Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 3200 Chapter 12 The gold necklace engraved with angels

Latest website: What Ye Tian dug up this time was not the priceless diamond and gold cross, but a gilt copper candlestick.

This is still an antique artifact from the Portuguese colony, to be precise, from Brazil.

This gilt copper candlestick is engraved with many exquisite patterns and some Portuguese characters.

Its artistic style is Baroque, and it is a Baroque style with a strong Portuguese colonial flavor.

This can be determined by the Portuguese inscriptions on the candlesticks.

This gilt copper candlestick is one of the rare treasures customized by Brazil for the then King of Portugal.

In other words, these gold and silver treasures engraved in Portuguese and from the Portuguese colonies came from the Portuguese fleet that was plundered by the black baron in history.

This discovery made everyone excited, and many people cheered directly.

"Great, Steven, since we are sure that this is the gold and silver treasure that the black baronet looted from the Portuguese colonists, it is basically certain.

That priceless diamond and gold cross is most likely on the bottom of the sea, maybe right under your feet."

Professor Paul said excitedly.

Before he could finish his words, Yahya could not wait to continue:

“If the gold and silver treasures looted by the Black Baron from the Portuguese colonists were all here, wouldn’t the value of this pirate treasure be even more amazing!

Not to mention anything else, the value of these more than 40,000 Portuguese Moido gold coins and this diamond and gold cross alone is enough to make people stunned."

Hearing this, everyone couldn't help laughing.

After the laughter subsided, Ye Tian chuckled and nodded and said:

"Indeed, this pirate treasure of the Black Baron is most likely the second largest pirate treasure I have discovered, after the Lima treasure.

Its overall value is hard to estimate yet, but I believe it will be very amazing. What I am curious about now is, how long did it take the Black Baronet to hide these pirate treasures here? "

As he spoke, he placed the exquisite gilt copper candlestick on the beach at the bottom of the sea.

Then, he looked ahead again, ready to continue exploring this area.

At the same time, Professor Kane's voice also came from the earphones.

"Judging from the gold and silver treasures discovered so far, I estimate that the Black Baron may have spent about a month hiding these pirate treasures. I wonder how he concealed them from others?"

“It’s very simple, kill people and silence them, then dress up like a local fisherman and sail out to sea to hide the treasure.

According to my estimation, all the fishermen living near this sea area at that time were killed by the Black Baron and his men.

Coupled with the special hydrological and geographical conditions here, there are few ships passing by, so they can work here with confidence."

Ye Tian said with a smile.

Everyone was shocked when they heard this.

But if you think about it carefully, this possibility is very high.

Otherwise, it would be difficult for the Black Baron and his people to work here for more than a month to hide these gold and silver treasures without being discovered.

Thinking of this, everyone shuddered a little.

While talking, Ye Tian dug out another gold and silver treasure from under the sea sand.

This time it was a Portuguese Colonial Baroque gold plate that shimmered brightly in the light.

Unfortunately, the gold plate was severely distorted and deformed by the stones.

Fortunately, it is made of gold, has very good toughness and ductility, and has not cracked.

After getting it to the sea, there is still a way to remove it

Restored to its original state.

Ye Tian looked at the gold plate and then threw it on the sea bed.

Such gold and silver treasures no longer interest him.

Then, he gently swung his legs and swam forward slowly like a big fish.

In the following time, he discovered seven or eight more gold and silver treasures.

Among them are all kinds of exquisite and unusual gold products inlaid with various gemstones, rare treasures, and many Moido gold coins.

Like those previously discovered, most of these gold and silver treasures came from the Portuguese colonies. They were the gold and silver treasures that the Black Baron looted from the Portuguese fleet.

During this period, Miller, who was exploring not far away, also discovered several gold and silver treasures.

The origin of those things is more complicated. Some come from Indians, some come from British colonies, some come from French colonies, etc. The sources are different and the types are very mixed.

