Uplifting Journey

Chapter 191: The Nian Qi Crutches No Longer Relying On

Cheng Bin's body is immersed in the sea of ​​endless light and heat radiation and high-energy particles inside the dazzlingly hot star.

Endless energy erodes from time to time, but on the surface of his white dwarf body, it is resolved by the extremely delicate energy and time-space changes, or it is used to make up for consumption, or it is directly imported into the fourth dimension and dissipated invisible.

"So it turns out that the soul of the monster on the mother star has slipped into the underworld of the Hokage planet?"

After receiving the split message from Nianqi Synchronization, Cheng Bin was surprised by the discovery of the Six Paths Immortal in the soul space.

"The so-called soul state is also a chakra variant with embedded consciousness. I heard that the monster is not very strong. Well, after all, it exploded its body when a black hole was launched, and I haven't seen it dare to come out in a soul state. trouble me."

There was No. 2 split to deal with the affairs on the Huoying planet. Cheng Bin stopped paying attention after briefly reading the latest news, and turned his attention back to the research project at hand.

It is not difficult for Cheng Bin to rub the neutron star matter with his hands. After all, he is so cruel that he can even rub out small black holes.

However, Cheng Bin does not intend to simply stack a body with restrained white dwarf matter like a white dwarf war body.

Because he has enough knowledge and can easily manipulate quarks and space-time, Cheng Bin intends to design a neutron star combat body with self-maintenance capabilities——

A fourth-generation battle body that can maintain basic operations even if it is separated from Nian Qi after it is completely completed with the help of Nian Qi.

Compared with a pile of white dwarf matter maintained purely by the mind module, the design and construction of this combat body system is naturally much more complicated, far more than one or two levels.

But if this thing is completed, even if Cheng Bin's mind energy is disturbed or suddenly loses his mind energy, he will not be able to play GG on the spot, and he should be able to retain most of his abilities.

At that time, for Cheng Bin, multiple Nian Qis are just some more convenient functions and incidentally increasing the various powers of the neutron star battle body.

However, the prospect of getting rid of the cane of Nianqi and continuing to move forward seems good, but the process of realizing it is also extremely rough and difficult.

Cheng Bin casually picked up a bunch of high-energy particles inside the sun, and after isolating an experimental space that is not affected by the sun, he simply screened the stuff and took out the available ones and kneaded them into neutron clusters.

Using the neutron star matter that is forcibly constrained as the building blocks and the regular space-time structure as the skeleton, Cheng Bin tries to build a self-constrained and stable material structure composed of countless different functional organs in this drastic energy and space-time change.

This somewhat imitates Chakra’s meaning of building a logical structure at the level of virtual particles.

After concentrating on carefully working out the most basic local structure of the neutron star war body, Cheng Bin withdrew the thought energy used to build and maintain this structure, and carefully observed its changes.

Then it exploded as expected.

Even in the interior of the sun where nuclear fusion is going on all the time, the ripples of neutron star matter exploded along with distorted space-time also caused waves in the energy ocean, and the surface of the sun corresponding to Cheng Bin's position may have increased a little brightness.

"The good news is that it was a little later than the last experiment, um, it was nearly a nanosecond later, at least there is no problem with the general direction of thinking."

Looking through the experimental observation records before and after the explosion, Cheng Bin sighed and began to redesign the structure of the neutron star war body.

Just like this, modifying the design drawing while bombing, Cheng Bin slowly approached his goal.

After concentrating on research and experimentation for quite a long time, the basic design framework of the neutron star war body was finally finalized, and Cheng Bin began the next stage of implementation, and tested the recognition of the mind to the body.

Nianqi has the highest efficiency in interfering with the matter that makes up Cheng Bin's body, which is why he has always built the core of power on his body and created several generations of combat bodies.

"Then, how does mindfulness distinguish between physical and non-physical matter?"

In terms of initial matter, Cheng Bin's body was in constant metabolism even a long time ago, not to mention that after completing the white dwarf body, the matter that makes up his body has multiplied countless times.

As mentioned in the previous system, Nian Qi comes from the high-dimensional information body in the inner domain, and it works efficiently on the body because the body that supports the existence of thinking is part of the low-dimensional material composition of the high-dimensional information body.

Following this line of thought, Cheng Bin extracted a part of the white dwarf substance in his body, and used it to test the changes in the efficiency of mind energy solidified on it under different circumstances, and finally tried out a more accurate recognition range——

Divided into several levels according to efficiency from high to low, the first is the material that directly constitutes his memory and thinking, the second is the part that indirectly contacts the material related to thinking or disturbance variables, and the third is the part that has been solidified and bound by the thought for a long time The matter of the body, the last thing is the matter of the outside world.

"According to this situation, it is most efficient to incorporate all controllable substances into the basis of thinking, as long as the thinking structure is simply modified, and the unimportant parts are placed on these substances."

To put it simply, it is no longer just using the brain, but thinking with the whole body.

This is not too difficult for Cheng Bin who has completed most of the heart plan. After he started the state of self-examination of his thinking, he began to use his knife in the less important corners of his thinking mode.

After trying a few times, Cheng Bin found a part of thinking that was more suitable to be separated - he separated the thinking related to computing power that was originally connected to the Nian Qi computing module, and tried it with the white dwarf matter in his hand. try.

The effect is very obvious. The part of the white dwarf matter involved in the operation of Cheng Bin's thinking has greatly increased the efficiency of interference by the mind.

However, in order to ensure the operation of that part of the computing function, some compromises were made in the performance of those substances in other aspects.

This doesn't matter, after all, the neutron star war body only needs to rely on the effect of mind energy during the construction period, and the efficiency of mind energy after that is not so important.

So Cheng Bin removed the part of the white dwarf matter that carried the thinking and calculation part, and replaced it with the newly rubbed out neutron star matter.

Due to the temporary addition of the thinking docking modules used during the construction period, the originally designed material structure of the neutron star became somewhat unstable again.

After Cheng Bin blew up his arms a few times, he had to start over and try to add a thinking access module to the initial design to facilitate the interference of thoughts and energy.

After tossing and tossing for a long time, Cheng Bin completed a feasible design.

In the ocean of light inside the sun, a huge energy vortex gradually emerged.

Cheng Bin, who was in the center of the vortex, was approaching the core of the sun, while relying on the powerful electromagnetic field and the distortion of time and space, he controlled the gathering of a large amount of solar matter and disassembled it into his body.

Around the core of the neutron star built in Cheng Bin's chest, the endless material energy was converted into neutron star matter, and various sophisticated functional organs were constructed.

As he slowly entered the core range of the sun where the temperature was close to tens of millions of degrees Celsius, Cheng Bin, whose body transformation was already on track, suddenly had a thought in his mind——

"Does the human form still matter to me?"


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