Shen Ningning watched Wu Zuchang catch a few fireflies for her.

He is very skillful with his hands and can actually weave a small rattan cage out of weeds.

The fireflies are locked inside and cannot fly out.

Wu Zuchang tied the rattan cage around Shen Ningning's waist. Every time the little guy took a step, there would be light following him.

"This way, I won't be afraid that I won't be able to find the girl." He said stupidly, smiling and clapping his hands.

Shen Ningning tilted her head: "Brother Zuchang, you should call me Ningning!"

"Girl!" He still shouted stubbornly, his smile looking handsome and innocent.

The little guy spread his hands and said, "Okay, then I'll listen to you."

at this time.

A chirping sound came from overhead.

Shen Ningning looked up and saw a familiar little monkey jumping on the branch.

She looked happy: "Little monkey! Why are you here?"

The little monkey slid down from the tree, scratched her ears and cheeks at her feet, and squeaked.

Shen Ningning understood.

It turns out that because she didn't come home, the Black Wolf King released the wolves to patrol the mountains.

The monkeys were afraid of them and could only run away.

When it spoke, its tone was as if it was complaining. If it could speak human language, it would definitely say, "That huge black wolf is very bad."

Shen Ningning was so amused by it that she couldn't stop laughing.

Wu Zuchang watched in amazement.

He began to scratch his head and ears like a little monkey and imitate its squeaks.

It was precisely because of this behavior that the monkey looked at him impatiently.

In its eyes, this big stupid guy is trying to imitate it by holding his throat!

It said that the night was so beautiful tonight, and it was close to Shen Ningning.

As a result, the silly big guy squeaked, but what he said was "You are so stupid and I am", which can be called a bunch of nonsense.

The little monkey waved his palm in dissatisfaction and complained to Shen Ningning.

Wu Zuchang asked hurriedly: "Girl, what on earth is it talking about?"

Shen Ningning smiled so hard that she couldn't straighten her waist, and her little body was shaking like a little firefly fairy at night.

"It said you spoke in a dialect and it couldn't understand but was very angry."

Wu Zuchang scratched the back of his head, looked at Shen Ningning, and also giggled.

Just when they were in a harmonious atmosphere, an arrow suddenly shot from deep in the forest!

"Squeak!" The little monkey was frightened and hurriedly ran up the treetop.

Shen Ningning's round eyes looked frightened, and she looked around: "Is there an Orion?!"

Is anyone still here to hunt at this late hour?

However, the next arrow suddenly hit near her feet.

No matter how stupid Wu Zuchang is, he still feels scared: "Girl, hurry up, let's go quickly!"

As if he thought of something terrible, he picked up Shen Ningning and ran forward.

You can't run back because someone is catching up behind you.

Shen Ningning failed to grasp the lantern firmly with her little hands and fell to the ground. It was quickly trampled by a black boot that caught up with her.

Seven or eight men in black were holding long knives and said in a cold voice: "Chase! We must take her life."

Wu Zuchang had no sense of direction in the woods, so he ran deep into the woods overgrown with weeds.

He, who had no martial arts skills, was kicked to the ground from behind by the man in black who caught up.

The second before he fell, Wu Zuchang threw Shen Ningning out.

He fell to the ground hard and shouted: "Girl, run!"

Wu Zuchang stood up and hugged the man in black's legs tightly, preventing him from moving forward.

Those vicious killers naturally thought he was in the way.

They swung their knives mercilessly, and Wu Zuchang howled.

The night was so dark that Shen Ningning had no idea where he was injured.

Don't care about many.

The little guy turned around and ran away. Suddenly, a stone hit his leg and he fell to the ground immediately.

The men in black surrounded her from front to back and from left to right.

They came forward slowly with knives in hand, narrowing the area.

The rattan cage Wu Zuchang made for Shen Ningning fell to the ground and was mercilessly trampled by them.

The light of fireflies turned into dead silence.

Shen Ningning's eyes were filled with trembling black eyes: "Who sent you here?"

