The old master scolded Zhao Lan as soon as he came, and after some preparations, he finally helped to straighten the bones. Before starting, he gave Shao Qiyun a vaccination, "It hurts, you bear it."

Shao Qiyun thought that she had already given birth to a child, how could it hurt to have a child?

It's true, but Shao Qiyun didn't expect it to hurt so much, and he almost didn't hurt her to death. Shao Qiyun screamed in agony. The old master was so called by her that he couldn't concentrate, and he shoved Mu Jingzhe's smelly socks back to her. .

"Be patient."

When the limbs were reset, Shao Qiyun's whole body was like being fished out of water, and he couldn't tell whether it was more from the water tank or cold sweat from pain.

However, she was not alone in suffering.

Although Xiao Wu seemed to be comforted, it was actually not that easy. That night, Xiao Wu had a fever.

Because he was not in a good state, and he was relying on Mu Jingzhe all the time, he felt very insecure, so Mu Jingzhe made an exception to take him and Xiao Bei to sleep, and finally coaxed him to sleep by singing and telling stories. In the middle of the night, he was still sick with a fever.

One dose was directly burned to thirty-eight degrees six. Mu Jingzhe had some experience in the past year. He did not rush to carry Xiao Wu to the hospital. Coax him to give him a sense of security.

After tossing until the early morning, Xiao Wu finally had his fever subsided, but because of the high fever, he was sluggish the next day.

In the past, Shao Qiyun hid from Xiao Wu and didn't want to see her, but now it was Xiao Wu's turn to hide from Shao Qiyun and didn't want to see her, because he would hear Shao Qiyun's voice next door, and Xiao Wu didn't even want to go to the yard.

It was the first time he rejected someone like this.

Although Xiao Wu was inactive, he became more and more obedient. He listened to and agreed with everything he said, and let him eat and drink water. Shao Dong and the others teased him and wanted to make him happy, so he smiled happily.

But his cooperation and obedience in this way made people look sad. After that, everyone stopped teasing him and let him wait quietly.

This day, nothing happened during the day, and it seemed to be getting better, but in the evening, Xiao Wu had a fever again, this time it was worse than last night, and it was directly burned to 39 degrees.

"What should I do?" Shao Qihai had been worrying about it last night, but Mu Jingzhe calmed down, at least he was calmer, but seeing Xiao Wu vomited, he was a little scared.

"Send to the hospital first." Mu Jingzhe wrapped Xiao Wu in a blanket and carried him to leave. Shao Qihai hurriedly told him to carry it, but Xiao Wu was sick and uncomfortable, and instead became headstrong, as long as Mu Jingzhe didn't want him.

As soon as it was in his hands, he cried and cried for his mother.

Children are like this. They usually kiss whoever they are. They only want whoever they are when they are sick and uncomfortable. They don’t know if adults will be tired.

Mu Jingzhe had seen many children who only needed their mother before. The mother was sweating on her back and would break her arms, but she didn't want her father, only her mother could work hard.

It is also fortunate that she is strong now, otherwise she would be distressed, relieved and tired like those mothers.

"It's okay, I'll carry it, I'm used to it." Mu Jingzhe took Xiao Wu and carried it up, then looked at Shao Dong, "Xiao Dong, you and your uncle are watching at home, and bring your younger siblings."

Shao Qiyang also got up, "I will take care of them, you can rest assured."

"Yes." Shao Dong nodded, "Mom, please go quickly."

The countryside is no better than the city. There are street lights everywhere at night. Unless there is the moon at night in the countryside, it is so dark that you can’t see your fingers, and you have to use a flashlight wherever you go.

But the range of the flashlight was limited, and it was unsafe to ride a bike at night. Shao Qihai's car was sent for maintenance, so Mu Jingzhe and Shao Qihai had to rush to the town health center on foot.

This road is very familiar to Mu Jingzhe, even at night, because she has driven several times at night, and once she crossed it, she ran all night.

Mu Jingzhe felt that Xiao Wu's back was getting hotter and hotter, and he became more anxious. He walked so fast, panting was inevitable.

Shao Qihai followed behind, trying to illuminate the road ahead for Mu Jingzhe as much as possible, listening to her panting, annoyed that the car was not there when it was used, and kept saying that he would carry it.

But Xiao Wu was unwilling, "It's okay, I'll recite it, I'm used to it."

Children with poor immunity always have some headaches and fever. These days, Mu Jingzhe has been carrying his children to the town hospital in the middle of the night. Many parents in the village come here. Gotta walk on your back.

After Mu Jingzhe finished speaking, he continued to walk forward, and the words were just casual, but Shao Qihai was extremely complicated.

She said she was used to it, and she always said that she was strong, so no matter what she did, it didn't seem to matter.

But being strong doesn't mean she won't get tired, especially when she's on her way.

Shao Qihai and Mu Jingzhe took the shortest time to get to the town health center. When they arrived, Mu Jingzhe was already sweating all over his face.

The old doctor in the hospital was used to having patients come at night, so he got up very quickly, looked at it, and heard the situation. He said that there are many reasons for children to have fever and vomiting, and it is possible to be frightened when they are in a bad mood. Emotions actually have a huge impact on a person's health.

The old doctor quickly prescribed the medicine, and chatted with Mu Jingzhe while prescribing, because there were five more children and they all knew each other.

Look at Mu Jingzhe and then look at Shao Qihai, the old doctor handed over the list and said earnestly, "Don't just make your own woman work hard." The old doctor sees too much in the parents.

Shao Qihai was embarrassed to hear it, and he felt ashamed when he glanced at Mu Jingzhe, Mu Jingzhe hurriedly said, "Actually, the child only wants me."

"That's not because he's not good enough for the child." The old doctor couldn't help staring, "Go get an injection." He has seen many fathers like this.

When Shao Qihai went to pay for the medicine and find a nurse for an injection, Mu Jingzhe just had to hold Xiao Wu and wait.

It was just that I was covered in sweat just now. After sitting for a while, I got cold. When the wind blew, I felt a chill down my spine.

When Shao Qihai arrived at the injection room, he saw Mu Jingzhe shivering. He hurriedly took off his clothes and put them on her, "Don't catch a cold." He felt a little annoyed. Get two more.

"I'm fine, don't catch a cold yourself." Mu Jingzhe's first reaction was to refuse.

"I don't know, you're the one who doesn't catch a cold." Shao Qihai was rarely tough and didn't let Mu Jingzhe take it down, "I used to camp a lot in the middle of the night, so I won't catch a cold."

Mu Jingzhe hesitated to speak, thinking that it was in the past, and now your body is like a balloon pierced through a hole.

In the end, I asked the nurse to borrow a blanket, which solved the problem.

After the injection, Xiao Wu finally had his fever subsided and stopped vomiting. The main reason was that he didn't vomit anymore.

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