"Li Ye's marksmanship is simply amazing, unbelievable!"

Xiao Mo exclaimed.

The ship's boss was also stunned.

"It is worthy of being a special soldier sent by the state, and this ability is really carried. "

He was very frightened when he saw the pirates approaching in speedboats, but he felt a lot more relaxed at the moment.

As for Hu Bayi and the others, they have long been surprised by Li Sheng's ability.

There was a brief moment of horror, but it was quickly taken for granted.

After all, it's Brother Li, nothing is impossible.

At this time, the pirate's speedboat was still rapidly approaching.

Li Sheng immediately aimed the machine gun in his hand at another boat.

The fat man, Hu Bayi, Big Golden Tooth, and Yang Xueli also picked up guns.

Although their marksmanship is not as incredible as Li Sheng's, they are all the top sharpshooters in the world.

That is, the big gold tooth is slightly weaker, but it is still much stronger than ordinary people.

After all, the Great Golden Tooth has also absorbed a lot of experience fragments of the God of War.

As for Yang Xueli, Fatty, and Hu Bayi, any of them can be called miraculous in their marksmanship.

At a greater distance, they opened fire first, and soon overturned several speedboats.

At this time, the pirates also began to return fire, and the bullets hit the fishing boat and the nearby water, causing countless splashes.

Huo Lin also fought back with a gun.

However, her marksmanship is much worse.

Even if it's a big gold tooth, it's more accurate than her marksmanship.

However, even so, Huo Lin was one of the most outstanding people in the Huo family after all, and her marksmanship was still much more accurate than those pirates.

There are still not a few people who were killed by her.

Soon, this group of pirates who attacked like sea wolves were beaten to pieces by them.

Behind, the mountain, which is more than 100 years high protruding from the water, is rapidly collapsing.

A large ship more than 100 meters long sailed out from the other end of the mountain, and there were several bright cannons on this ship.

This is a warship.

Li Sheng was slightly surprised.

His eyesight is amazing, but he can see it clearly, and the people on it are all wearing shorts and hairpins.

There are also quite a few people, topless.

There is no country whose navy is so untidy.

This is certainly a pirate ship.

Unexpectedly, this group of South Sea pirates even drove out of the warship.

Although it is just a tattered and rusty warship, it looks like it has been many years old.

But, after all, it is a real warship.

The naval guns on it are by no means ornaments.

Li Sheng saw it very clearly, and his heart suddenly sank.

"Oh my God, it's a warship, they even drove a warship. "

The captain of the ship was terrified.

The pirates of the South Seas have always been extremely powerful.

The countries in this area are relatively turbulent, and these pirates also belong to a separatist force in their own country.

Many pirates also have their own armies to dominate one side.

Obviously, the same is true of the pirates they are facing.

To deal with the speedboat, you can also rely on the superb marksmanship of Li Sheng and others to counterattack.

In the face of warships, how can you play?

People can shoot at you, but you are hiding in the thick armor, and you can't hit the other party at all.

Not to mention, the firing distance of the ship's guns is much greater than the guns in their hands.

All of a sudden, the people on the boat were terrified.

Li Sheng's pupils shrank slightly.

Immediately, he looked at the mountain next to him that was about to collapse, and a smile appeared on his face.

"Leave them alone, we'll go ten degrees, and then go full speed. "

Hearing Li Sheng's words, the boat boss was stunned for a moment.

"Do as I say. "

Li Sheng didn't bother to explain at all.

The old nature of the boat knows that at this time, it must listen to him.

I can only pray that Li Sheng's judgment is accurate and that reversing course can help them.

Behind, on top of the warship, a man with a long beard was looking at the fishing boat where Li Sheng was sitting with a telescope.

"Now, can you target them?"

This man is naturally the leader of this group of pirates, the big bad brother in the mouth of the pirates, and the big bad wolf in Li Sheng's eyes.

He has dominated the South China Sea for many years, and this warship is the flagship he obtained.

Don't look at it as just an old ship from World War II, but in the sea around the South Seas, even the navies of some small countries are a little afraid of it.

Of course, the most important thing is that money can communicate with God.

As a separatist force, the big bad wolf not only has strong soldiers, but also uses various means to dredge up the relationship in order to continue to divide it forever.