The man in black sneered: "You don't need to know."

Her heart sank.

In fact, the little guy was not afraid at all, he just wanted to find out who was behind the scenes.

But since the man in black didn't say anything, she wasn't going to waste time and was going to hide in Wonderland.

However, at this time, Wu Zuchang caught up again.

"Girl!" He rushed over, picked up Shen Ningning and ran away.

But he was kicked down by the man in black.

"Kill him too if he is such a hindrance." After the man in black finished speaking, the machete fell on Wu Zuchang's back like raindrops.

Shen Ningning heard his constant groaning and the sound of the blade penetrating his flesh.

"Brother Zuchang!" she called in horror.

"Girl, don't be afraid, brother is here, I will protect you." Wu Zuchang said weakly.

At this moment, a fierce wolf howl came from the distance.

Shen Ningning suddenly came to her senses and cried out in a waxy voice: "Wolf, come and save me!"

The little monkey who went to report the news ran down the hillside with a group of wolves.

The little white wolf suddenly jumped out at the fastest speed. It seemed to have a strong hatred for people.

When it received the command from the Black Wolf King to attack, it was the fastest one.

The people in black reacted immediately and hurriedly dispersed and fled.

The Black Wolf King howled angrily, and the wolves separated in an orderly manner to chase the murderer!

Black Wolf King and Wolf Three were guarding Shen Ningning.

"Brother Zuchang!" the little guy cried, and she could see clearly through the moonlight.

The cloth on Wu Zuchang's body was already stained with blood.

The little monkey screamed beside him, saying that his back was bloody and bloody.

Shen Ningning didn't care so much and hurriedly took out ginseng and spring water from the fairyland and fed it to him.

She wanted to keep him alive, but Wu Zuchang's blood flowed too much, and soon it formed a winding river on the grass.

"Sister..." he shouted weakly, keeping his eyes on Shen Ningning: "Are you okay?"

Shen Ningning hurriedly held his hand: "I'm fine! I'll let Wolf Wolf carry you to find the doctor."

Wu Zuchang shook his head: "Don't go, I won't survive..."

His eyes, at this moment, became particularly clear from the previous dullness and confusion.

He seemed to wake up for a moment.

"Five years ago, the girl was killed by a robber's machete while I was carrying her on my back to escape. When I found her, she was covered in blood, cold and stiff."

"No wonder she cried so loudly on my back. It turned out to be pain... But I was so stupid at the time. I just ran away without looking back at her."

"Over the years, I have fantasized countless times in my dreams and in my heart. If I could do it all over again, I would hold her in my arms. I would rather be knifed than let her get hurt."

He looked at Shen Ningning and smiled gently, like an elder brother: "I have rehearsed several times in my mind, thinking that if I encounter this situation again, I will definitely save my relatives. Today I can finally save your life."

"Actually, I know that the girl has died a long time ago, but you are really like a sister. You don't dislike me and play with me."

Shen Ningning held his hand, her voice was hoarse as she cried, and her tears fell like broken beads.

"Brother Zuchang, I will take you home. I will be your sister from now on. I am a girl. Don't die. You must stay and be my brother!"

She stood up, and Black Wolf King pushed Wu Zuchang with his head, trying to carry him on his back.

But when he was moved, he bled even more.

His face was as pale as paper.

Shen Ningning was covered in blood and cried helplessly.

Wu Zuchang smiled weakly: "Can I still take a look at your snot bubbles?"

At this time, he also went out of his way to make her happy.

Shen Ningning tried her best to hold back a snot bubble. Wu Zuchang smiled, but she cried sadly and fell on him in tears.

He stretched out his hand to wipe her face, and blood stained her white cheeks.

Wu Zuchang patted her shoulder gently: "Tell my parents for me that I have no regrets when I leave."

"Ning Ning, go home. I will protect you and help you find your biological parents as soon as possible."

After saying that, he closed his eyes with a smile.

After five years, he finally let go.

If it started to rain in his world the day his sister died, then at this moment, it stopped raining in him.

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