Transformed Marvel Genius

Chapter 95: MIT Graduation Ceremony

In the summer of 2008, the MIT graduation ceremony.

Maya carried a Leica camera on her left shoulder, five or six lenses on her right shoulder, telephoto, short focus, wide-angle and ultra-wide-angle. She held an iPad in her left hand and a bouquet of freshly purchased flowers in her right hand. She was fully armed.

Fortunately, Maya usually likes to exercise, otherwise, these five or six shots are enough for ordinary people to drink a cup.

Garcia buckled Anna's bachelor's hat, tied a gray drape, and arranged the bachelor's robe. The short legs were a science degree, and the drape was gray. Maya came over and put a beautiful chiffon bow tie on Anna. The robe hangs down, looking like a walking dumpling.

This time, the whole family was dispatched for the graduation ceremony. Not only Garcia, but even Jeffrey brought Daniel over to watch.

According to the regulations, except for the students, a family only has three tickets, and Daniel also has to go in, so there is no way Garcia can go to her friend to transfer one, which is exactly four.

Little Daniel was led by Jeffrey and looked at a group of people lining up beside him, feeling so confused.

Then this group of people, black, red, yellow, all in robes, looked like an evil organization that held a mysterious sacrifice ceremony.

This guy almost cried.

Maya and Garcia were both laughing and taking pictures of the crying little guy while laughing, or three consecutive shots.

Poor Daniel.

Anna is a graduate, and she and her parents enter the venue in different batches. She has to report to the Faculty of Science first.

The staff is a young lady, who looks like a junior. She checked Anna with the notebook for a while, and then she bent down to tie a scarf to her short legs. The scarf was printed with the School of Science LOGO, which is a must-have souvenir for every college. .

Touching the head of the short legs, she said to the sister next to her, temporarily put down her work and compared her hands with Anna to the camera.

It's amazing, Miss thinks that she has seen the youngest graduate ever in her life.

Anna is not surprised, she has attracted the attention of many people along the way with her clothes, but everyone thinks it is the child of a certain doctor, they did not expect that level.

So under the leadership of Miss Sister, Anna came to the team of the Faculty of Science, and was full of amazement during the period.

Anna stood at the forefront of the graduates of the Faculty of Science. The little man was so conspicuous that he looked like a rooster.

Dr. Hall came over and waved to Anna: "Ha, Anna, no surprise."

This guy is wearing a tutor's uniform with four oversized red bars on the sleeves. He also pretends to wear blind glasses. He looks proud of the spring breeze and looks very cool. He is in his fifties, and he is still with children. Same.

He is an external professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, in the Faculty of Science.

It can be seen that Professor Hall was very happy to see Short Legs. In fact, the two never interrupted the email contact. Just the day before, he also discussed issues with Short Legs.

He just didn't tell Anna that he was back for the graduation ceremony.

She had a small face with short legs, and the flag was too heavy to lift her two fat hands.

She is an excellent graduate, with top academic performance, and a rare all-excellent thesis defense. When she joins the team, she has to carry the flag.

A flag and a bamboo pole are taller than one person, and it is an adult. And the flag of the Faculty of Science is also very large. It is laid flat on the ground, so that Daniel can roll at will, and hold it in his hand. In addition to the strong wind today, there are forty to fifty catty.

For events like graduation, Anna can't wear an exoskeleton.

Little Short Leg's face turned red.

Professor Hall is a smart person. He understood Anna's predicament at a glance. He took a rope from the tent and tied the bamboo pole and Anna together in a circle. Seeing that he could almost carry it, he nodded.

Hell, Professor Hall, are you sure you're not here to tease me?

Fortunately, Anna is also a person with roots. She has companions. The dean of the Department of High Energy Physics has many students, among them, there is a short-legged person who haunts the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

After all, today is a happy day, Anna endured it.

At 9 a.m., two police motorcycles drove slowly along the banks of the Charles River, and the teachers and students attending the graduation ceremony were about to enter the arena.

The ceremony began with the band playing the Scottish bagpipes.

The leader of MIT is the leader of the team walking in the front. The etiquette teacher has a golden cane. The only one behind him with 5 red bars is the principal Raphael Leif. This one thing is enough to make people remember a hundred years.

Dr. Hall's position is not low. After all, he has four bars. He is about the same level as the school board. In the team behind, Anna also saw a few acquaintances, such as the biology professor who succeeded Maya, Anna 75 of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The old tutor, a little old man with squinting eyes and white hair.

Originally, Dr. Friedman would have been at the forefront of the team, if he hadn't been pierced by the octopus feet.

It stands to reason that Tony Stark also came back. Standing on the honorary alumni team, Anna checked it. It seems that Stark participated in the first five years four times. It can be seen that Stark has a lot of affection for MIT, a famous arms school. of.

It's just that I didn't find the tutor team today, followed by students from various colleges.

This is the highlight. Anna only heard crackling noises and various flashing lights.

After all, there are tutors every year, so it may be just one time for your child to attend the graduation ceremony.

Anna saw Maya and Garcia on the seats. They were both old fritters from MIT. They knew where to go sightseeing and where to take the best photos, so they grabbed the seats in the second row.

It could be seen that Maya was very excited, and asked Anna to do various continuous shooting actions.

"Did you see? The most conspicuous among the students is my daughter, the short leg carrying the big flag." Maya said proudly, holding the camera and waving to Anna while shouting.

Too conspicuous, these short legs.

A parent sitting in the front row saw the flag first, the moving flag of the Faculty of Science, and looked down along the flag, and finally saw Anna, the little girl whose face was flushed.

Some people have heard rumors that this year will be special. It is said that MIT has produced a super genius.

But what I heard was far less shocking than what I saw, this... I'm still breastfeeding.

Looking at the way she raised the flag, the Massachusetts Child Protection Center doesn't care.

If Anna knew, she would kindly remind him that the Minister of Social Security is next door to you.

Geoffrey was also overjoyed. He held Daniel on his head and danced, shouting Anna's name with Daniel while swinging his body.

Maybe Jeffrey's infectious power is too strong, and he has also led the three generations of grandparents on the side, and the three generations of grandparents on the side have led the uncle Ai Loli on the side...

It is conceivable that after this graduation ceremony, the image of short-legged Anna will be famous all over the world.

p.s. Ask for collection and recommendation

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