other generals and advisers behind him chewed it carefully.

They first felt the magnificent mountains and rivers of the Han Dynasty through Liu Chen's poems.

The snowy scenery of the North led them into a vast silver world of ice and snow.

The scene of the red sun and white snow reflecting each other is so lifelike, as if it is right before your eyes!

This kind of lyrical poem that borrows scenery, this kind of poem that looks far away and has a broad mind, fully demonstrates Liu Chen's momentum! only.

When the poem reached the last few lines, they were completely shocked!

Especially the meaning expressed in the sentence"It's all over, let's count the famous people, but let's look at the present." Their expressions were shocked!

Liu Yu's face turned a little pale!

Does this mean that Liu Chen is finally ready to take action and create an era that belongs to him?!

Is this an era that transcends the past and looks to the future to create an even greater era than ever before?! but.

After the shock!

Liu Yu suddenly felt relieved!

Looking at Youzhou today, isn't this a brand new and great feat that can surpass any previous dynasty?!

Liu Chen's heroic spirit and domineering attitude towards the past and the present complement each other with his bit by bit development and construction. Doesn't this further prove that he is indeed qualified for this arrogance?!


The Han Emperor Liu Xie, who was far away in Luoyang, had long been gradually ignored and forgotten. Because everyone knows that Liu Chen is the real emperor of the Han Dynasty today!

It's just a matter of whether he wants to ascend the throne!

The surrounding generals such as Zhao Yun and Xu Huang were also completely relieved after the initial shock!

Not only that, they actually had smiles on their faces!

They are also looking forward to the day when Liu Chen ascends the throne as emperor. It seems that Liu Chen has already been prepared!

What's more,"it still depends on the present day."

It also means that Liu Chen praised these generals and advisers in his poems.

There are talented generals such as Han Xin, Xiao He, and Zhang Liang of Han Emperor Gaozu, and famous generals such as Bai Qi, Wang Jian, Lian Po, and Li Mu from the Warring States Period.

Does Liu Chen think that"today" they will definitely surpass the past?!

This can be said to be Liu Chen's most perfect and highest evaluation of these generals and advisers!!!

This makes Zhao Yun, Xu Huang and others extremely excited! certainly.

Liu Chen himself didn't think so much at all. But now I was on the Great Wall, and I was moved by the scene. I suddenly felt this way and read out a famous poem by a great man.

As for whether this poem had a negative meaning in ancient times, does Liu Chen, the king of Changshan who is now the most powerful and powerful man in the world, still need to care about this?!

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