Uplifting Journey

Chapter 140 New Hope and Silver Dragon

"That's it"

With the special vertical pupils close to the giant dragon, Zheng Cheng looked at the huge dragon shadows on the moon that had brought him deep pressure, and murmured in a daze: "Not only did you survive, but you also got the opportunity to meet with the high-level giant dragon." Rival technology crystallization”

Chu Xing, who didn't tell the whole story about Cheng Bin and Gonggong, probably showed Zheng Cheng the kind of weapon in him that can rival a dragon, and said that as long as there are a little resources and people who are willing to learn, this kind of weaponry will be easy to use. Can be rapidly expanded and popularized.

Zheng Cheng was a little moved——

Chu Xing, who was just an ordinary person, can confront himself head-on after being equipped with this kind of nano-growth equipment, and the ability of this equipment can also be continuously improved with the knowledge and thinking ability of the grower

"I really wanted to kill you before." Zheng Cheng looked at Chu Xing in front of him with some confusion, "...you still believe me?"

"Trust? Can't talk about it. It's just a rational analysis," Chu Xing said noncommittally. "After all, based on the known conditions, it is the most efficient to cooperate with you. Although I really want to beat you up now, but Unnecessary enmity is just a waste of time. Anyway, you won't cut off your limbs again to please the Dragon Clan, will you?"

Zheng Cheng was silent for a while, and said bitterly: "I cut off my hands and feet to please the Dragon Clan? Hey. At that time, Baiyan City was in danger, and there was no hope of victory. Naturally, I could only choose that way."

".Everyone pinned their hopes on me and pushed me to this position. I can't lead them to a dead end."

Chu Xing let out a sigh and said, "But the current nano-growth outfit may not be able to beat the Dragon Clan."

"It's different. Your original experiment and factory were named by the Dragon Clan before they had much actual benefit."

Zheng Cheng smiled wryly and said: "According to your description, this kind of breeding outfit can completely form a scale before the giant dragon reacts, and it has the simulated form of a dragon blood warrior, so it may not be noticed immediately. This winning rate is worth fighting for." gone."

After sighing, Zheng Cheng said earnestly: "I will select a group of suitable people to participate, and those people in the city who were originally in the same faction as you can also use it.

"In addition, after the destruction of Heishui City, some survivors fled to Baiyan City. Didn't you have contact with them? I think you can try to contact them.

"Finally. Do you think there is still hope for the dragon blood warrior? Can I use this nano-growth outfit?"

"If you don't mind being an experimental consumable, I think you can give it a try."

The nano-growth outfit with almost no threshold quickly spread secretly in Baiyan City.

Of course, what the nano-growth outfit has revealed to the outside world is just a relatively simple and convenient transformation plan for low-level dragon blood warriors. Only after confirming that the ability and scale of the new colonizers have reached expectations, will they gradually let go.

As for the extremely cautious nano-growth troops in the early stage, they usually look no different from ordinary dragon blood warriors, but they basically focus on their minds for a long time in their spare time.

With the help of Gonggong, which is gradually spreading underground, Chu Xing built the Baiyan City information management and control system linking all builders, and began to organize nano-builders to learn a lot of knowledge in virtual reality, research the expanded application of growers and Gonggong, and at the same time assist Gonggong builds a new type of industrial city underground.

Relying on the colonization suits that allow ordinary people to be steadily promoted to "Dragon Blood Warriors", the influence of the colonizers of Baiyan City began to spread to human cities in a wide area.

For ordinary people who don't know the truth, these busy dragon blood warriors are the objects of envy and pursuit.

But if they knew the true content of the Longwei who flung each other like a demonstration when these guys met together, the civilians who were originally envious would be moved to tears——

The essence of Longwei manifested on the outer layer is an adjusted special format electromagnetic wave language. When these builders meet, most of them are complaining about the new knowledge they have learned today-what infinite-dimensional Hilbert space, Bose-Einstein condensate , quantum chromodynamics and stuff like that

Not to mention the confusing theoretical knowledge, just the principle and control manual of each operation link of the nano-plant is enough for them to chew on for a long time, not to mention the astronomical reconstruction application of Gonggong.

