Uplifting Journey

Chapter 137 The Shadow Inside the Gene Lock

The name doesn't matter at all.

Chu Xing looked down at the dark substance covering his body.

After reading the manual, he knew that it was a resident form of the nano-growth suit, which could be used to absorb light energy, create optical invisibility, and defend against laser and lightning attacks.


When Chu Xing thought about it, the darkness around him dissipated immediately, and the whole person was shrouded in the hazy silver-white metallic color with double shadows again.

Feeling the data fed back from the breeding equipment, and looking at the strange nanostructure vibrating on the surface of the body, Chu Xing was a little surprised and said: "This is the phase shift armor of the fourth-level giant dragon?"

"Well, I have never been in contact with a fourth-level giant dragon." Cheng Bin glanced at the training tank of Chaos, "But in the simulated environment, I analyzed some of the information contained in the first five layers of the dragon gene lock."

".This defense mode, which can convert a certain degree of kinetic energy attack into internal energy absorption, is found in the fourth layer. It seems that each layer of gene locks corresponds to a level of dragon."

Mentioning the extremely complicated gene lock of the Dragon Clan, Chu Xing's face darkened for a moment. He looked at the calm Cheng Bin and said, "If you can analyze this kind of thing, you must have seen that too, right?"

"you mean?"

"The gene lock is very vivid. When you see the outline of the deconstruction of the dragon gene lock, do you think we humans really have hope?"

Even if he instantly changed from an ordinary person to an extraordinary person who can crush a third-level giant dragon, the despair in Chu Xing's heart still could not be eliminated, but because of the power learned from the dragon gene, it became more intense——

"Nine layers! The genetic information of the dragon family can unlock the nine layers! Even more!"

Recalling the feeling of disbelief and despair when he first discovered this, Chu Xing said with difficulty: "It's just a level five dragon, and the space fleet has to pay a huge price to kill it. What about the level six dragon?" ?Level 7?Level 8?Level 9?

"How deep is the potential of the dragon family? Are there more advanced super dragons in the solar system that can't even be detected?"

"That's why you make those plans," Cheng Bin looked calmly at Chu Xing, who was a little out of control, "that's why you are ecstatic because of my proton-level manipulation ability.

"You want to try to collide with hadrons to create black holes, strange particles, and virtual dimensions that can destroy the earth.

"It is also planned to develop a highly erosive virus like dragon cells, destroying the ecology and destroying human beings.

"You expect me to act as a high-precision instrument to help you realize these destructive experiments you plan to overturn the table. Even if you can't kill the dragon, you will destroy human beings, so as to prevent the unknown purpose of the dragon clan from being realized."

"Yes, actually, I know that the possibility of those things being realized is very low."

The scene of the giant dragon raging in the human city appeared in his mind, and Chu Xing said a little decadently: "It doesn't matter if it's just hindering the dragon clan, I want to avenge the relatives and friends who died at the hands of the dragon clan.

".And the human civilization that has finally come out of the earth has become a plaything in the hands of the dragon clan. I am not reconciled."

"So, you now have a new choice." Cheng Bin sent Chu Xing the Gonggong-related data that is currently spreading underground to a huge area, and then looked at the cultivation tank beside him and said:

"In addition to the original darkness and phase mode, your cultivation outfit also has a mode that simulates a dragon blood warrior, you can try to walk outside in this form

"In addition, with the assistance of external Gonggong nano-units, your reproductive equipment can develop more functional modules and models.

"I have opened up the authority for you. You can load nano-growth equipment on designated humans within the coverage of Gonggong, make them become growers, and you can also give them this authority.

"The breeding equipment has built-in brain modification and thinking optimization similar to NZT drugs, and also opens up all underlying modification permissions.

"The more knowledge you have, the deeper your understanding of the operation of the planting equipment, the faster the thinking reaction speed, and the higher the precision of the control force, the stronger the strength that the planter can exert and the support he can get. A powerful planter It can also in turn assist the diffusion and evolution of Gonggong.

"You can take a gamble to see if human civilization, which relies on learning knowledge to gain power, can regain its foothold before being noticed and destroyed by the dragon clan.

"It's better than breaking the jar, isn't it? Turning over the table is always the last option."

After listening to Cheng Bin's words, Chu Xing nodded silently.

Seeing Chu Xing, who had turned on the dragon blood warrior simulation form, wearing scale armor, growing dragon wings and dragon tail, and exuding a faint dragon power electromagnetic signal all the way away from the isolation door, Cheng Bin turned his eyes back to stare at him.

The reason why he didn't go out with him was, on the one hand, because he wanted to hide in the dark and manipulate the development of Gonggong until Bai's split matured, and on the other hand, there were still some experiments to verify.

In addition, he also needs to monitor the human-dragon war in the asteroid belt to obtain information on the combat effectiveness of fifth-level giant dragons and humans. In addition, he also needs to monitor the moon and keep an eye on the actions of high-level giant dragons around the earth.

In the culture tank in front of Cheng Bin, the reset primitive dragon cells started a new round of evolution in different dragon species.

"Judging from the results of this experiment, the giant dragon and the dragon blood warrior have a certain probability of unlocking the gene lock and upgrading spontaneously in the process of constantly exercising and familiarizing their bodies."

Cheng Bin observed the evolution process of different types of dragon cells from the previous experiment, and kept recording the similarities and differences with the previous experiment.

"However, this preset upgrade process failed inexplicably when the fifth level was moving towards the sixth level."

Cheng Bin familiarly simulated environmental changes and catalyzed the evolution process of dragon cells. Finally, when the dragon genes were unlocked to the sixth stage, the dragon cells in the entire culture tank completely collapsed.

After completely replicating the data of this process to the panel and conducting a large number of simulations, Cheng Bin noticed something strange——

The biofactory constructed by the dragon cells of the fifth stage constructed a sophisticated central control component during the process of trying to manufacture the dragon cells of the sixth stage.

But around that component, there is no room and no biological tissue reserved for manipulating the control component.

"It feels like a keyboard sealed in a box, waiting to be typed, without keycaps"

After pondering for a while, Cheng Bin realized a possibility.

"Isn't this a key device reserved for high-dimensional interference forces such as Nian Qi?"

This possibility is really not small.

"Thinking about it carefully, the birth and purpose of the dragon clan are related to high dimensions. It is normal for the existence of higher-level giant dragons to need the support of mysterious forces similar to high-dimensional interference."

After pondering for a while, Cheng Bin examined himself——

He himself also relies on the high-dimensional interference of Nianqi to maintain a powerful black technology force-white dwarf combat body.

If Nian Qi is not used, with the technology he has accumulated so far, he can only load nano-growth equipment like Chu Xing. Regardless of the control of Gonggong, the technology carrier, the individual strength is estimated to be similar to the early Nian Qi combat body.

"Then, in this world, where is the dragon beyond level five?"

After destroying the unresolvable giant dragon cells after the collapse and disintegration, Cheng Bin sucked and compressed all the substances in the culture tank into white dwarf substances into the body again.

After glancing at the clean culture tank, Cheng Bin turned his attention to the panorama, the distant space.

sleep sleep, it's a tragedy to be busy during the shelf

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