Unlimited Rewards In Marvel

Two hundred and fifty-three, the stolen mind gem scepter

Although the heat rays emitted by Russell's eyes were not thick, they were extremely hot.

A building-like landing ship cannot withstand the cutting of heat rays at all, and the area swept by the heat rays quickly melts and decomposes.

Just twisting his neck a little, the Vanguard Guard landing ship with a height of more than 100 meters was cut into dozens of large and small pieces by Russell.


The explosion continued.

The wreckage of the landing ship was like a meteor shower, falling towards the ground with black smoke and red fire.

In addition to the wreckage of the landing ship, there were also vanguard guards who were injured or died one by one, falling to the ground at a high speed.

Although the landing ship had been secured, Russell did not leave immediately.

After destroying several large pieces of wreckage with heat rays, he flew towards the second landing ship.

When Russell used heat rays to solve the landing ship, Diana used a simpler and cruder way to solve the landing ship in front of her.

I saw Di Anran flying to the landing ship like a humanoid missile.

Then, waving the Vulcan Sword in his hand, he quickly cut this amazing landing ship like chopping vegetables and melons.

Although the size of the Vulcan Sword is not large, it is the size of an ordinary one-handed sword.

But it is such an ordinary-looking one-handed sword that exerts a powerful attack power that ICBMs are ashamed of.

The landing ship made of steel is as fragile as a cream cake in front of the Vulcan Sword.

The Sword of Vulcan just swiped lightly, and the hard steel shell of the landing ship was easily cut open.

What is even more shocking is the speed of Diana's sword swing at this time.

Her current sword swing speed has far exceeded the limit that human eyes can capture.

Although she doesn't use any fancy sword moves now, there are still not many people who can clearly see the trajectory of her sword swing.

Compared with Diana, Russell's approach to destroying the landing ship was more than a little rough.

Although he also cut the amazing landing ships with heat rays, the wrecks of the landing ships he made were of different sizes, without the slightest aesthetic feeling, only simple and crude destruction and destruction.

The same wreckage, the wreckage cut by Diana, not only the size is basically the same, but also gives an alternative neat aesthetic.

After seeing Diana's destructive effect, Russell couldn't help but flash Diana's top knife in the kitchen.

Although the landing ship of the Vanguard Guard is completely different from vegetables such as carrots and cucumbers, there is no difference in the ending of the two.

If there is any difference, it is probably that the cutting tools are different.

One is a stainless steel table knife made by modern technology.

The other is a sharp sword created by the Olympian god of fire, Hephaestus, with the ability to slash at the subatomic level.

Because of time, Russell did not choose to attack the landing ship with heat rays this time, but adopted a simpler and cruder method.

I saw him fly like a missile to the landing ship, which was only a few hundred meters away from the ground, forcibly smashed the armor of the landing ship, and came to the interior of the landing ship.

As soon as he entered the interior of the landing ship, he saw the flight engine of the landing ship.

It's no coincidence that he's here.

Before breaking through the armor of the landing ship, he used perspective to observe the interior of the landing ship and chose this place.

Looking at the huge flying engine in front of him, which was completely different from Earth's technology, he didn't hesitate, and suddenly threw out his right fist.


The moment the right punch hit the flight engine, an astonishing explosion suddenly sounded.

Russell ignored the oncoming shock wave and explosive flames and began to rampage inside the landing ship.

Boom! ! !

The sound of explosions continued to sound inside the landing ship.

In the end, before the landing ship landed, an astonishing explosion broke out inside the landing ship.

Although this will still cause a lot of damage and cause injuries to the innocent people around, but at this time, it can't be controlled so much.

It's all fucking war, who's in the mood to take care of this!

Russell doesn't mind reducing collateral damage as much as possible.

But obviously, the current conditions do not allow him to do so.

If he doesn't destroy the landing ship at the fastest speed, once the landing ship is successfully landed, it will not be a matter of collateral damage.

In the wreckage of the landing ship that seemed to be raining down, Russell flew out with two vanguard guards.

