Uplifting Journey

Chapter 159: How Do You Bully Mr. Earth?

The panorama covering the entire planet feeds back to Cheng Bin the material situation at all levels inside and outside the planet.

The size of the big monster on the planet was far more terrifying than what Cheng Bin had seen before. It spread to the entire surface of the planet, and the branches connecting all the plants were only a small part of the monster's body.

Inside the planet, this big guy almost hollowed out more than half of the entire planet's material. Countless thick tree roots twisted and twisted in the crust and mantle, and some roots even directly penetrated into the high-temperature core.

To some extent, this monster is not parasitic on the planet, but it is itself a planet.

"This size is simply insane. Is the effect the same as cutting off its nails just after the emotion blows up its body and head?"

Cheng Bin felt a little tricky.

So, no matter what attribute, stacking to the extreme is terrifying.

For example, the monster with the body of a planet is so huge that it can easily withstand Cheng Bin's white dwarf bombardment, not to mention that guy's attack methods are not weak.

While Cheng Bin was observing carefully, the monster attacked again.

In front of the huge scarlet eyes, the same chakra particles gathered again into a huge sphere.

But this time the Chakra didn't blast out like the Tailed Beast Jade, but a small hole was made at the top, and a ray of extremely thin but incredibly strong light shot straight at Cheng Bin.

The light beam traveling at the speed of light should have hit Cheng Bin the moment he saw it, but Cheng Bin, who has no scruples in this world, also has the mind energy detection module integrated in his panorama on.

Although the scope is small, it is okay to focus on monitoring the behavior of monsters.

Similar to the process of quantum communication without transmission, the instant-feedback mind energy detection transmits the light excited by the monster to Cheng Bin, and he completes the dodge in the short moment when the light reaches him.

But unexpectedly, the monster's light beam was not a one-time attack. The chakras that were constantly gathering in front of it maintained the volume of the sphere, and the slender high-energy light became a super machete tens of thousands of kilometers long in its hands. , Facing Cheng Bin, there was a burst of chopping.

At this distance between Cheng Bin and the monster, the light speed machete is quite easy to use.

No matter how fast Cheng Bin was, he couldn't adjust the launch port as fast as the opponent, so he had to keep changing directions to reduce the chance of being attacked.

Although he tried his best to dodge, he still had to be stabbed from time to time.

Whenever the high-energy light streaks across Cheng Bin's body, the fierce conflict with Cheng Bin's defense system creates a gorgeous light curtain in the starry sky.

Fortunately, although this kind of high-energy light is very strong, as long as it is not attacked for a long time, Cheng Bin will have no problem resisting it.

But the monster is obviously not satisfied with this result.

The gathering of chakras accelerated again, causing the second ray of light to twist towards Cheng Bin like a zigzag whip.

At the same time, Cheng Bin once again sensed a change in the space around him.

Cheng Bin looked at the light that precisely blocked most of his moving direction, and then looked at the gradually distorted space in the gap left by the light.

Compared with the high-energy beam, Cheng Bin is more afraid of the mysterious space tearing.

Cheng Bin had no choice but to take the initiative to slam into the two high-energy rays of cross-focus to dodge the space tear whose attack power could not see the upper limit.

A small amount of white dwarf particles lost control under the focus of the high-energy beam, and then exploded in the direction of the attack source, temporarily offsetting the subsequent attack.

This was pre-set by Cheng Bin, an active defense mechanism similar to tank reactive armor.

After being lightly bitten by the space rift, Cheng Bin escaped from the danger, and then fired a round of bombardment at the monster without saying a word, and then rushed towards the planet immediately.

The falling white dwarf matter particles detonated the huge chakra sphere in front of the monster, and shattered the monster that was still preparing for the next space attack.

This time the monster recovered faster, and the process of twisting and reorganizing was completed almost the moment Cheng Bin broke into the planet's atmosphere.

The regenerated monster immediately blasted a tailed beast jade at Cheng Bin.

Although the charging time is not long, and the volume of this hair-tailed beast jade is only more than ten kilometers, it is still a super powerful attack that is enough to break Lu Suiyue.

