Two-dimensional Yellow Hair System

Chapter 47: The Kingdom of Destruction [The End of One Piece]

Specium light is two completely opposite rays of light. At the moment of collision, the terrifying power bursts out according to the mutual repulsion between the two.

And this powerful force will also have the effect of cracking and igniting the moment it hits the enemy.

Because of this, when Ultraman kills his opponent with light, the opponent explodes and burns, and then disappears into ashes.

When it was first decided to let Kizaru seduce Kaido, Yagami Taiji began to think about what kind of skills should be developed for Kizaru so that he could win with one blow when facing Kaido. After thinking about it, I finally developed such a method.

If you seize the opportunity well, you can indeed kill Kaido in an instant.

Kaido blocked with both hands, trying to resist the impact of this light.

It's just that when the light touched him, it had already begun to undergo various tiny fusions and collapses in his body. This kind of power, no matter how powerful Kaido's life force was, could not resist it.


The sound of cracking came from Kaido's body. Kaido, who was known to have a monster-like vitality, was like a common ending for monsters, and was reduced to ashes in the light of Specium.

The fourth emperor was destroyed.

As for Shanks, after drinking with Mihawk, he chose to give Taiji Yagami face and joined the new government.

It's just that Shanks' pirate group will appear in the form of a group, mainly engaged in searching for treasures around the world. After all, the Tianlong people were directly wiped out. They previously exploited the entire world, and many of the properties they left behind are all over the world. Hidden in secret places.

Yagami Taiji knew that these people loved freedom and had no restrictions on them.

The revolutionary army took over the new world and finally became the masters of this world.

Taiji Yagami also opened Lavrov, where he absorbed the world power of this world, making the catastrophe once again shine with dazzling brilliance.

At this moment, Taiji Yagami can leave this world, but as chairman, Taiji Yagami's term has not ended. In addition, Taiji Yagami's biggest obsession when he came to this world has not been eliminated.

There is also a very disharmonious factor in this world.

The country of peace.

He closed the door to the country, did not follow the instructions of the new government, did not accept advanced ideas, just closed the door and came from the past, and overall looked like a Japanese pirate. Taiji Yagami felt very angry when he saw it.

According to the capabilities of the new government at this time, it was only a matter of seconds to destroy Wano Country. However, Taiji Yagami did not directly choose to fight. In this case, there would be no "justice" and it would be easy to suffer infamy.

In his early years, the Daimyo of Wano Country also followed the Pirate King Roger to Lavrov. It can be said that he and Shanks are old acquaintances and comrades-in-arms. If Yagami Taiji starts an unknown war in vain, he will probably let This newly settled world causes new chaos.

And for Taiji Yagami, there is still a little boy Momonosuke who has not been born in Wano Country. Taiji Yagami can temporarily calm down and wait quietly.

After all, two terms last for ten years. During these ten years, Taiji Yagami can leave an eternal legacy to the people of this world.

Ten years have flown by.

Taiji Yagami has been in power for ten years and has handled various tasks of the government conscientiously. There has never been an oversight or mistake.

In the past ten years, Luffy, Ace, and Sabo have been training in the military. They have dealt with many security incidents and have become very famous. At this time, they have become generals.

The basic education, tax system, and government structure have been completely stabilized, and there are also related issues such as medical care and elderly care, and Taiji Yagami has also handled them properly.

Basically, the government has entered into a harmonious and stable situation. By operating according to this system, the government will only become more stable.

Of course, with the disappearance of external enemies, various factional struggles have emerged within the system.

This is a normal phenomenon. Although Taiji Yagami knew it, the factions did not violate the rules, and Taiji Yagami did not give too many warnings to stop it.

Taizu once said that there is no party outside the party, there are imperial ideas, there are no factions within the party, and there are all kinds of strange things.

Those who are restless are also some people below. The pillars of the country like the ten marshals are as stable as ever and will not get involved in these struggles at all.

It's just that right now when Taiji Yagami is about to leave office, both sides of the faction are currently engaged in activities to take over the position of the next chairman.

Taiji Yagami knocked on the table and said with emotion to these people at the meeting: "What I want to see most during these years in power is for red flags to be planted in every corner of the world, so that everyone can Seeing the harmonious and happy life under the red flag, seeing those countries that refuse to progress, have all kinds of backward bad habits, and do not respect human rights, I am really angry at the people there."