Suspended in the air, he glanced at the messy streets and buildings hit by the wreckage of the landing ship, and he directly pinched the two struggling vanguards to death.

Then, he turned his head and glanced at Diana's side.

The four Vanguard Guard landing ships were solved jointly by him and Diana.

Although it still caused some damage to New York, and not all the vanguards in the landing ship were killed, it was basically the same to be able to do this.

After confirming the battle situation on Diana's side, Russell gave the order to attack the Vanguard and Chitauri warriors who were rushing towards the city.

Then, he flew again towards Liberty Island, where the Statue of Liberty stood.

He had no interest in continuing to pay attention to these bastards.

If the portal opened by the universe cube is not closed, the Qitarui warriors and pioneer guards will continue to come.

At that time, the whole of New York will be reduced to a battlefield.

Before long, he came to the sky above Liberty Island.

With him came Diana.

Although there was no communication, Diana was well aware of Russell's intentions.

After exchanging glances, the two of them flew towards the three generals of the dead blade at the same time.

In just a blink of an eye, he came to the front of General Dead Blade, and his right fist attacked General Dead Blade's chest.

Although the strength of General Dead Blade is far inferior to that of Russell, he is still the leader of the Five Obsidian Generals.

Just as Russell's right fist was about to hit him, he raised the sword in his hand that looked like a scythe, which was said to harbor his soul, and stabbed Russell fiercely.

Although he has a Kryptonian physique like an open hang, Russell did not use his own body to test how sharp the blade of General Deathblade is.

When the peculiarly shaped war blade was about to touch him, he stretched out his left hand, grabbed the incoming war blade, and pushed the war blade away.

At the same time, the right fist went unabated, and with astonishing force, slammed into the chest of General Deathblade.


General Deathblade couldn't resist Russell's strength at all. The whole person flew out like a baseball that was hit, and slammed into the square under the base of the Statue of Liberty, smashing a huge impact crater.

Although General Deathblade was knocked into the air, his blade remained in Russell's hands.

After glancing at the blade in his hand, Russell broke the blade without any hesitation.

Although there is no detailed description of the blade of General Dead Blade in the movie, Russell decided to destroy the blade for safety reasons.

In the comics, the blade of General Dead Blade is not just a weapon, but also a resurrection item.

Because the soul resides on the war blade, as long as the war blade is still there, the dead blade general can be resurrected even if his body is destroyed.

Russell is not interested in confirming whether General Dead Blade has such ability, so he destroys War Blade without hesitation.

After breaking General Deathblade's war blade like a branch, Russell looked at the black dwarf star on the square and the dark night Proxima Centauri that was being beaten by Diana.

In the movie, the performance of Proxima Dark Night is not very outstanding.

Apart from bullying Natasha, who has no extraordinary ability, and Okoye, who is the captain of the Wakanda Royal Guard, she has nothing special.

But at this time, her performance is far brighter than in the movie.

She was not directly killed by Diana.

Among the five Obsidian generals, Proxima Dark Night is the most brutal, and at the same time the most loyal to Thanos.

Even after her lover, General Dead Blade, betrayed Thanos, she still chose to be loyal to Thanos rather than betray Thanos with General Dead Blade.

The long spear with three tips in her hand was also a weapon forged by Thanos himself and given to her.

In the comics, the spear in her hand has a peculiar ability.

As long as the spear is thrown, it will split into three black rays that can automatically track the target.

Once hit by the black ray, the target dies on the spot.

Although Proxima Dark Night is now fighting against Diana and resisting Diana's attack with difficulty, just looking at the current battle situation, it is temporarily impossible to determine whether the spear in her hand has the peculiar ability in the comics.

After watching the battle between Diana and Proxima Centauri for a few seconds, Russell turned his attention back to General Deathblade who was knocked into the air by him.

As for the strong black dwarf with the same size as Hulk, he ignored it for the time being.

Under the escort of the black dwarf, General Deathblade climbed out of the impact crater and spat out a mouthful of purple blood.

Russell's punch just now didn't use all his strength.