The most valuable of these is a small gold sculpture from the Inca Empire.

What it carves is an exaggerated Andean condor.

The discovery of this Inca civilization relic made Ye Tian so excited that he cheered.

Although he has many antique relics and works of art from the Indian civilization, the largest number of antique relics are from the Mayan civilization, followed by the Aztec civilization, and the least antique relics from the Inca civilization.

Those antique cultural relics of the Inca civilization were mainly from the Lima treasures. They were rarely discovered later and naturally there was no chance to collect them.

Of course, this is also related to the fact that he rarely goes to South America to explore treasures.

So far, he has only been to South America once, and that was to Cartagena, Colombia, rather than traveling deeper into the country.

In terms of the geographical division of the three major Indian civilizations, Colombia belongs to the Mayan civilization, while the Inca civilization is in the hinterland of South America and a little further south.

It seems necessary to go to South America to explore treasures and collect more antiques from the Inca civilization to enrich your Indian history museum and make the museum more comprehensive and rich, with a deeper heritage.

In fact, Ye Tian actually has two treasures in South America, but he hasn't had time to explore them yet.

The two treasures are located in Brazil and Argentina, one at sea and one on land, and they are incredibly valuable.

In this way, Ye Tian explored the seabed while planning future exploration operations.

Twenty minutes passed in the blink of an eye.

He was swimming close to the bottom of the sea when he suddenly stopped and looked at the bottom of the sea in front of him.

What appeared in front of him was a raised piece of coral, which was lighter in color and obviously had not been formed for a long time.

In the middle of this coral, there are a few tall seaweeds growing here and there, swaying gently in the sea water.

At first glance, this patch of coral may seem like nothing special.

But its appearance on this seabed means that there may be some valuable gold and silver treasure hidden underneath.

Things like this have happened several times before.

So everyone was not surprised. They didn't think there was anything wrong with Ye Tian's sudden stop. Instead, they were full of expectations.

However, Ye Tian still explained a few words.

“This coral looks very young, it doesn’t appear to have been formed for a long time, and it is lighter in color than the corals in other places.

It is inferred from this that the stones that formed this piece of coral may have been stones that fell from the top of the mountain due to later aftershocks.

There may be other surprises hidden under this piece of coral, and I hope to discover something.”

With that said, Ye Tian took out his diving knife and started cutting the coral.

In just a few moments, he cut off a large piece of coral.

As he moved, what was covered under the coral was finally exposed.

They were pieces of gravel of different sizes, piled up in disorder on the sea bed, and had been sleeping on this sea bed for a hundred or two hundred years.

Seeing this piece of rubble, everyone immediately understood.

As Ye Tian said, these gravels rolled down from the mountain, but the specific time of rolling down is still difficult to say.

While talking, Ye Tian cut off another piece of coral, and the sea water became turbid.

At this moment, his movements suddenly stopped.

"Gentlemen, I seem to have discovered something."

Ye Tian said pretending to be excited.

After hearing this, everyone was very excited and stared at the video screen.

When the water became clear again, everyone could see clearly what it was.

I saw Ye Tian holding the diving knife, using the tip of the diving knife to pick up a golden chain, shining with dazzling golden light.

Everyone could tell at a glance that it was a gold necklace and it was very thick.

As for what is hanging under the necklace, it is currently unknown.

The moment they saw this gold necklace, everyone couldn't help but be stunned.

Immediately afterwards, Professor Paul said excitedly

“Steven, underneath this gold necklace, is that priceless diamond and gold cross?

According to legend, the diamond and gold cross was suspended from a gold necklace, and there were many little angels engraved on the necklace."

Hearing this, Ye Tian couldn't help but laugh.

"Whether underneath this gold necklace is the diamond and gold cross, the answer will be revealed soon."

As he spoke, he moved a little closer to the bottom of the sea to observe from a closer distance.

The next moment, the portraits of some little angels engraved on the necklace appeared in his eyes and on the video screen.

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