What Yagami Taiji said mainly refers to the country of Wano.

The people of Wano do not accept the red concept at all, and are generally slaves of the Kozuki clan. When Taiji Yagami saw them, he felt his teeth itch.

After saying these words, Taiji Yagami began to lead the meeting and make a summary, but these words directly attracted the attention of the interested people below.

After the meeting, five or six divisions went to the New World and began military exercises not far from Wano. When the military exercises were about to end, Lu Qi began to order troops. In the process, he discovered that the soldiers One person was missing, so he asked the neighboring country of Wano to go in and search.

The daimyo of Wano refused directly.

So, the war broke out.

Lu Qi led six divisions and directly invaded the interior of Wano Country. During the battle, he directly killed the daimyo of Wano Country, causing the destruction of Wano Country and at the same time, Wano Country was destroyed. Restructured and divided into a province under the new government.

Taiji Yagami's wish to fill the world with red flags was finally realized.

Taiji Yagami knocked on the table and looked at the little boy standing in front of him.

Wearing a kimono, wooden sandals, and a hairpin on her back, she looked out of place and annoying in this red world.

The omnipotent transparent sphere quietly emerged in the hands of Yagami Taiji. In an instant, Momonosuke's body functions underwent great changes.

Just like Shinji Matou in the fate world, if no man pours O liquid into his body within a certain period of time, he will feel unbearable pain. At the same time, his whole body is very sensitive, and he has a heartfelt dislike for men, and Momonosuke still likes women the most in his heart, but he cannot touch women in the slightest.

Yagami Taiji twisted Momonosuke into such a contradictory combination.

"As a member of the Kozuki family of the original Wano Country, I feel very sad that you are corrupt and backward and do not accept progress. But now that you are here, study hard here and accept advanced concepts seriously... …”

Yagami Taiji knocked on the table and spoke to Momonosuke in a brisk tone. Then he waved his hand and asked Momonosuke to follow the revolutionary army out.

My whole body feels comfortable!

The depression in his chest finally retreated completely. Taiji Yagami packed up the work at hand and began to work on the upcoming abdication and the election of a new chairman.

Lu Qi did this job so well that Taiji Yagami had already designated him as the next successor in his heart.

Momonosuke left here with the revolutionary army, and then began to follow ordinary children into the compulsory school. However, after arriving here, Momonosuke found that he was incompatible with this place. In addition to the original culture, there were also exchanges, etc. And other issues.

In addition to these, my body has become very strange.

Every time I see an adult male, my body always becomes sensitive, but deep down in my heart I feel very disgusted. When facing a woman, I like it from the bottom of my heart, but my body doesn't feel the same at all. I don't feel anything at all, and I am even very sensitive and uncomfortable to a woman's touch.

His body betrayed his soul.

After a long period of time, Momonosuke finally couldn't help the discomfort in his body. When he arrived at a place, something happened that he shouted "Don't want" on his lips, but his body was very honest. He was immersed in it and felt it in his heart. I feel very tired, but my body cannot live without the man.

Finally, it was time for Yagami Taiji to abdicate.

All film and television screens from all over the world are switched here.

As the national flag was raised and the national anthem was sung, Taiji Yagami began to speak on the podium.

"When I came to this world, I only did two things. One was to overthrow the old government so that people could live in this new world of civilization, freedom, democracy, and rule of law. The other was to consolidate It established our new political power and established the basic framework for stability."

"As for the rest, it's relatively trivial."

Following Yagami Taiji's speech, the power was officially handed over to Lu Qi.

After the political power was transferred out, Yagami Taiji felt relieved for a while, finally throwing away this heavy burden.

"Comrade Taier is a very great man. He established the construction of our world and overthrew the three mountains that oppressed us. Our government does not have officials who oppress the people, but only officials who oppress the people. A public servant who dedicates himself to the people and truly serves the people."

Lu Qi took the microphone and said solemnly under the national flag: "It is a very big challenge to take over Comrade Taier's class, but since I have taken over, I will definitely serve the people wholeheartedly and achieve what Comrade Taier did in his early years. Like the poem you gave me..."

Lu Qi took the microphone and talked.

Taiji Yagami watched with a smile as Lu Qi successfully took over. After the meeting, he used the power of Havoc and quietly left this world.

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