On this sea, it is not too good to be the king and the hegemon, and to be the emperor of the soil.

Not long ago, someone approached him, hoping that the big bad wolf would help him deal with a group of people.

The remuneration offered by the other party was very generous, and the big bad wolf naturally nodded and agreed.

Unexpectedly, this person was so piercing, and so many ships under his command were destroyed by him.

How can the big bad wolf swallow this breath?

"Big Gray Brother, I'm afraid it's a little farther away, it's too far away, and I can't aim at all. "

Hearing the words of the big bad wolf, someone on the ship quickly answered.

The big bad wolf suddenly became angry in his heart.

Blame this warship, it's too old.

Although this distance is within the firing distance of their naval guns, I am afraid that it will be really difficult to hit the opponent.

"No matter how much, shoot me, and if you don't shoot it, you'll scare them to death. "

The big bad wolf couldn't hold it back.

His loss this time was too great, and his heart was already full of hatred.

Just then, the fishing boat suddenly turned.

"Turn around, chase them. "

The big bad wolf immediately ordered.

Hearing his words, the pirate piloting the warship was stunned for a moment, and there was a hint of hesitation on his face.

"Big Gray, the mountain next to it seems to be collapsing, if we turn around now, we can't quickly move away, in case the mountain falls into the sea and causes a tsunami, it will be over. "

When the big bad wolf heard this, he also turned his head to look at the mountain next to him.

Sure enough, there were large chunks of rocks that were falling from them, making a very high splash.

Their warship was only a few hundred meters away from the mountain.

If you still drive ahead at this time, you will naturally move away from the mountain quickly.

But if you turn at this point, you are going in circles around the mountain.

In case the mountain collapses......

"Afraid of what?"

The big bad wolf didn't think so.

"We're still far from the mountain, and even if the mountain collapses, it won't be a big deal. "

"Unless the mountain completely sinks into the ocean floor and becomes a sea well, it will cause a tsunami, which is simply impossible. "

"Don't be afraid, listen to me, turn around!"

When the pirate who drove the boat heard this, of course he didn't dare to disobey the order, so he had to make a sharp turn and chase after Li Sheng's fishing boat.

At the same time, the gunners on the warship, all in position, began to aim and fire.


A shell, not far from the fishing boat, stirred up a column of water dozens of meters high.

In an instant, the fishing boat began to shake violently.

The captain of the ship was suddenly frightened and bloodless.

Everyone's faces also became very ugly.

But Li Sheng seemed very calm.

"Don't worry, their cannons are not very accurate, this distance is still too far, they can't hit us. "

As he spoke, several more shells fell.

However, these shells were even farther away from the fishing boats.

Li Sheng's judgment is not wrong at all.

Although the other party is a warship, the naval guns on it are already old, and they can't be targeted.

However, warships are warships after all.

Even if it is an old warship from decades ago, its speed is still much faster than that of a fishing boat.

That is, if it goes on like this, it won't be long before the warships will catch up with their fishing boats.

With the ability of the warship's guns, there is no need to catch up, as long as the distance is close, it is enough to sink the fishing boat.


Li Sheng looked at the mountain next to the warship, but a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

After the bloodline evolved to the sixth rank, Li Sheng's sixth sense was already unusually accurate.

He had a strong premonition that the mountain on the sea was about to collapse.

Moreover, Li Sheng knew better than anyone that there was a huge sea eye.

Once the mountain collapses, it will fall into the eye of the sea, and the sea water outside will also rush in, which will inevitably provoke a terrifying tsunami.

"One, two, three...... Collapse ......"


As soon as Li Sheng's words fell, the huge mountain suddenly collapsed.

On the warship, the big bad wolf turned his head in horror and saw a mountain more than 100 meters high and quite large a few hundred meters away, which collapsed with a bang.

In the blink of an eye, the huge mountain disappeared into the sea, as if it had never existed.

In an instant, a terrifying tsunami, almost instantaneously, took shape and swept in.


The big bad wolf screamed, and the warship he was sitting on had been swept up by the tsunami and flew into the air.

The huge hull of the warship was swept into the sky, and then fell hard.

Immediately, with the rushing water, it was swept into the bottomless eye of the sea. _

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