Treasure Hunting Divine Eyes

Chapter 584: Treasure in the Cave

After two o'clock in the afternoon, Li Mo had already harvested two wild ginseng. He sat on it to rest for a while, chewing the beef jerky slowly.

"You send these two old ginseng out first, and then stay outside the valley to rest, don't come here again. I will go down to pick another old ginseng later, and then I will come out of the mountain to meet you. The brown bear can stay. If anything happens, I will keep in touch with you.”

"Yes, boss."

After the five security guards left, Li Mo looked at the brown bear and said, "There is a large platform under that steep slope, and there is a large cave entrance. There are three corpses on the platform, with different death patterns. I found it, and you will go down with me later to have a look. I suspect that the cave leads to a huge treasure house, which is related to the catastrophe of Jinling in the last century."

The brown bear's face immediately showed shock, the catastrophe in Jinling, more than 300,000 compatriots died.

"Boss, how did you know it was related to the Jinling disaster?"

"I have been studying the Golden Lily Plundering Plan before. It was planned and executed by the island country, and its main purpose was to bloodyly plunder folk wealth. The Jinling catastrophe started with the Golden Lily Plundering Plan. More than 6,000 tons of gold and countless Jade, silver, porcelain, ancient calligraphy and paintings, etc. According to the clues I collected, some of the wealth was not transported through Lushun Port, and all clues point to the Changbai Mountains."

Li Mo stood up and looked at Doupo and said in a deep voice: "This matter is of great importance. Before it is completely clear, the less people know, the better."


"Let's go down, let's go."

This time, they not only used ropes, but also found several strong long vines to tie them together. The platform is about fifteen meters below the steep slope. Because it is covered by miscellaneous trees, it is impossible to see anything from the top down. Li Mo cleared the way first, and he moved slowly down while cleaning up the miscellaneous trees.

After about twenty minutes, Li Mochao jumped down onto the platform. The brown bear went down slowly, and it took only two minutes to land beside Li Mo.

Seeing the three corpses, the brown bear squatted down and looked carefully and said: "One was stabbed in the heart, one was hit hard on the head, and the other was poisoned to death. The bones in his throat were darker than those in other parts. It should have been dead for a long time, and the clothes on her body have been weathered."

The brown bear rummaged through the opponent's pocket again. The fabric couldn't help tearing, and it broke when touched, and a pen fell out of it.

"Boss, it's Daowen."

The style of the pen is very old. Although many years have passed, the characters engraved on the surface are still clearly visible. It is indeed in the island language, but he does not understand what the island language means.

"Boss, there is also a diary wrapped in three layers of oil-skinned paper in the arms of this corpse. It is densely packed with island script, not all of them, and I also know some characters."

Li Mo took the diary and looked at it. Fortunately, it was wrapped with three layers of oil paper, otherwise the diary would be completely weathered after so many years.

"Take pictures of them all, and then put them back where they were. Hmph, nine out of ten of these three people are islanders. Brown bear, I'm more and more sure now that there must be hidden treasures in this cave."

"Boss, it's better to put on this waterproof suit and gas mask, even if there are poisonous insects in the cave, you can take maximum precautions."

"Okay, then apply the powder."

After the two were ready, each of them walked slowly into the cave with a flashlight. Li Mo has different pupils to help, so even if there is danger, he can predict it in advance. The two went deep, and when they reached more than 20 meters, their flashlights shone on the two corpses leaning on the wall, holding hands. Judging from their size and clothing, they were a man and a woman.

"Boss, look, they also died of poisoning."

"Well, let's move on."

Soon the two came to a thick iron door, one of which was severely deformed and damaged.

"Caused by high explosives."

Li Mo had already seen through the situation behind the iron gate, and he clenched his hands tightly, making a rattling sound.

"Boss." Brown Bear shouted.

"Look through the crack of the door, a lot of people have died, gold, silver, jewelry, and antique porcelain are all over the floor."

The brown bear hastily and slowly pushed open the iron door, and when the flashlight shone, he couldn't help but feel a little chill on his back. Behind the iron gate, there were corpses all over the ground. Many people held guns in their hands. All kinds of gold, silver, jewelry, jade and porcelain rolled on the ground, but the porcelain was basically not intact.

The bullet marks left on the walls are shocking.

The brown bear picked up a bullet casing from the ground, looked at it, and couldn't help cursing: "This bullet casing also has the island language on it. The fucking island people actually sneaked in here to steal the treasure here."

"Brown bear, don't move anything on the ground, it will be of great use in the future."

Although the brown bear didn't understand what the boss meant, he still threw away the bullet casings in his hand.

The two walked forward slowly, and found a total of thirty-four corpses along the way, including thirty-seven corpses outside the cave.

The two entered a huge cave from the passage. There were natural caves, and there were also many traces of man-made excavations, which were connected to form a whole.

"Boss, there are a lot of wooden boxes."

Yes, there are many wooden boxes in the depths of this huge cave, so many that it is difficult to describe them in approximate numbers. Boxes are piled up together, and the flashlight shines on them, and there is no end in sight.

"Brown bear, go over there and randomly open a dozen wooden boxes to see what's inside?"

The brown bear hurried over with a flashlight, and there was no need for him to open it randomly, because many wooden boxes had fallen apart, and gold bricks were scattered on the ground.

Li Mo walked up to a wooden box, stretched out his hand and patted it lightly, and the two wooden boards broke into two pieces. After he pulled it off, he saw that the wooden box was full of jade articles.

He casually picked up a piece of jade cicada, which is very typical of the eight sword carvings of the Han Dynasty. After putting it down, he picked up another jade tablet, and he flipped through it, and it turned out to be the Zigang tablet. Of course, this is not really made by Zigang, but later generations use Zigang's carving techniques and style. This is a work carved by a jade craftsman in the Qing Dynasty. However, if you observe carefully, the carving skills of this Zigang plate are still not exquisite enough, and some details are handled very bluntly.

Then Li Mo picked up another jade bracelet. This jade bracelet was once broken into two pieces, and later the broken jade joint was re-fixed with the technique of inlaying gold and wrapping jade. The gold-inlaid surface is also engraved with various patterns of flowers and birds. Li Moyi glanced at it and said, this gold-encrusted jade bracelet was actually passed down in the late Ming Dynasty. It must be a rich family, otherwise it would not have been handed down for more than two hundred years.

Putting down the jade wares, he walked forward three meters and opened another wooden box, which contained porcelain wares. The quality of these porcelains is not good, and they are not fired in official kilns, they are obviously made by folk craftsmen.

Probably the islanders don't know how to distinguish the value of porcelain. They think that even the things that the Qing emperor loves must be treasures, so they even plundered the porcelain fired in folk kilns.

There were too many things, and Li Mo couldn't check them all. He took two steps back and looked directly with his different pupils. Suddenly the world in front of him became dreamy, gray halos, blue halos, red halos, orange halos, golden halos, purple-gold halos, and even black and white halos. Dichroic halo.

It's been a long time since I've seen black and white halos. Those are ancient relics from the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period. Li Mo concentrated on looking at it. It was a simple and unpretentious rectangular jade pendant with characters on the surface, but Li Mo couldn't make out the characters for a while. The surface of the jade pendant is still obviously stained, judging from the small hole at one end, it should be a pendant worn around the waist.

"Boss, there are too many gold bricks inside, so I can't count them. And the cave is so deep, I wonder if the islanders hollowed out this mountain? Just like Xiang Yu, the overlord of Western Chu. , and hid all the good things in the belly of the mountain.”

"Let's explore together and see if there is anything else worth researching besides these treasures?"

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