Three Kingdoms

Chapter 494 Inflation in the Han Dynasty

Fei Qian gathered the five baht coins together on the table and sighed, feeling a little guilty in his heart.

In history, the Three Kingdoms finally returned to Jin and then collapsed. In later generations, most people thought that it was because Sima could only eat, drink, whore, gamble, and smoke. However, Fei Qian just made a guess based on currency. In fact, this culpability may not be complete. It’s the human factor…

There were many emperors in history who were not good at anything, but nothing happened. It was only Sima who was dissolute and corrupt and the country was ruined?

In fact, I’m afraid it still comes down to the “money”.

Money, issued by the state, is naturally endorsed by the state and assumes credibility.

But once the people have lost confidence in this money, how much confidence will they have in the country that issued this currency?

The rapid collapse of the Jin Dynasty is inseparable from the corrupt economy that has been beaten into a sieve in the late Three Kingdoms period. In other words, Zhuge actually fulfilled his wish to bring down Wei...

The war that lasted for thirty or forty years not only killed people, but also destroyed the economies of Wei and Shu. The only one that was better off was Jiangnan, which had been squatting for a long time. Therefore, in the end, the Jin Dynasty moved south.

The Sima clan was ruined because they knew how to fight, strategize, and spend time and alcohol, but they only didn’t understand economics and couldn’t manage money...

And now, the upcoming inflation will sweep across the entire north, and there should be some factors that are contributing to it...

Fei Qian sighed quietly. This feeling was indescribable. It was filled with excitement, regret, guilt, and even a hint of regret, but he had to do it.

In the Three Kingdoms, many people only remember the emperors and generals. Who knew that this small piece of copper coins could actually make these heroes fall into the dust?

As long as inflation comes, the materials he asked Cui Hou to borrow will be like picking up for free. At that time, only a fool will use the iron ingots to pay off the debt. The entire economy will be in chaos and prices will be boiling. But he only needs to get it. Just pay back the copper coins that are like waste...

And those who lend supplies will become the leeks that Fei Qian harvests through inflation.

And the landmines that were laid in Luoyang before have probably popped up now...

× × × × × × × × × ×


Prime Minister Chang Shifu.

As soon as Jia Xu entered the hall, he was glared at by Li Ru fiercely. He subconsciously shrank back and said, "I didn't come here without permission. I have official business. I just dropped in... Hey! Senior brother Why do you look like this?!"

Li Julius waved his hands helplessly and said, "...How about showing up in Longxi?"

"It's still the same... However, the Ma family is a little restless..." Jia Xu walked around Li Ru twice as he spoke, shook his head and said, "... Senior brother, you are... alas ...It's better for me to stay and help you..."

Li Ru pointed to the desk next to him, motioned for Jia Xu to come and sit down, and said: "Ma family, haha, it's not just this time or the second time that the Ma family has been restless... I can still hold on... Hey, stop spinning around. Go sit down."

Jia Xufang staggered and sat down diagonally, still sighing: " much beef do you need to eat to make up for your size?"

"Okay, you don't need to remind me to know..." Li Ru clapped his hands and immediately walked in with several maids from outside the hall, placing some dishes and drinks on the table.

Jia Xu picked up a piece of beef and stuffed it into his mouth, letting the beef juice burst out in his mouth. He groaned with satisfaction, "The beef here is still delicious!"

"That's because the management here is full and free..."

Jia Xu quickly ended the topic and said: "Dong Zhongying's situation doesn't look very good..."

"You should at least call me Dong Xiangguo..." Li Ru frowned, was silent for a while, and said, "...there are indeed some, during this period...well, even...some forgetfulness..."

"Okay, okay..." Jia Xu wiped the oil stains on his fingers on the table and said, "It's a pity that the prime minister's son died young, and Dong Shizhong and Niu Zhonglang were... not good enough..."

Jia Xu suddenly tilted his neck towards Li Ru, winked and whispered: "...otherwise...senior brother, you...hehehe..."

"Nonsense!" Li Ru's face sank.

Jia Xu retracted his extended head and muttered in a low voice: "...I must fulfill the ancient wish..."

Li Ru didn't say anything, just stared at Jia Xu.

Jia Xu hid his face and said: "Okay, don't talk about this, don't talk about this. Senior brother, when I came in just now, I saw you holding a wooden sign in a daze... Is it difficult to arrange the sudden increase in population today?"

Speaking of this matter, Li Ru sighed slightly and handed a wooden sign to Jia Xu: "It's easy to arrange things, but it's not easy to arrange this thing..."

Jia Xu turned the wooden sign over and over to read it several times, and suddenly said: "This is probably not your idea, otherwise you wouldn't have done so much that you can't eat anymore..."

"It happened in a hurry, at that time..." Li Ru nodded, and told Fei Qian's advice after all the lower-level officials in Luoyang ran away, and then said, "I didn't stop for a while, so I gave him more money..."

The effect is good. The migration of people from Sili went more smoothly than originally expected, and many disputes were reduced on the road. From this aspect, the wooden sign did play a positive role, but now the side effects have also appeared, and it has reached the end of the road. , the people came to cash in their wooden cards...

Originally, I had made more money, and it was still within the control of Li Ru. Anyway, I collected a lot of money from Luoyang, but I didn't expect that after arriving in Chang'an, an economic phenomenon beyond Li Ru's control disrupted the original plan. arrange.

Rapid inflation suddenly occurred in Chang'an!

The rapidly increasing consumer demand of the population and the large influx of money have created a huge gap between supply and demand and the original quantitative material reserves in Chang'an. This result caught Li Ru completely unprepared and watched Chang'an's prices rise at a high level. The time exceeded the money he originally prepared, and everyone from the officials to the people were frantically buying and storing...

The money brought from Luoyang shrank instantly, and prices in Chang'an area have risen to a very outrageous level due to the double push-up by local people and foreigners. One stone of grain actually costs 10,000 yuan, and it may not be possible to buy it. get!

Li Ru understands astronomy and geography, military strategy, and people's livelihood arrangements, but he is powerless in the face of this surging hyperinflation.

Li Ru asked Dong Zhuo for help once and transferred the military rations stored in Xiwu to suppress prices. However, it was of no use. After being stable for a few days, it began to rise crazily again. Then Dong Zhuo said nothing. I am also unwilling to transfer food and grass from outside...

According to "Historical Records. Biography of Ren Xing", Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty dreamed of a man who was wearing his clothes inside out and was pushing him to fly into the sky. After waking up, he secretly searched for Ying Mengxianchen and found that Deng Tong's clothes were worn inside out. From then on, Deng Tong rose to prominence and became the god of wealth.

That is, the "Deng" in "Pan Donkey Deng Xiaoxian" is also.

After checking all kinds of information, they only say that "wearing clothes behind the back" has since become an allusion to "preferring to be flattering, flattering and flattering".

Why did Deng Tong just put his clothes on inside out because of a careless moment? How could he know what dreams Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty had had, but why did he accuse him of being infatuated?

Yesterday I saw a woman riding a small electric donkey on the street, wearing her coat backwards on her chest, and then a man sat behind...

This solved the old doubts.

The clothes of the ancients were not pullovers, so how could they be worn inside out?

The only possibility is to unbutton your clothes from the back when doing certain things...

Considering that Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty was a well-known attacker, it was just right for Deng Tong to do this...

It’s also a provocation that has no moral integrity...

No wonder the annotations are unclear.

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