Three Kingdoms

Chapter 300: Coordination Studies

In modern life, if you want to drink tea, but the water is not boiled, the kettle, teapot, and cups are not washed, and you have to get the tea from the hall, what should you do?

It takes one minute each to wash the kettle, teapot, and teacup. It takes one minute to get the tea leaves. It takes ten minutes to boil the water. How much time does it take to drink the tea?

When doing this, most people can arrange it well without any special instructions, and most of their time will not be wasted.

Because even if you don’t understand some advanced mathematical theory, your life experience is enough to support solving such problems.


What if a ten-year-old child with no experience in this field was asked to do the same thing? Will he still do things in an orderly manner without wasting time and steps?

Or to make it more complicated, a hundred people need to drink tea, but there are only twenty fires to boil water, and only twenty people are allowed to boil water at the same time; there are only four places to receive kettles, teapots, and teacups, and each person It takes half a minute to receive a set; there are only two places to receive tea, and it takes 10 seconds for each person to receive a bag of tea...

Then when the 100th person drinks the tea, how long does it take in total?

The matter of moving the capital is like magnifying the incident of a hundred people drinking tea ten thousand times...

The royal family, officials, the army, and the common people are all different, and the materials involved are also different. Moreover, the number is huge, and the complexity can be imagined.

So how can we arrange the entire process more efficiently, so that personnel at each level can maximize the resources they deserve when migrating, make full use of time, and make all links fully operational?

This involves organizational behavior and basic planning...

It sounds very profound, but it is actually an advanced application of mathematical theory.

Fei Qianqian is a veteran in the company's office. He is extremely skilled in resource allocation, staffing, etc., and is responsible for every employee kick-off meeting, year-end company annual meeting, commendation meeting, etc. Waiting for meetings, which can range from hundreds to thousands of people, all venue layouts, itinerary arrangements, vehicle dispatches, meals and accommodations must all be considered carefully. If there is a problem in one of the links, it will be a big problem...

Therefore, the content on the paper presented by Fei Qian is the overall planning schedule for the relocation of the capital of the Han Dynasty royal family.

The distance from Luoyang to Chang'an is about 800 miles, and the general marching distance is about 40 to 60 miles, which means that if you go from Luoyang to Chang'an, it will take about 15 days.

Fei Qian had no way of knowing exactly how many maids and eunuchs there were in the imperial palace of the Han Dynasty. These data could only be calculated after the Shaofu pulled out the documents. Therefore, Fei Qian only roughly used a divisor to calculate. Anyway, if he really came up with something like a decimal point in the Han Dynasty, it would be at a loss and even more incomprehensible.

Why do ordinary people feel irritated and uneasy when moving? Because there are too many things to pack and they are all in disarray. Some of the things that are normally used in the house will appear like random weeds, which makes people overwhelmed. bother.

What Fei Qian presented to Li Ru at this time was such a classified statistics, divided into two parts: people and things. The personnel chapter is about the number and expenses of various personnel including the emperor, while the items chapter is listed separately according to the four parts of clothing, food, housing and transportation, covering the royal family's clothing, food, daily living, ceremonials, etc. from Luoyang to Chang'an. Items related to...

Of course, due to paper space limitations on these projects, Fei Qian could not write in detail. He only wrote some rough classifications. The most important thing is a flow chart that takes up half of the paper, also called a schedule.

From Luoyang to Chang'an, with each day as a node, the place of arrival, required personnel and materials, as well as the food and grass provided by various places are all marked...

The more Li Ru looked at it, the more interesting it became. He pinched his beard and finally smiled on his face.

It's not that he doesn't understand these things, and it's not that he doesn't know how to do them. Various matters such as the emperor's migration are all in Li Ru's mind. Every day and every step has been considered clearly, but Li Ru can't do it like Fei Qian. Such a clear description and expression will allow others to understand what they have to do specifically and to what extent they have done it.

It's like a great craftsman who can cut a piece of wood into a very standard disc at will, but if you ask him what the specific pi is and the precise geometry of the area of ​​the disc, he will definitely not be able to answer...

Li Ru is now like such a great craftsman. In his mind, everything is like a mirror. He has made plans in his mind for the overall arrangement of the itinerary. However, the only problem is that he cannot fully convey these matters to his subordinates. learn.

As a result, things could only be explained one by one, and then they were summarized one by one to Li Ru. Afterwards, they were calculated and sorted out in Li Ru's mind again, and then he ordered the personnel to carry out the next task.

How can such a huge calculation not be exhausting?

How can such tedious steps not be painful?

Li Ru suddenly remembered that the Fei Qian in front of him was not only a disciple of Cai Yong, who focused on literature, but also a disciple of Liu Hong, who was profoundly accomplished in arithmetic...

Although Fei Qian didn't write it in great detail, Li Ruchi could understand the general meaning, especially the schedule drawn in the second half of the piece of paper, which was like opening a window and allowing Li Ru saw another aspect of the scenery.

It turns out that this matter can also be handled using this model!

Each task has a person in charge, and each person in charge has a specific task to be completed every day, by what time to complete it to what extent, and then to whom to hand over, so that the chain is interlocked and promoted layer by layer...

What a rare and wonderful method!

For Fei Qian, this was the data that took a whole day and repeated deductions to compile. Of course, this was something that was specially compiled for Li Rucai.

If you show the same piece of paper to Lu Bu like this, even if you show it to him for a year, how much can he understand?

Therefore, Fei Qian is not worried about how much this method can increase Dong Zhuo's army's combat effectiveness. Because there is no concrete experience in reality and no support from basic theory, this piece of paper is like a ghost drawing. Even if you read it, you may not be able to understand it, let alone No more use.

This was the method that Fei Qian came up with after thinking hard along the way, which could provide Li Ru and reduce his burden, but would not allow Dong Zhuojun to get much help in the later stage.

Even if Li Ru understood and mastered this method, so what? You must know that even in modern times, overall planning and organizational science are cross-cutting and marginal disciplines. It is not something that ordinary people in the Han Dynasty can master if they know a little arithmetic.

Therefore, this is a bargaining chip, a bait pushed in front of Li Ru, used to exchange for the things Fei Qian wants. Of course, this bait is very sweet, which obviously arouses Li Ru's interest.

However, Li Ru also obviously guessed Fei Qian's thoughts. He smiled slightly, put down the paper, and asked: "Zi Yuan offered this method, but do you have any request?"

Brother Mengde, you must promise me three things after I die:

1. I allow you to feel sad for me for a while, but I don’t allow you to feel sad for me forever;

Second, I allow you to find a military advisor to offer wine to, but he must be Gongren, because he also truly loves you;

Three, I allow you to come and worship me, but you are not allowed to bring Gongren with you, because I am still very stingy after all...

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