"Oh so you love me now? Are you no longer mad at me?" Oscar teased while flashing a mischievous smile, "Actually I'm not just willing to pay for our dinner. I will feel very grateful if you repay my good deeds with real action."

Just like what Lisa had expected earlier, the man would definitely ask her to do things that smelled vulgar. Even though Oscar didn't say what he wanted, Lisa could already guess what he wanted.

She let go of Oscar's grip and folded her arms in front of her chest. With still bloodshot eyes and a stuffy nose, Lisa huffed in annoyance.

"See, you always ask me for something in return. Are you really willing to pay for our dinner?" Lisa asked, looking annoyed.

"Hmm, what's wrong with that?" Oscar replied quietly, "Do I need to remind you that nothing in this world is free? I don't care if you agree or not, the important thing is that you have to repay what I did for you."

Lisa rolled her eyes and was ready to slap the man's handsome face, "Are you crazy! If I knew you'd be like this, wanting something in return of something you give me, I wouldn't want to be invited to dinner here! Let's just eat at a fast food restaurant!"

"Fast food restaurant? I don't want to. The food is too oily, and it's definitely unhealthy."

Before Lisa could reply to Oscar's words, two waiters came over to their table pushing a cart. One of the them placed a plate of steak in front of the couple, then placed the side dish that Oscar ordered in the middle of the table. After that, he lowered his head and picked up a bottle of red wine.

"Would you like me to open this now, sir?" The waiter's tone was friendly when he asked the man.

Oscar nodded his head, "Of course. The beautiful woman sitting across from me can't wait to taste the wine."

"Since when—"

"Okay." The waiter replied.

Seeing the design of the red wine bottle, Lisa had a hard time swallowing her saliva. The bottle does look normal. There is also the brand's logo, and the mouth of the bottle is covered by a kind of red paper. Still, Lisa knows that the drink must have an exorbitant price!

"Please enjoy." The maid kindly said after pouring the red wine into the two glasses. "Call me if you need help with anything."

After saying that, the butler who was wearing a formal looking outfit left.

Seeing the food lying on the table made Lisa swallow all her irritation towards Oscar. Earlier, her stomach felt full and she thought she couldn't finish the steak Oscar ordered, but now her stomach is shaking unbelievably.

Lisa deliberately took the spoon and fork while looking at Oscar with a burning gaze. Then, in Oscar's eyes, the way Lisa cut the steak seemed as if she wanted to show how she would cut Oscar alive!

The smoldering look in her eyes, the tightly pressed lips, and the quick movement of her hands on the plate make Lisa look scary, but at the same time adorable. In Oscar's eyes, she always looked adorable, especially when she was annoyed or irritated with him.

As the two lovers devoured the steak Oscar ordered earlier, neither of them made a sound. The man enjoyed the song performed by the live band while chewing on his steak. Meanwhile, Lisa swallowed the steak with guilt.

Every time Lisa swallowed a steak, her mind went back to what happened at the coffee shop earlier. The reason why she had been silent in the car was not like what she had said to Oscar earlier. The woman told Oscar that she was too tired to have the strength to speak.

But actually, Lisa kept thinking whether she should tell Oscar what she heard earlier.

But if Lisa did that, she didn't know what would happen to Oscar. She didn't want her words to cause the man to feel uncomfortable. Today is a celebration of six years since they met at the nightclub, so she ought not to ruin it.

Even though Lisa was Oscar's lover who would later become the man's wife, she didn't have the right to say things she shouldn't have said. Lisa thought that it was better for Oscar to learn the dark secret by himself or through Greta, or perhaps the mysterious man that Lisa believed to be Oscar's uncle.

Oscar had just surprised her with a bouquet of flowers, a sandwich, and now taking her to eat at an expensive restaurant as an anniversary present for their relationship. How could Lisa have the heart to break the man's mood?

Earlier during the trip to this restaurant, Lisa thought about many things. Starting from a dark secret about Oscar's legitimacy as Peter's son. Greta's words kept echoing inside her mind, especially the part where she confessed that she feared the dark secret to get revealed.

Lisa didn't really know what was going to happen. But the two things that she was sure would happen were, Oscar would definitely be shocked and devastated. The man he always called 'Papa' and respected was not his real father.

And the second is, Oscar might no longer be able to serve as CEO at Petersson Communications. Perhaps the man can still work at the telecommunications company, but he will be made a regular employee for sure. Not the CEO or anything higher.

Even so, Lisa is one hundred percent sure that she will still love and accept Oscar as he is. Be the CEO or not, the man still looks the same in her eyes. He still looks like the man who makes her as happy as she is now and gives her a child.

Lisa was aware that she's an outsider in the Petersson family, and so she couldn't help but hope that everything would be okay. She didn't know when the secret would be revealed, but she also hoped it would be revealed as soon as possible.

For her, Oscar had better find out about all of that sooner rather than later. It's better to be hurt now and heal from the pain later.

After successfully finishing one serving of the sirloin steak, Lisa's stomach felt like it could explode at any moment. So full that it was difficult for her to even take a breath!

Lisa leaned her back on the back of the chair while stroking her stomach, "Oops, I'm really full..."

Oscar, who had already finished eating the steak, couldn't help but smile widely at Lisa as he looked at her trying to breathe through her mouth. As he said earlier, Lisa always looks adorable.

"Honey, hurry up and pay for our dinner. I want to hurry home.." Lisa said as she kept stroking her stomach.

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