But at this moment, Cheng Bin was like a Saiyan, wrapped in a strong light, drawing a long trail in the atmosphere, and he didn't hesitate to meet him head-on.

The mind energy acting outside the body gathered all the air substances along Cheng Bin's flight, and disassembled and aggregated them at the level of protons and neutrons, releasing endless and huge nuclear energy.

The nuclear energy, which far exceeds Cheng Bin's control limit, converges into a terrifying energy torrent that protects it during the directional release along the way. After easily smashing the Tailed Beast Jade, it smashes straight at the monster on the surface of the planet.

Even Cheng Bin didn't have the ability to change the direction of the energy flow, so he crushed the monster for the third time in one encounter, and blasted the basin below into a bottomless pit.

Cheng Bin carried the energy aftermath all the way through the earth's crust, destroyed countless huge roots, and sent himself deep into the planet's interior.

Cheng Bin, who had exhausted his energy armor, stopped and raised the power of the nuclear energy release to the highest level. Like a big light bulb, it continuously released intense radiation and high-energy particles in all directions.

Countless thick roots like mountains entangled and squeezed towards him, but they were all torn apart in the nuclear reaction circle, turning into nuclear reaction fuel to make the light circle more vigorous.

"Entering the interior of the planet, with sufficient material support, the scale of energy and the fight against this monster will not be a problem for the time being."

Cheng Bin, who was thinking about countermeasures, noticed another change in space around him. Driven by the explosive nuclear energy, he flashed a distance in the direction of the lower density of matter.

Then Cheng Bin saw a huge spherical vacancy suddenly appeared where he was originally, as if the matter there had disappeared out of thin air.

"This time is a space transfer? Can't delay any longer."

Cheng Bin frowned and looked around. Although the endless nuclear energy incinerated the deep underground into a vast space, the roots and tentacles of countless monsters were destroyed.

But this loss was nothing more than a drop in the bucket against the terrifying size of the monster he had seen in the panorama.

"Large-scale, chain-destroying methods are needed."

After analyzing the material structure of the monster's roots with Nian Qi, Cheng Bin's heart moved. An atomic-level virus that imitated Gonggong nano-units but removed the intelligent control and energy supply modules spread to the roots with the support of Nian Qi. among.

The targeted virus crazily erodes the roots and hairs and replicates and spreads with the help of thoughts, but in a blink of an eye, it is instantly extinguished by the strange power beyond the proper structure of the roots and hairs.

"Chakra is also the same. How can this kind of material structure achieve such a big movement without the support of Chakra, but it is not to counteract the energy but to destroy the virus at the physical level. It seems that the essence of Chakra is not high-dimensional interference, but some kind of A special unit on the physical plane. That's fine.

"...It's just that viral spread and destruction won't work, it must be a direct destructive attack."

Cheng Bin sighed. When he saw the majestic lunar starship of the Mechanic Emperor in the Matrix world, he had the idea of ​​researching mass destruction attack methods.

However, there are many follow-up matters, and this kind of experiment can't be done casually in the solar system, so it can only be put on hold temporarily, and I can make up for it in my mind when I have time.

Speaking of bullying a planet like Earth Lord.

It is easier to think of antimatter as expected. As long as a lump of antimatter the size of a medium-sized asteroid comes into contact with the earth, it can completely cancel the effect of the earth's gravitational force in a terrifying explosion, blowing it into discrete fragments and turning it into new small ones. planetary belt.

However, Cheng Bin's current mind-air interference depth has not yet reached the level of quarks, and he has not touched the weak interaction force, so he cannot directly rub antimatter with his hands.

In the case of indirect manufacturing, it would consume dozens or even hundreds of parts of energy to produce antimatter that can release one part of energy, which is simply not worth the candle.

If there is a stable storage method, Cheng Bin doesn't mind making a lot of antimatter in advance, and dumping the antimatter directly on the enemy to crush them to death.

Unfortunately, Cheng Bin currently does not have that kind of thing.

"Then, in the never-ending world, Chu Xing's plans are more reliable."

Unprecedented four consecutive days on the road Grandpa is going to celebrate his birthday again, I am afraid that my saved manuscripts will be burned out. Quality, update, full attendance emmm

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