There was not a trace of blood on the face of the big gold tooth.

Looking in the direction in which the ghost ship had disappeared, he suddenly spoke.

"Brother Li, shouldn't we come here? With our ability, we can gallop on land, even if we come to a group of white and black murderers, zombie zongzi, we don't have to be afraid of them at all, but on this sea, we can't show our fists and feet. "

Li Sheng gave him a blank look.

"The big tomb on the land, the same ghost has ghosts, once on the body, there is a worry about life, that is said to collapse under the tomb, it is also a common thing. Once it happens, do you think you have nine lives?"

The big gold tooth was stunned for a moment, and suddenly shook his head with a wry smile.

Since the last time they came out of the tomb of King Xian with Li Sheng, several people were inevitably a little arrogant.

One is that their strength is now greatly improved, which is no longer the same as the original, and they can be called the top masters in the world.

The second is to get a lot of votes, and he is rich and courageous.

Third, everyone has also heard rumors that the tomb robbery world calls the Worm Valley a place that cannot be visited in the world, and the tomb of the king is a tomb that cannot be robbed, and they can come out of there, isn't it worthy of pride?

Fourth, it was Li Sheng's museum that caused a lot of sensation, and as the people around Li Sheng, they naturally heard a lot of praise.

After listening to flattery too much, the tail will inevitably up, and I always feel that no matter what tomb there is in the world, as long as a few of them make a move, there is nothing that cannot fall.

However, when I came to the South China Sea this time, I suddenly felt constrained everywhere.

A storm immediately made everyone soberly realize how humble and insignificant their power was compared to the terrifying power of heaven and earth of nature.

The same is true of this ghost ship in the fog.

Originally, when they first met, they weren't too scared.

After all, I have seen a lot of ghosts and ghosts, and although I am still a little afraid, I don't have the fear I had at the beginning.

However, the thrill of almost hitting the ship just now is like a basin of cold water, which is poured on the head.

On this vast sea, if the ship sinks, it is in vain for you to have great ability.

Most of the people who run boats all year round have heard a lot of strange things, and there are even more legends such as ghost ships and water ghosts.

But most of it is hearsay, and few have seen it with their own eyes.

The boat boss of this boat, who is also an old fisherman, has never encountered such a terrible situation of directly facing the ghost ship.

He is not a captain who touches gold, how can he not be frightened when it comes to the things of the netherworld?

Just now, he took a strong breath and commanded the ship to turn the rudder, but at this time, even his legs were weak, and he sat on the boat with his ass still frightened.

Hearing the conversation between Li Sheng and others, what zombie zongzi they were talking about, they were suddenly even more shocked.

Where did these people come from? Why do they talk so strangely?

The archaeological team member named Xiao Mo also interjected at this time.

"Speaking of which, Master Li, how many of you often go down to the tomb to fight?"

Only then did the big golden tooth realize that there were other people around him, who were frightened just now, and for a while, they forgot everything and said something they shouldn't have said.

Li Sheng was not surprised.

"We are in the antique business, and we always hear a lot of rumors about inverted buckets and so on. To tell you the truth, we once went to the tomb archaeology with Professor Chen, and we have a bit of knowledge, so Professor Chen asked a few of us to help. "

In a word, he gently covered up the past.

"That's, that's, you're all experienced, you're going to give you a lot of explanations, and when you get outside, everything has to be up to you. "

Xiao Mo smiled repeatedly.

Li Sheng's eyes flashed slightly.

This little Mo is a bit unusual.

As for the remaining two members of the scientific expedition team, Xiao Lei and Xiao Zhang, they are both stuffy oil bottles and don't talk much.

Yang Xueli is still very worried in her heart.

"I have a hunch that if that ghost ship is really coming for us, I'm afraid that it will appear again in the evening. "

As soon as she finished speaking, she saw the mast light flickering in the fog, and the ghost ship that had just passed by was silent again, and sailed towards their ship head-on from the bow direction again.

Everyone was shocked.

This ghost ship is really weird, it has just driven to the back, but in such a short period of time, it suddenly drove out from the front.

They hurriedly shouted to the ship's boss to turn around, but it was too late.

The boss of the ship pulled the rudder with all his might, but only avoided the direct impact, and the sides of the two ships were scraped together.

The fishing boat and the ghost boat were tied to fishing nets on both sides, and they were suddenly entangled together.

In an instant, the hull of the ship shook violently, and the amplitude was so large that it was not forty or fifty degrees.

The captain of the ship, as well as the three members of the scientific expedition team, were unstable in their center of gravity and fell to the ground one by one.

Li Sheng and several of them all had very good skills, and at that moment, everyone took action separately and caught a few of them, so as to avoid the disaster of them falling into the sea.

At this time, the hull of the ship has been pulled around by the ghost ship.

Don't look at the ghost ship when it is moving, it is silent, and I don't know what it is propelling forward, but now that it is tied together, I find that the power of the ghost ship is much greater than their boat.

At this moment, their boat immediately tilted over, and it was about to capsize into the sea.

Li Sheng's figure jumped up and jumped towards the ghost boat, and at the same time, in mid-air, the black god knife in his hand slashed down, cutting the pulled fishing net into two.

Of course, this time you can only jump onto the ghost ship.

This was expected by Li Sheng.

He originally calculated, after jumping on the boat, he immediately jumped back again, but unexpectedly, as soon as he stepped on the ghost ship, he was mutated and reborn.

The mast of the ghost ship suddenly fell without warning.

Li Sheng was shocked in his heart, and hurriedly raised the Black God Sword and swung it away.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the Black God Sword touched the fallen mast, the mast suddenly disappeared.

When I looked at it again, I found that the mast was in good condition, and it had been standing on the ship without falling down at all.

In this stunned effort, the distance between the ghost boat and the fishing boat has gone far.

Yang Xueli shouted on the fishing boat.

"Come back, come back. "

Li Sheng was stunned, with the distance between the two boats now, it was impossible to jump over it again.

However, Li Sheng is not worried, if he really can't do it, he jumps into the seawater, with his water nature, he doesn't have to worry, anyway, the fishing boat is not far away.

However, as soon as this thought came to mind, Li Sheng heard a rustling sound below, and in the thick fog, something seemed to emerge from the seawater.

It turned out to be a tiger shark.

And not one or two, but a large group, numerous in number, is spinning under the water at the bottom of the ship.

Fortunately, he didn't jump, otherwise he would have fallen into the shark's mouth.

At this time, the fishing boat and the ghost boat were getting farther and farther away, and it was gradually impossible to see the human figure.

Yang Xueli shouted loudly on the fishing boat, extremely anxious.

Li Sheng frowned slightly, in the current situation, he was afraid that he really couldn't go back to the fishing boat.

However, even in this ghost ship, he was not afraid.

I've seen a lot of ghost zombies, and the ghost ship should also have a good look.

He took a slight step and used the back of the black ship knife to push open the door, the black god knife has the ability to destroy all yin souls and evil spirits, if there are really yin souls to make trouble, just restrain them.

But the Black God Sword suddenly fell into the door.

It turned out that the door was papier-mâché.

Li Sheng was shocked in his heart, and when he touched other places again, his face suddenly changed greatly.

It turned out that the ghost ship he was on at the moment was all papier-mâché.

It is a ghost ship that burns to the undead at sea.

What about the soles of the feet?

Li Sheng couldn't help but touch it lightly with the Black God Knife.


The papier-mâché deck suddenly cracked, and Li Sheng's body also fell. _

Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection,

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