Two-dimensional Yellow Hair System

Chapter 34: Read two lines of poetry

Facing the early morning light.

The warships of the Revolutionary Army were lined up in a row. From a distance, they looked completely dark.

There are millions of navy and tens of thousands of warships, and the military appearance is neat and solemn, which directly gives people a sense of tension as dark clouds are closing in on the city.

The navy did not relax at all. Most of the navy was stationed on the Chambord Islands, and some naval warships were surrounding the Chambord Islands. The men of both sides stared at each other.

Especially on the side of the Revolutionary Army, because of the same ideal and the same belief, their knowledge, knowledge, color, and domineering energy are entangled with each other, and their breaths are connected. Although they don't move, they are like mountains.

Lu Qi came forward on a warship and conducted a routine call for formation.

Since Taiji Yagami has issued a gauntlet to the navy, before the war begins, the high-end combat capabilities of both sides must conduct a PK. After this PK, it is time for the two sides to officially fight.

"The person coming is Taiji Yagami."

Among the many warships in the navy, one was floating forward, less than a hundred steps away from Lu Qi. Standing in it was a man wearing a feather fan and a turban, his head slightly tilted to one side, not looking at Lu Qi at all.


Lu Qi said calmly to the rear admiral in front of him.

"I've heard for a long time...uh..."

Damn, this script is wrong!

Kong Ming turned around and saw that sitting on the opposite warship was not the yellow-haired Taiji Yagami, but the solemn-faced Lu Qi.

"Your Excellency is... the division commander of the Revolutionary Army, Lu Qi."

When Kong Ming saw Lu Qi, he thought of the navy's intelligence.

This Lu Qi was originally a spy on Judiciary Island, but after arriving at the base of the Revolutionary Army, he accepted red ideas, abandoned the Navy, and became a member of the Revolutionary Army. He destroyed the Navy's branches in the East China Sea and along the great shipping routes, and then led The revolutionary army pushed forward all the way, and on the way, they killed a natural devil fruit user with one shot from 800 miles away.

It can be said that he is a tiger general in the revolutionary army, and he is extremely troublesome.

Lu Qi folded his hands slightly and said, "Exactly!"

"I have heard about Master Lu Qi for a long time, and I am honored to meet you today."

Kong Ming bowed slightly and said to Lu Qi in front of him.

Although he is not Taiji Yagami, as long as he convinces Lu Qi, he can still damage the opponent's morale!

"I've never heard your name."

Lu Qi said calmly to Kong Ming.


Kong Ming paused for a moment, Lu Qi's words were really choking. It directly disrupted the draft that Kong Ming had already prepared in his mind.

Can we chat? Can we have a conversation?

"Commander Lu Qi was originally a spy for our army, dedicated to serving the world government, and carrying the banner of justice. Why did he collaborate with the enemy and defect, follow the evil people, declare terrorist ideas, and lead to world chaos and the collapse of order?"

Kong Ming thought about it and said to Lu Qi.


Lu Qi chuckled and said: "The world government is a slave government, a government of capital. On the whole, it exploits people and oppresses them, so that rights are scattered and pirates divide their empires. People are trying to survive in the cracks and suffering. Spending your life in peace, this kind of government carries the banner of justice and makes people laugh!"

"On the contrary, wherever our revolutionary army went, the people cheered each other, opened their doors to welcome them, and wherever they passed, people lived and worked in peace and contentment. It is self-evident which one can bear the banner of justice better!"

"As for the world's chaos and the collapse of order. The chairman said that we are going to break this rotten old world and create a peaceful and stable new world!"

Lu Qi responded directly to Kong Ming's remarks.

Originally, Lu Qi thought that after calling the formation, there would be a fight between dragons and tigers. Unexpectedly, it was a major general who was flirting with him. Lu Qi actually wanted to laugh at this. During this period, he spent every day and night studying a series of red books such as "Quotations", "Proletarian Revolutionary Programme", "The Superiority of Redism", "Red Revolutionary Army Charter", etc. Lu Qi had already strengthened his ideological arm, Kong Ming was not afraid of this kind of showoff.

"Your revolutionary doctrines are all mixed up, but in the final analysis there is only one thing: rebellion is justified!"

Kong Ming responded to Lu Qi's direct rebuke: "Taiji Yagami is the biggest careerist, and you are just deceived victims. When Taiji Yagami overthrew the world government, it was just the establishment of a new world government. It's just that you mud-legged people have become slave owners like the Celestial Dragons from the bottom up, enslaving the world again! You will not follow your revolutionary charter at all!"

Kong Ming shook his feather fan lightly and said to Lu Qi: "At this time, the world government is undergoing some changes. If you people directly join in and promote these changes, it will curb the ambition of Taiji Yagami and complete your mission." Wouldn’t it be a revolutionary program to get the best of both worlds?”

