"I just found out about being cheerful about a week ago. You know when I said I wanted to sleep at my mother's house. Well, in the afternoon, my mother took me for an afternoon walk. She wanted to show me the garden that had just been made. When we were going there, we accidentally met your Mama. She told me everything, and finally, my mother also told me the truth at home."

Hearing Lisa's story made Oscar feel that this was all nonsense. If the story of his life and that of Lisa was made into a film, Oscar would bet that all the film awards would go to it!

Why does their story feel like a drama?

For a while, after Lisa had told Oscar everything, she didn't hear the man's reply. As curiosity filled her, the woman turned and saw the look on Oscar's face. This time, the man looked like someone who had lost his way.

With feelings of guilt and a heavy heart, Lisa went back to sleep beside Oscar. This was the reason why she went back and forth to tell the man about the events of the past few days. She didn't want the man to dislike his mother even more.

Seconds turned into minutes, and Oscar was still silent. The man didn't move at all or made any sound. Lisa touched his hand and brought it to her lips, and kissed the back of his palm.

"When I heard that story from your Mama and my mother, I couldn't believe it like you do now. I didn't think… I didn't think that my mother and your mother turned out to have known each other long before we were born on this earth." Lisa said slowly.

Oscar's eyes were no longer looking up at the sky, but at those brown eyes that usually calmed him down. His mind was filled with what Lisa just said just now.

Oscar knows and is well aware that Lisa is not accepted in his family circle. Greta, the demonic woman, for some reason insists on refusing Lisa to be a part of their family. At first, Oscar didn't understand and thought that maybe the demonic woman saw Lisa as someone of a low status.

But apparently, after hearing Lisa's story, Oscar finally understood why Greta didn't agree with him taking Lisa as a part of his family.

Actually, Oscar didn't care even if Greta and Kumala disagreed with their marriage. According to him, his marriage is a private matter and no one can meddle with his choice. Even if Greta cries blood, Oscar's desire to marry Lisa will not go away.

All he wanted was for Lisa not to have to hear the insults and vile words from anyone, including Greta. He just wants his life with Lisa and William to run smoothly without any problems.

"Hey?" Lisa called softly when she saw Oscar was still looking at her but no voice came out from him. "Are you okay?"

Hearing that suddenly brought Oscar back to reality. He pulled Lisa closer and rested his chin on her head. "You don't have to worry. Everything will be fine."

Lisa wants to say that she is not worried about Kumala and Greta's past problems. She was just worried that Oscar would change his mind and who knows, he might not be able to accept Greta anymore. Of course Lisa didn't want that, because no matter what, Greta was still Oscar's mother.

Like Oscar, Lisa doesn't care if Kumala or Greta disapprove of their relationship. In her opinion, as long as she continued to be with Oscar and through this together, even the rainstorm wouldn't be too heavy for him.

Actually, there are so many words that Lisa wants to say. And her story is still incomplete, she has not had time to tell it through Kumala's point of view. But when Oscar suddenly pulled her body and hugged her tightly, all those words were swallowed up again.

Lisa tried to nod her head, struggling because the man's arms were so tight on her body. "I trust you. I also know that everything will be fine. But you know that your Mama didn't like me, and now the problems that happened in the past have been brought up to light again. What if they strongly oppose our relationship?"

"So what if no one approves of our relationship? Besides…." Oscar kissed Lisa's forehead, "I didn't like you at first either, didn't I? Just like Greta. Who knows if she will finally agree to our relationship one day."

Lisa tilted her head, "So what now?"

"What?" Oscar asked with a confused look.

"You said that you didn't like me. Now what happened? Do you still not like me?"

Hearing Lisa's question made Oscar let out a chuckle that sounded sweet to the woman's ears. "Hmmm, that feeling of dislike turns into a deep love!"

Before Lisa could react or insult Oscar's ridiculous answer, the man replied to her question. "How about you?" Oscar put a few strands of hair behind the woman's ear, "When you first saw me, did you fall in love right away?"

"Geez," As Oscar had expected, the woman sneered at his question. "Oh no! When I first saw you, I was just thinking… Why is this white guy here?"

Oscar rolled his eyes, but the corners of his lips lifted upwards. "Then? What was your first impression when you first saw me?"

Lisa pretended to think and was silent for a while. The woman then lifted her face and replied, "My first impression when I saw you was, wow, this guy is really handsome! You're so handsome, but why would someone as handsome as you got lost in the nightclub!"

It wasn't that Oscar was offended by Lisa's reply, the man just burst out laughing. He wasn't offended because he knew that what Lisa said was just a joke.

"I didn't expect that I had such a bad impression the first time we met." Oscar replied finally.

"Well, I can't help it. Caucasian guys who stray around in Indonesia always think that they are handsome so they can get any girl. In my opinion, Caucasians who come here are just playboys who usually only play with girls."

Oscar cleared his throat, "That makes sense too. So how do you feel about me now?"

"Nevermind.." Lisa teased while putting on a flat face.

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