Unlimited Apostle and The Twelve War Maidens

Chapter 405: .Top Makeup Artist

After that, Yu kept thinking about Kyle in her mind. Since even the king didn't know Kyle, who was Kyle taken away?

But although the king didn't know about Kyle, the earrings worn by the Guards' ears were exactly the same as those in Linda's hands, only the inlaid magic stones were different.

Although Yu thought about Kyle's whereabouts in her mind, she kept thinking about Kerr.

Although Yu can feel that Kerr's life is very stable at the moment, Yu doesn't know whether Kerr's life is good or not, has any news of Kyle been found, and does not know that Kerr's money is not enough now.

The emotion that I missed for a while flooded my heart, and I saw the unseen mark on your forehead subconsciously.

But Yu didn't find it at the moment, Linda sitting beside him was looking at Yu with an envious expression, looking at Kerr who was missing in her heart.

In the blink of an eye, three days later, Yu-Pedestrians rode on a suspended car pulled by six sandstone camels, Lu Fei, and it took only-less than a week to reach the kingdom [Erdo].

However, before entering Wangdu, Linda asked the driver to park the car in a small town not far from Wang, and then let the driver leave him and You and return to the trading city.

This car was bought by Linda, and the driver also followed the master Snake for many years, so naturally Linda would not worry that the driver would run on his own.

At this time, I saw You looked at Linda very puzzled and said:

"Linda, why stop here?"

You have already visited Wangdu a few days ago. He knows that Wangdu is not far ahead, so he wonders why Linda has to stop here.



And when Linda heard You ask this question, she smiled and sold Guan Zi, saying:

"You will know in a moment!"

SF Light Novel

After talking, I saw Linda said to Ian:

"Ian! Carrying my suitcase. Be careful, don't bump it."

Ian heard Linda say this, and quickly picked up Linda's suitcase, daring not to ask more.

Ian thought that although Linda’s suitcase looked old, it was old, but from the perspective of Linda’s worth, her suitcase could never be a bargain. So Ian carefully carried Linda's suitcase, and did not dare to neglect it.

At the moment, Linda took You to the town's market, bought some seemingly worn coarse cloth at the market, and then took these clothes to stay in a relatively remote hotel in the town.

This town is not far from Wang, so travelers who pass by will not choose to stay here, but go directly to Wang Du. So the business of the hotel is not good. Over this period, there are still a lot of vacancies left.

After checking in at the front desk, Linda directly took You to the room on the second floor.

You were pulled by Linda, and asked more puzzled:

"Linda, what the **** are you doing? God's secret? J

Youben thought she would stay-buy something later (how can I still live now?)

Linda listened to you asking, and said:

"Brother Yu, don't ask me, you will understand when you enter the house!"

Ian saw Linda like this--saying, his face flushed blushing.

Ian thought that Linda must have thought about having a big brother's world with Big Brother Yu, but as a result, she broke into Linda and had no chance on the road.

Now that I see Wang Du as soon as possible, is it said that Linda is ready to take this last chance and he will handle the matter with Brother Yu on the spot?

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At this time, Linda had opened the door, and then pulled You in. Ian didn't dare to say much when she saw the situation, but stood silently at the door with a blushing face.

But when Ian didn't know what to do next, I saw Linda leaning her head out of the door, and then looked at Ian and said:

"You are there for thousands of years!?? Hurry up and come in for me!?"

Ian listened for a moment, pointed his finger at himself, and then said in horror:

"Hey?? Me???"

Linda smiled at Ian's words and said:

"Isn't that nonsense! Isn't it who you are??"

Ian's face turned red when he heard this.

Ian thought that Linda was the niece of Chi Ye and Er Ye, and he must have been a figure in the Tao. In this way, does Linda want to play some exciting tricks tonight?

But Ian thought of stopping here immediately because he knew that Linda's character could not be so bold. So, is it Yu? .....

However, before waiting for Ian to think about anything, Linda had already pulled Ian into the room.

With the door snapping, Ian only heard a loud cry:

"Wait! Brother Yu and I are both men!!!"


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For a time, Linda and Yu didn't know what was happening, but they looked at Ian with a surprised face.

But soon, Linda reacted and looked at Ian and said:

"You guys are thinking about something??"

Ian blushed when she heard this, and didn't know how to answer it.

But then, I saw Linda saying to Ian:

"Don’t be stupid, just open my suitcase and help!"

Ian heard this from Linda and hesitantly said:

"Yes... to open here

Linda nodded and said:

"Yes, open it soon."

Ian didn't think much when she heard this, and quickly opened the suitcase in her hand carefully.

Ian thought that the suitcase was full of Linda's personal clothes or some strange tools. But this time, Ian found that the suitcase was actually full of expensive cosmetics. In this way, Ian understood why Linda just told her to be careful not to knock the box. It turned out that Linda was not worried about the luggage being knocked, but worried about the fragile cosmetics inside.

At this time, I saw You looking at the box in Ian's hand and asked:

"These are used by girls for makeup? Linda, what are you doing?"

Linda just smiled when she heard this question, and then said with confidence:

"Everyone sees it as cosmetics, so of course it is easy to do!!"

You listened for a moment, but it didn't react, so she saw Linda took out a stucco and walked towards You.

Although Linda is naturally beautiful, she doesn't like to use these cosmetics. However, Linda's makeup skills are first-rate in the world. Perhaps makeup is not accurate, because Linda has completely transcended the category of "makeup" and reached the level of "easy appearance".

One minute-second passed, and I saw Linda sitting sideways on You's thigh, and then holding-a brow pencil with a magic circle engraved on You's eyebrows. Although Linda was slim, her hips were very straight. And at this moment, when Linda was sitting on Yu's thigh, Yu only felt her own legs-soft and soft, as if the whole person was stuck in, there was a sense of unspeakable comfort.

But Linda didn't care about this at the moment, but took one stroke of the pen with a serious eyebrow.

After a while, I saw that Linda stood up, handed the eyebrow pencil and stucco to Ian, and said:

"Ian, scrub this powder-down, put away."

However, after Linda had finished speaking, Ian was stunned and looked at You dumbly, her mouth closed even in surprise.

Because at this moment, under the makeup of Linda, you have completely changed a person. He became a stranger uncle, the kind of passerby character who would never see more on the road. At this time, I saw Linda handing the mirror to You, and then said to You:

"Brother Yu~ What do you think of this look? Although your original appearance is very handsome, if you want to sneak into the palace, I think this look is better."

You looked at herself in the mirror with surprise, but after careful observation, I saw You looking at Linda and said:

"I don't have any other opinions, but can my eyes be changed--modified? It always looks squinted."

When Linda heard You say this, she just smiled awkwardly, and then replied:

"That... Brother Yu, (I haven't moved that part of my eyes..."


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