"If you join the world government, the land around the world will still be yours. How about we build this world together?"

Kong Ming knew that the core figure in the revolutionary army was Taiji Yagami.

Originally, Kong Ming's plan was to pull Taiji Yagami off the altar during this debate, and then let the people in the revolutionary army know that Taiji Yagami was an ambitious man, but the person who called the formation was Lu Qi, but Kong Ming's basic plan Nothing has changed. He is still attacking Taiji Yagami with words, hoping to destroy Taiji Yagami's majestic image in the hearts of the revolutionary army.

After hearing Kong Ming's words from afar, Warring States nodded secretly.

Using words to throw dirty water on Yagami Taiji and destroying Yagami Taiji's image is indeed a big blow to the revolutionary army. This idea is correct.

Although Kong Ming and Lu Qi wanted to talk on the surface of the sea, this distance was not a problem at all for people with the power of seeing and hearing.

"The chairman said that there is no possibility of negotiating with capitalism!"

Lu Qi was unmoved by Kong Ming's remarks and said: "And stop throwing sugar-coated capitalist bullets at us, it's of no use to us!"

Lu Qi's revolutionary thoughts are extremely firm.


Kong Ming shook his feather fan fiercely, trembling with anger at Lu Qi, and said angrily: "The revolutionary army is going against the law, and it is not allowed by nature. Regardless of their actions or thoughts, they are deceiving people and playing with human nature. Why don't you wake up quickly!"

"Ha ha."

Lu Qi laughed and said: "You said that we are acting in a perverse way and that nature does not allow it, but you don't care about where we go, whether it is nature or people. What our revolutionary army represents will always be the interests of workers and farmers at the bottom of society. We ourselves are On behalf of the majority of people who are suffering, it is your world government that helps the Celestial Dragons to enslave and commit evil, which is really unacceptable!"

As he spoke, Lu Qi's own domineering spirit was fully revealed, carrying revolutionary ideas, sandwiching his own will and revolutionary beliefs, and directly attacked Kong Ming.

Seeing this situation, Kong Ming also unfolded his own knowledge and hegemony, using his own beliefs and the concept of naval justice to fight against Lu Qi's knowledge and hegemony.

It's just that the so-called "justice" of the Navy is completely false. In the name of justice, there are very few righteous acts performed. Most of them are bullying the people or helping the Celestial Dragons to commit evil.

The ideas of the Revolutionary Army are completely implemented, and the changes it brings to people's lives are real, and Lu Qi's own belief is also extremely strong. This impact, just a touch, has already transformed everyone. Kong Ming's knowledge and knowledge overflowed, and Lu Qi's knowledge and knowledge, wrapped in red thoughts, directly impacted Kong Ming's body.

In an instant, Kong Ming saw a red ocean.

What is contained in this red ocean is the faith of countless people to fight and the determination to change.

Prosperity! democracy! civilization! harmonious! free! equality! legal system! patriotic! Dedication! Integrity! friendly!

Every term hit Kong Ming's heart hard, completely dispelling his beliefs over the years, and what was transformed were all the core values ​​of the Red Revolution.

After some impact, Kong Ming trembled and leaned on the bow of the boat, staring intently at Lu Qi, who did not change his expression in front of him. All kinds of core concepts were rushing through his heart, making him feel like his nerves were going crazy. Woke up.

"Why, are our army's Red ideals still deceiving people and playing with human nature?"

Lu Qi sneered at Kong Ming.

Kong Ming lay on the bow of the boat and said hatefully to Lu Qi: "A dog with a broken spine dares to bark in front of me! I have never seen such a shameless person!"

Kong Ming said this with great force. This was the last sentence he shouted out with his firm belief in the navy. Then, under the impact of the values ​​​​of the red concept, he began to doubt whether the world government was just. If he completely accepted it, If you understand the ideals in your heart, you will become a staunch proletarian revolutionary warrior.

The power of this core value has a huge impact on the spirit.

It simply shattered people's three views in an instant, and then re-established a new three views.

"Shameless? With these words, you want to erase my firm revolutionary will?"

Lu Qi laughed and said: "Before going to sea, the chairman found me and asked me to be the division commander and lead a military line to sea. At that time, I doubted my own strength and retreated, but the chairman read me two poems, It strengthened my revolutionary belief! I will share it with you today!"

"A student who lives in a profitable country..."


Kong Ming vomited blood and fainted on the boat.

This kind of poem and the baptism of revolutionary will given by Lu Qi had a great impact on him. At this time, he could not bear it at all. Under the impact of this red thought, the whole person was completely comatose. It's past.

"Truce! Truce!"

The navy shouted, quickly took back the ship, and pulled Kong Ming, who was on top of the ship, down for treatment.

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