Fortunately, the nano-replantation device has a built-in brain-strengthening function similar to NZT drugs. Otherwise, with the self-learning speed of ordinary people, Zheng Cheng would definitely choose to chop Chu Xing again on the spot.

But even so, the process of learning knowledge and mastering the power of nano-growth is still boring and time-consuming, and the brain strengthening effect of drugs like NZT varies from person to person, and not everyone's thinking power can achieve self-awakening Chu Xing level.

Now Chu Xing's biggest wish is to study the function of memory implantation based on the consciousness link of the planting equipment, and engrave knowledge and skills into the brains of those idiots who can't even understand the textbooks.

However, Chu Xing has some clues about the overall engraving and loading of the memory thinking data, but the subtle memory modification and adjustment

With the precision of Gonggong's nanometer unit, it is still impossible to achieve the effect of Cheng Bin's high-dimensional interference on himself, and there is no hope in a short time.

And when the builders near Baiyan City on Earth were busy lurking and building construction, in an ecological city on Mars——

A huge silver-white metal dragon with a length of nearly 100 meters is lying on the square in the center of the city. Even though it shrinks its body tiredly and tries to retract its limbs, tail and wings, it still rubs against those around it that seem to be bitten by dogs from time to time. The passing buildings caused waves of vibrations.

Surrounding this square, three warships tens of meters long and wide hovered in the sky, and various main and auxiliary weapons were pointing at the metal dragon below.

At the intersection beside the square, Wang Qi was leading some people in the shelter and some people in military uniforms to debate with red faces.

In terms of rhetorical and debating skills, Wang Qi and his party, who were off drugs, were far behind the Space Fleet officers who took drugs for food.

On the way to leave, Wang Qi turned his head three times, and finally shouted in the direction of the square before getting on the aircraft: "Amy! Please keep calm! Be sure to protect yourself!"

Several layers of protective films on the silver dragon's eyeballs were unfolded one by one, and it watched Wang Qi and his party get on the small aircraft with helpless eyes, and then the spacecraft started to rise towards space at high speed.

Retracting the raised neck, Yinlong's huge head lowered with the hurricane, and stared at the calm soldiers by the square.

Not long after, a small aircraft passed through the atmosphere of Mars and the ion shield of the eco-city, bypassed the battleship hovering in the sky, and landed steadily on the avenue beside the square.

The hatch of the aircraft opened, and a young mixed-race woman stepped out of the aircraft, walking towards the silver dragon in the square with a surprised expression.

After walking to the dragon, the mixed-race woman looked at the head of the dragon that covered her body with shadows and asked, "Are you Amy? The self-awakened one in the shelter records?"

Yinlong didn't make a sound, but slowly moved his head up and down.

"I am Sarah, a member of the United Human Council."

Sarah, a mixed-race woman, said softly: "Dragon blood warriors are completely transformed into dragons, and they can still retain human hearts. Amy, you are still the first case. As long as you maintain your current calm and rationality, we will not hurt you." of

"I hope you can go to the mothership to cooperate with our research and find out the reason. This is a good thing for both of us."

The silver dragon Amy stared at the ant-like woman under its head. With its multiple electromagnetic senses, it could clearly detect all the subtle changes in the woman's body, so it could feel the sincerity in her words.

Amy nodded, vibrating the air with electromagnetic components and making a loud human voice: "You guys, are you going to Earth?"

The mixed-race woman Sarah's expression changed, and then she nodded.

The silver dragon slowly stood up, the hurricane caused by its huge size made Sarah back unconsciously

Teacher, you are also on Earth now

Ever since Amy turned into a dragon, she has been in a trance, and an inexplicable voice is calling him, whispering——

Go to Earth and find him.

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