
Sima Yi moved when he heard this, and then carefully recalled the topographical map around Jiangxia.

"I remember the lord's sand table map, Chibi is a very dangerous place, if Cao Cao and Liu Biao build a water village here, echoing Xiakou, it is indeed a big trouble. "

"My lord, our army is not good at water warfare, but on the one hand, we can cross the river from Jiangling, first fight the public security, and obtain the four counties of Jingnan in Nanzhengwuling and Changsha, and on the other hand, from Hefei and Zhangliao, seize the mouth of the Xukou, cross to the south of Qu'a, and then take the five counties of Yangzhou. "

"Although this strategy is more time-consuming, it can maximize the advantages of our army's cavalry and foot soldiers. "

Xu Xiao shook his head lightly: "The Northern Army is not adapted to the water and soil climate in the south, and I don't have much time to spend here to compete with Cao Cao and Liu Biao for one city and one pool!"

"Since Cao Cao and Liu Biao have chosen Chibi as the location of the decisive battle, then they should decide to fight a decisive battle in Chibi according to their wishes!"

Sima Yi's detour strategy is indeed the most prudent.

But there is a downside.

If it does not conform to Cao Cao and Liu Biao's intention to win the water war ~ lose.

Let Cao Cao and Liu Biao run away with the main force, and it will be another trouble-.

Just like Cao Cao gave up Xuchang that day.

As long as there are soldiers and generals, Cao Cao and Liu Biao can make a comeback at any time.

Further south.

There is also Jiaozhou, where the terrain is more complex.

Instead of letting Cao Cao and Liu Biao flee to the west, it is better to be in Chibi and decide a battle!

Sima Yi was a little worried: "My lord, but we don't know anything about water warfare." "

Xu Xiao laughed: "Why do you have to understand water warfare? Zhongda, why can't we build a water village and let Cao Cao and Liu Biao break our water village?"

When Sima Yi got the point, he immediately realized: "I see! The lord is clever! It is Cao Cao and Liu Biao who are eager to fight, not the lord! The lord only needs to set up a water village, make a big show, and deliberately want to fight Cao Cao and Liu Biao to the death near the red cliff. "

"Then lead the other party to attack! The plan will be calculated, and the living forces of Cao Cao and Liu Biao will be annihilated!"

"To the north of Chibi, there are three river estues, which is suitable for building a water village!"

Xu Xiao bowed his head.

Put down the military binoculars and said: "Sanjiangkou Water Village, we will discuss it later, now that Xiangyang is at present, can Zhongda have a plan to capture Xiangyang?"

Sima Yi smiled confidently: "Although Xiangyang is a fortified city, easy to defend and difficult to attack, but because Cao Cao drove a large number of Nanyang soldiers and civilians southward, as long as the lord is to properly settle the Nanyang army and civilians, this is a good time for the lord to win the hearts of the people of Jingzhou." "

Of course, Cao Cao used rumors to slander the lord, and the lord also had to use rumors to shake the hearts of the people in Xiangyang. "

"Who is the real culprit of Jingzhou!"

"As long as the military and civilians of Nanyang are properly settled, the hearts of the people of Xiangyang will inevitably be towards the lord. "

"At that time, you only need to surrender the discord, and you can break Xiangyang from the inside!"

Xu Xiao laughed: "In this way, Cao Cao has tied me up!"

Sima Yi also smiled and said: "After all, Cao Cao could never have imagined that the main guild would have a truly strong army that would freeze to death and not demolish houses, starve to death and not plunder, and have strict military discipline that shocked the world! "

A glimmer of light flashed in Xu Xiao's eyes: "Xing, the people are suffering; If it is the rule of this era for warlords to fight and hurt the people, then I, Xu Xiao, will break this rule!"

"Soldiers, you must have the quality of a soldier!"

"The soldiers of the Liang Kingdom are not born for battle!"

Sima Yi was silent.

Marching and fighting a war already cost a lot of money and food.

At this time, if you don't rob the people's grain and grass, it will be considered a kind soldier.

If you still have to take military rations to resettle the displaced people.

The whole big man.

Only Xu Xiao dared to do this!

Money and food?

The last thing Xu Xiao lacks is money and food!

Most of Xu Xiao's sign-ins are resources.

Money, food, armor, horses.....

This is also Xu Xiao's quick decision, but in more than two years, he has almost flattened the important reliance of the big man!


With food and grass alone, Xu Xiao's logistics can't support such a high-intensity battle!!(Read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

Hundreds of thousands of displaced people in Nanyang were poisoned by Cao Cao and stayed away from their homeland.

Food alone is enough to kill most of these displaced people.

After all.

Not everyone who runs away can take a few months of food!

These homeless people have no food?

Xu Xiao has!

Don't have warm clothes?

Xu Xiao has!

Liu Biao didn't dare to let the displaced people enter Xiangyang?

Xu Xiao can mobilize them to return to their homeland!


0 begging for flowers

Xu Xiao once again took out a large amount of money, grain and military tents, and placed the Nanyang refugees as marching soldiers, and ordered the soldiers to escort the Nanyang refugees back to their homeland.


It also made people spread the news that Cao Cao indiscriminately killed the villagers of Xu County and blamed the soldiers of Liangguo among the displaced people.

"The hateful thief, for his own selfishness, he has caused me to stay away from my homeland, and I have pity on my wife and children!"

"Fortunately, the Emperor of Liangguo is distributing military tents and food, otherwise my wife and children would have starved to death today. "

"But isn't it, how can the Liang soldiers who distribute the grain and grass to the people be brutal and unkind?"

"I saw with my own eyes that after the soldiers had given us the tents, they would sit and fall asleep in front of the campfire, and I wanted them to go to the tents to rest, but they said that because of their arrival, we were displaced, and it was only compensation. It's clearly not their fault!"

"My son accidentally fell into the water, but fortunately, Liang Bing rescued my son, but the Liang Bing was washed away by the current, and I knew that the Liang Bing would not be water-based. "

"How can such a cool soldier be a brutal and unkind thief?"

"Thief soldier, I fled from Xuzhou, then Cao Cao himself is the thief who slaughtered the city, Emperor Liang was originally from Xuzhou, and he has never committed any crime with Minqiu, that is the real virtuous name and holy master, much better than the little emperor in Xiangyang!"

Under Xu Xiao's dedication to settle down and deliberate publicity, in just a few days, the hearts of the Nanyang refugees were all towards the cold country.

And some of the Nanyang refugees who were grateful to Xu Xiao were recruited by Xu Xiao and infiltrated Xiangyang, and Xu Xiao's reputation of benevolence and righteousness was hyped in Xiangyang.

The inner city of Xiangyang.

Urgent news came.

"Lord, the Liang soldiers have entered the city!"

Liu Biao, who was discussing countermeasures with Xu Shu, was shocked: "When? When did the Liang soldiers attack the city?"

"Thousands of Xiangyang people suddenly came to the north gate, shouting to go out of the city, but the soldiers guarding the city couldn't stop them, so they grabbed the city gate and accepted the Liang soldiers into the city!"

Liu Biao's face turned pale.

"How is this possible? Whoever is defending the city today, I'm going to kill him!"

Seeing this, Xu Shu immediately advised: "Lord, it must be Xu Xiao who settled the Nanyang refugees, so that the people of Xiangyang do not want to be enemies with Xu Xiao, this is not the time to be held responsible, immediately cover the Son of Heaven and evacuate Xiangyang!"

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