The company where Lisa works has working hours from 8 am to 4 pm. Sometimes when her work isn't finished, she just leaves the office around 6 or 7 pm. And usually, lunch hour is 12 to 1 pm. In other words, today Lisa doesn't come to work until lunchtime!

"Oscar, this is all because of you! Why didn't you wake me up at 6 as usual? You know what time I work. Now I'm late again, you know!" Lisa got up from the bed feeling confused, "Ouch, what should I do now?!"

"Stupid, I already allowed you to take a day off. So you don't have to worry." Oscar replied while looking at the flustered woman.

Lisa's footsteps suddenly stopped hearing Oscar's reply. When she heard that it was 12 noon, she already felt her heart almost stop beating. And now, when she heard that Oscar had asked permission for her to take the day off today, her heart stopped beating.

This month, she has taken 3 days off, and this is the fourth time she has been late for work. If she continues like this, Lisa could lose her position as the manager of the Finance Division!

No matter how hard she tries to work well and improve her good name, the president at Better Life will definitely not keep her anymore.

Some people in the company did see her as a friend rather than a boss. That's why they treat Lisa well. But if she continued to take her leave so casually like this, they could lose respect for her and consider her not suitable to be their boss.

"There's no need to think further," Oscar replied when he didn't immediately hear Lisa's reply. He patted the bed beside him and said, "Come here quickly. I've allowed you to take 4 days off for family matters."

Lisa immediately turned around quickly and showed a surprised face. "What did you say!? 4 days?!"

Oscar cleared his throat, "Looks like we need to spend some time together."


Back to the previous day after Lisa and Chloe parted ways in the street food area.

After seeing Lisa enter Oscar's car, Chloe couldn't help but sigh. She didn't expect Oscar to act like a devil just because Lisa didn't pick up his phone calls. Chloe shook her head and opened her tote bag.

While she was having fun with Lisa, Randy was busy wrestling behind his desk. In the morning, he had to buy Chloe mint ice cream with chocolate topping. Meanwhile, in the afternoon, Randy had to buy her hot coffee that wasn't too hot before the woman left.

Finally, after the woman left, Randy could heave a sigh of relief. Even though the work was still piling up and Chloe's room was a mess, at least she didn't have to face that white woman!

Around 6 pm, the work of the bespectacled man was finally finished. Chloe's room was clean and there were no piles of papers on the desk. The man came home happy with a box of warm pizza he ordered in person. When he was enjoying a slice of pepperoni pizza while watching a video about UFOs on his cellphone, Randy's screen suddenly went black.

Not long after, the name 'Satan in human form' graced the screen of his cell phone.

Suddenly, the man choked on the pizza slice in his mouth. He had to pat his chest and feel the pepperoni pizza stuck in his throat.

Until now, Randy is amazed by Chloe's skill to destroy his happy times. Whenever he felt happy or did something he loved, that woman always came to destroy it all.

Ever since he met Chloe, Randy didn't know what it was like to be calm and happy.

Randy just wanted to enjoy dinner while watching UFO documentation in his bedroom. But the woman suddenly came and decided to destroy his happy moment like now.

With feelings of annoyance and lips that can't stop cursing, Randy decided to pick up the incoming call.

"Good evening, Miss Chloe. Can I help you?"

"I will share my location. Pick me up in half an hour." Chloe ordered in her cold and firm tone. "My car is in the parking lot of a supermarket near here. So come here using an online taxi instead."

Randy looked at the large pizza box with teary eyes. He wanted to cry silently and burst into tears. Why does that woman always want to ruin his good times!?

"M-Miss, can't it be postponed for a while? I'm—"

Chloe quickly interrupted Randy's words, "I can't. If you come more than 30 minutes, I will deduct your bonus this month."

Hearing that his bonus would be cut made Randy immediately get up from the bed. "Okay, I'll be there soon!"

Without waiting for a reply from Chloe, Randy quickly disconnected their phone. He hurriedly opened his wardrobe and chose casual clothes that still looked polite and neat.

"Crazy bitch! Does she think my house is close to her place?" Randy grumbled as he took off his pajama, "Does she like to disturb my peace every single day?"

Randy continued to grumble until he put the pizza box he ordered on the table. Even when he put on his shoes, the man still grumbled, "I didn't apply for a job at Petersson Communications for this bullshit! Maaan..."

Arriving at the street food that Chloe was referring to, Randy felt cold sweat running down his forehead. He came exactly in 25 minutes and he still had to pick up the woman's car which was parked at the supermarket.

This was the only time Randy walked like he was being chased by debt collectors. He almost sprinted until he finally saw Chloe's sports car.

"I'll deduct 20 percent of your bonus money this month because you're late," Chloe looked at her watch when Randy opened the door for her, "Two minutes 25 seconds from the time I called you earlier."

Even though Randy was now behind the wheel and the car's air conditioner was able to cool his mood, cold sweat still filled the man's forehead. He calculated quickly in his heart and just realized that he would lose 500 thousand!

"Mrs. Chloe, I'm sorry, it's just that the road was very congested and the online taxi I ordered didn't come. May I ask for a waiver—"

Chloe put her seat belt on and answered without looking at Randy.. "No way."

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