The five children in the family are all so good looking, so the reporter took a lot of pictures.

The reporter took a photo at random, but subconsciously ignored Shao Qihai next to him. When he looked back at the photo and saw that Shao Qihai always appeared, he thought he was in the way, "Why is he always by the side." Although Shao Qihai is very attractive and looks good in the same frame, but This is not what journalists want.

The reporter never thought that it was the child's father, because Xiaobei Xiaowu only mentioned his mother and never mentioned his father, so everyone subconsciously ignored his father.

The reporter looked at the photos carefully and found that Shao Xi and Shao Nan were very familiar.

Shao Xi has few appearances, but it can be found that he has already published a book at a young age.

Not to mention Shao Nan, who didn't know about this little prodigy during this time. Many parents took their children to follow the show and asked their children to learn Shao Nan. Shao Nan became a child of other people's families, a nightmare for many classmates.

I didn't know it if I didn't see it before, but only now did I know that they turned out to be brothers and sisters?

These four children are going against the sky, right? A TV station reporter quickly went to learn about the situation of several children, and then preemptively reported it and grabbed the headlines.

In order to be the first to report, the reporter learned that the information was not so comprehensive, or that he did not know the latest news, so the content of the report was that Mu Jingzhe, as a stepmother, did not remarry or return to her parents’ home for the sake of several unrelated children. Regret taking care of them, which is why they like their mother so much.

This report is really touching. He took the lead, and others followed it after seeing it, so other newspapers, magazines, and radio stations all reported similar reports.

The theme is a few poor children, first without their mother and then without their father, fortunately they have a good stepmother, and they are also a moving story of thanking and repaying the stepmother.

Shao Qihai: "."

No, he's back alive now, he's still alive, he's still alive or not.

Although Shao Qihai is still alive, according to media reports, he is already dead. The first reporter did not update the news in time, which made everyone feel this way. In addition, several children have never mentioned their father and their mouthful of mother, so it is natural to think that Dad is gone.

You say if the father is still alive, how many children can be like that? No one thinks there is a problem.

Shao Qihai saw reports of his death everywhere, and the villagers were also curious about why he died again, so they had no choice but to call the newspaper and tell them that he was still alive and not to write him dead.

The people from the newspaper sneered after hearing this, "Are you Shao Bei's father? Then I'm still your grandfather. I don't even care what we do, and dare to deceive us."

The person who answered the phone at the newspaper said that he had seen this kind of prank a lot, and hung up the phone without hesitation with a sneer.

Shao Qihai: "Wait, what I said is true." The call has been hung up.

Shao Qihai is extremely helpless. In fact, there is another way to correct the report, that is, let a few children speak, as long as they speak, all problems will be solved, but looking at the attitude of several children, he should not think about it.

Shao Qihai hadn't corrected the fact that he wasn't dead yet, the media had already turned him over and not mentioned him, everyone started to focus on reporting on their five children, several children's reports, causing countless people to envy, envy and hate, Mu Jingzhe is a mother has also become the envy of many people.

The only regret is probably that Shao Dong, the eldest brother and sister, are all so promising, as if he is the only one who seems unremarkable.

Many people read the report and said that it would be great if the big brother also made a profit.

But after a long time, they realized that they were too naive, nothing extraordinary, just hidden bombs, scaring people to death.

He is not ordinary, with such younger brothers and sisters, how can he be ordinary.

The newspapers and media reported frantically, Xiaobei and the others watched the news: "."

Although they won the award, they also confessed to their mother crazily, and even Shao Qihai didn't show up. I'm really happy, but this period is really delicate.

Their plan of pretending to be ordinary seems to have failed completely.

Li Zhaodi didn't understand the troubles of the five children at all, so she only cared about being happy, especially when Xiaobei Xiaowu praised Mu Jingzhe so much, she felt that she didn't hurt a few children in vain.

Because of this award-winning report, the movie has been popular for a while, and will soon be broadcast on the TV movie channel.

Li Zhaodi had previously said that she would invite people from the village to watch it, but it wasn't possible before, but this time it was alright. Taking advantage of the excitement, she immediately invited projectionists to play in the village, and it was agreed that it would be played for three days.

When the news spread, people from Dadong Village prepared to take a good place in advance, and people from other villages, such as Xiaodong Village, came to watch it together after hearing about it.

Knowing that Xiaobei is from Dadong Village, people from other villages are rare. Although people from Dadong Village often see Xiaobei, but they know that they are going to watch a movie, they are actually very rare in their hearts, but they will not be in front of other villagers. Ashamed, his temperament was so tight, he stood up and told everyone.

"Now that their family is busy, don't go to see Xiaobei specifically, they will come after the movie is played in a while, and then you can watch and talk, but remember not to get too close, that's our big Celebrities, you can't touch them casually."

Everyone is sensible. After being proud, they will never take these people to the Shao family. Some people even stop them from going there, lest they do anything excessive.

Because the villagers voluntarily worked as assistant bodyguards, Mu Jingzhe and the others were not affected. Although they had already watched it in the movie theater, this time it was released in the village, and Mu Jingzhe and the others had to watch it again.

So I ate earlier, took the small bench and was ready to leave.

"Mom, my grandmother said that we don't need to take the bench. She deliberately carried the big star to sit in the middle position, and put a cushion on it, so that Xiaobei and us can go over and watch, no one will rob us."

Mu Jingzhe laughed loudly when he heard it, "Okay, then don't take it. Your grandmother is cute, right?"

Li Zhaodi's move and this treatment are really like the treatment of actors in a movie theater.

"Cute, everyone heard that Xiaobei was going, and they were busy grabbing the seats next to them. They said they would wait for us, and they would start playing when we got there."

"Let's go then." Mu Jingzhe and his five children packed up and set off, only to find that Shao Qihai was not following when they walked to the door.

"Aren't you going to watch?" This is Xiaobei's movie.

Shao Qihai coughed, "You go first, I'll go over later."

Mu Jingzhe frowned, and she started to go after a while. She was about to say something, but Xiaobei stopped her, "Let's go, Mom, he doesn't like watching."

Xiaobei glanced at Shao Qihai and said it was a lie not to be disappointed. Her tone was flat, but she actually hoped that Shao Qihai could make an exception for her.

But in the end she was disappointed.

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