He wouldn't easily get the Deathblade General until he figured out where the Mind Stone Scepter was.

Under the gaze of Black Dwarf and General Dead Blade, Russell landed on the square and said to General Dead Blade who just got up, "Where is the scepter?"

Although General Dead Blade can understand Russell's words, he obviously has no intention of answering Russell's question now.

I saw him looking at Russell with murderous intent.

Afterwards, he instructed the black dwarf in an alien language that Russell could not understand at all.

As soon as he finished speaking, the amazing black dwarf charged towards Russell like a mad rhino.

When rushing towards Russell, the black dwarf did not forget to wave the metal sickle in his hand that had the ability to deform, but didn't look sharp at all.

A distance of more than 20 meters, for the black dwarf star running at full speed, it will come in a blink of an eye.

However, when he rushed in front of Russell with a mighty force, raised the metal sickle in his hand that looked solid at first, and tried to slash towards Russell, Russell raised his right hand calmly.

Without any sound, Black Dwarf's blow with all his strength was easily blocked by Russell's hand.

That's it?

Among the Obsidian generals, the black dwarf's ability is relatively simple and crude.

In a way, black dwarfs are a bit like a low-profile alien version of the Hulk.

Black Dwarf has only two abilities, super strength and indestructible skin.

Although they are all super powers, the super power of the black dwarf is obviously no way to compare with Russell.

Spider-Man in the movie universe can block the full blow of Black Dwarf, and Russell, who is more powerful, will only block it more easily.

After blocking the attack of the black dwarf with one hand, Russell did not hesitate, and his right hand suddenly used force, directly crushing the weapon with deformation ability in the black dwarf's hand.

Then, under the shocked gaze of Black Dwarf, he grabbed his neck.

Although Russell's size is not as good as that of a black dwarf, for him who can fly, it is not a problem at all to grab the neck of a black dwarf.

I have to say that the target's neck is too thick and it is inconvenient to grab it.

Although there was no way to fully grasp the black dwarf's neck, Russell didn't care about this little problem.

Since there is no way to completely grab the black dwarf's neck, then don't grab it!


Russell changed his grasp to pressing, and his right hand suddenly pressed hard, pressing the black dwarf to the ground with a bang.

Then, he raised his right foot and stepped on the black dwarf's big head.


The black dwarf didn't even have time to struggle, and the huge head shattered like a watermelon falling from a high altitude.

While stepping on the black dwarf's head, Russell did not forget to cast magic to add a small magical barrier to himself.

He didn't want to get the blood and brains of the black dwarf on his body.

After killing the black dwarf lightly, Russell asked the General Dead Blade again, "Where is the scepter?"

After witnessing the scene of Russell and Diana easily destroying the Vanguard's landing ship, General Deathblade knew that Russell and Diana were far more powerful than them.

Although they are the most powerful Obsidian generals under Thanos, they also cannot easily destroy the landing ships.

Ebony Maw, who has the ability to move objects, may be able to destroy the landing ship by himself, but he will never be able to do it as neatly as Russell and Diana.

In addition to being strong, Russell also gave him a very strange feeling, as if he knew who they were.

Whether it was Russell and Diana who chose to attack the Vanguard Guard's landing ship first, or Russell's breaking his blade, it gave him this feeling.

General Dead Blade did not answer Russell, looked at Russell with a serious face, thinking about countermeasures.

At this moment, Proxima Dark Night, who was fighting against Diana, suddenly heard a scream.

Although Proxima Midnight is stronger than in the movie, for Diana, Proxima Midnight is still a weak opponent.

Proxima Dark Night's spear was easily cut off by the Vulcan Sword, and her body was also left with a huge wound that almost spanned the entire chest by the Vulcan Sword.

If it wasn't for Russell's plan to ask General Deathblade, Diana would have chosen to chop off Proxima Dark Night's head with a sword just now, rather than slashing Proxima Dark Night's body.

Seeing that Proxima Centauri was lying on the ground with a sword pointed at his throat by Diana, General Deathblade finally spoke.

"The scepter was taken by the ebony throat!"

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