Brigitta seemed to realize what she was going to say next could make the atmosphere in the house tense, the old woman immediately stopped her words in the middle. She pretended to choke and then said.

"Forget it."

Lisa and Oscar were still standing behind Brigitta and could only stand in silence. They didn't know what to do or what sound to make. But clearly, Lisa hoped that neither of them could hear her heartbeat.

If Lisa met Peter and Greta at the mall or some other place, she might still be able to escape. But here, precisely where Brigitta lives, Lisa has nowhere to run to!

All Lisa can do is stand up straight and hope everything is okay. She didn't know what would happen if Greta, that demonic woman, chose to humiliate her in public.

Finally, it was time for them to greet Peter and Greta. Oscar came first, still holding Lisa's hand, and greeted them. The clear blue eyes of the man only stared at Peter's face. Meanwhile, Greta doesn't really look at him or pay any attention to him.

After greeting them, Oscar started, "Pa, this is Lisa, my future wife." Then he turned and glanced at Lisa before shifting back towards Peter, "Lisa, this is my Papa."

Hearing that made Peter raise his eyebrows. So far, he had never heard from anyone that Oscar wanted to get married. Now, suddenly hearing that the woman standing next to his child was his future wife, of course he was shocked.

But he didn't say anything and just nodded his head.

Lisa, who was still flustered and didn't know what to do, could only smile faintly. "Good afternoon."

Not far from them, Brigitta saw the awkward atmosphere around them with suspicious eyes. She walked over to Lisa, touched her arm, and looked into her son's eyes.

"Peter, why are you acting like that? This is Lisa, your future daughter-in-law. Behave yourself." Brigitta said firmly.

"Ah, I'm just a little tired today," Peter replied. But Brigitta should have known that the man was making it up. "I'm sorry."

Everyone greeted each other, except for Lisa and Greta. They didn't say hello, nor see each other.

Greta suddenly opened her tote bag and walked over to Brigitta. The woman handed a light brown paper bag into Brigitta's hand and said, "Mom, here's a hair tonic, hair mask, and hair vitamin that just came from France. If they run out, please let me know, so I can order those products again."

Brigitta's face didn't change at all when she heard Greta's lengthy explanation. She didn't even see her face. Brigitta just nodded her head, took the paper bag, and looked at Lisa with bright eyes.

"Lisa, I heard that this product is good. I will just take some and let you take the rest!" Brigitta then put the paper bag on the table and touched Lisa's hair. "Your hair is good, it looks healthy. You better take care of your beautiful hair!"

Hearing that made Lisa dumbfounded. The old woman had been so outspoken in front of everyone that she wanted to give her some of the gifts from Greta. She had seen Greta's face from the corner of her eye and found the demonic woman was looking at her with a fiery gaze.

"Ah, there's no need actually. I- haha, you can just use it for your hair, grandma…"

"Hey, you shouldn't refuse other people's gifts, okay!" Brigitta teased. "All right, you just have to accept it."

How could Lisa refuse a gift from Brigitta when her tone of voice sounded serious. She finally could only nod her head and try to look fine.

"A-ah, yes. Thank you, Grandma."

Actually, Brigitta couldn't stand it if she had to look at Greta's face for too long. For some reason, her stomach always felt nauseous and her desire to be angry was getting bigger as time went on.

But what can she do? She had been his daughter-in-law for more than 30 years. She must always try to accept the demonic woman in the midst of the Petersson family.

All Brigitta could do was close her eyes and ears tightly whenever she was around.

Besides, Brigitta couldn't do anything either. Greta is the woman of Peter's choice, her son picked her himself. How could she tell her favorite child that she doesn't like his wife?

After the five people sat relaxing in the living room, Lisa suddenly remembered something. She immediately got up from the sofa and rushed to the kitchen to brew some hot tea.

Inside the cupboards, there are a variety of tea flavors to choose from. There are tea bags with strawberry, blackcurrant, jasmine, earl gray, and even mango flavors. Since Lisa was eager to taste the blackcurrant flavored tea, she chose to brew it. She could only hope that the four of them liked the tea.

Not long after, Lisa returned to the living room carrying a tray of teapots and several empty cups. The woman first put the cup in front of Brigitta and poured the dark brown tea.

"Here's the tea, Grandma."

"Ouch! You don't need to make us tea!" Brigitta replied in surprise, "I can ask the maid to do it. But thanks, Lisa."

Lisa smiled faintly then handed the second cup to Peter. Even though their relationship used to be good at the company, it doesn't mean their relationship will be fine when they are outside the company. Especially now that Lisa will be the man's future daughter-in-law.

"The tea, sir." Lisa said politely.

Without realizing it, the formal call left her lips. In the past, she had called Peter 'Sir' so many times that she was now addressing him by the same title.

Peter just cleared his throat and accepted the teacup.

Lisa then gave the third cup to Oscar. The man smiled widely with his clear blue eyes and said, "Thank you, dear."

Lisa couldn't help but smile a little and hope her face didn't turn red. She knew that Oscar was trying to make them look cute to his parents.

The fourth cup was the cup that should have been given to Greta. She was actually lazy and also afraid that the demonic woman would embarrass her.

But then again, Lisa thought of Brigitta, Peter and Oscar's presence here. She knew very well that the demonic woman wouldn't do anything reckless to keep her face and attitude in front of the family.

How could Greta humiliate her in front of them?

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