Although the two black holes are attracting each other, their speed of motion is constantly accelerating, but it is still as slow as a snail crawling on an astronomical scale.

It took at least more than a year from the observation that the black holes twisted each other's trajectories, to when they began to spiral closer, to when they eroded each other's core domain.

This is still the case that the formation position and trajectory of the new black hole are specially adjusted by Cheng Bin's split body and Bai.

Fortunately, neither the programmed split body nor Bai has the concept of impatience, and Cheng Bin's body has a very deep control over the operation of his own thinking. As long as he doesn't want to, he will never feel irritable.

Moreover, during this period, the busyness of various preparations and pre-experiments has not stopped, and there is no such thing as waiting around.

Until now, the black hole collision experiment has entered the most critical stage.

At this moment, Cheng Bin himself was standing in the empty starry sky, and the three experimental starships designed and built by Fission and Bai floated around him in a regular triangle.

Circle after circle of gravitational waves spread from the core of the experimental area to the surroundings, which are regular gravitational waves caused by the high-speed spiral entanglement of black holes.

Relying on the full-power operation of the neutron starship to interfere with time and space, Cheng Bin allowed the four-dimensional platform he built to be half-embedded in the main space, and integrated the curvature interference of the three most advanced experimental starships through the medium of thought and energy.

The terrible space-time distortion near the black hole that makes it impossible for light to escape is partially smoothed out under the space-time interference led by Cheng Bin, or the event horizon of the black hole is partially sunken inward, allowing them to protect themselves from being violently attacked at a distance very close to the black hole. Gravitational pull into the black hole.

But with Cheng Bin's ability, he can't protect too many experimental starships. Except for these three ships that can collect various second-hand data, the others can only be kept far away. Wait a few months to obtain indirect data. data.

The first-hand data naturally came from Cheng Bin's four-dimensional detection.

However, even if Cheng Bin can carry out long-distance exploration, he can only obtain the general situation of the black hole as a whole. In the super space-time distortion in the core area around the black hole that subverts the current knowledge system, Cheng Bin is also in the dark, and nothing can be determined.

But standing on the subspace platform and observing the changes in the high-dimensional space corresponding to the part of time and space corresponding to the black hole from the fourth dimension from a mathematical point of view, Cheng Bin also got a glimpse of something.

Especially at the moment when the two black holes finally collided together, Cheng Bin observed the obvious phenomenon of three-dimensional to four-dimensional change for the first time—at the position corresponding to the black holes, two black holes twisted and wound in the fourth dimension and finally merged. The "line" is gone in a flash.

The reason why it is called the line is that even the distance from the parallel subspace to the main space in the fourth dimension is as short as a point in the extended space-time structure.

"So that's it. Black holes, I didn't expect to really screw out a hole in space-time. No, it can't be called a hole. This thing can't pass through any matter at all, but this space-time structure extends all the way."

Cheng Bin's accumulated knowledge about subspace, the fourth dimension, dark matter, etc. rubbed and collided in his thinking, and a hazy thread slowly emerged in his mind along with a large amount of data and calculations.

When opening up a subspace, the farther the fourth dimension deviates from the ground state of the three-dimensional main space, the more terrifying the energy and space-time interference force will be. Cheng Bin originally thought that the parallel subspaces loaded with planetary systems were already the ones that had shifted the farthest. I did, but I didn't expect that I could go higher and farther.

It is so far away that it is like when a climbing roller coaster crosses the limit of the apex, the factors hindering the movement suddenly change and turn around, and fall towards the lower place on the other side.

"There is a second stable ground-state three-dimensional space in a world, and the main space is like two sides of a coin."

Cheng Bin immediately remembered the lack of antimatter——

According to the physical laws observed so far, in the big bang at the beginning of the universe, the amount of matter and antimatter produced should be equal. Theoretically, matter and antimatter will be completely annihilated in a short time.

But the reality is that there is a large amount of positive matter in the universe to form the stars, but antimatter is hard to find. It can be seen that at the time of the big bang, the amount of positive matter produced was greater than the amount of antimatter.

This is not consistent with the laws of matter embodied in the universe, so where is the huge antimatter that is enough to completely annihilate the current entire galactic matter?

"The ground-state three-dimensional space on the other side is the anti-matter space, the anti-universe." Cheng Bin was a little excited. The new conjectures and data models perfectly complemented some of the shortcomings in his accumulated knowledge. "In this way, dark matter and other etc. should be the phenomenon of mutual interference between two ground state spaces, as well as 'Chakra'.

"This world pretends to be the original Naruto World Chakra. The main structure should exist in the fourth dimension. Only one end is exposed in this positive space, and the other end should be on the opposite side. No wonder it is still impossible to observe the whole picture. Destroyed by black hole-level space-time distortion, it is no wonder that the zero-point energy can be extracted from the quantum vacuum ground state energy level.

"...if I can pass through the door between positive and negative universes"

Although he couldn't wait to verify the conjectures and theories in his mind, Cheng Bin still patiently stayed in the experimental area and waited until the various data generated before and after the black hole collision were recorded by the three starships before he discarded the starship and jumped by himself. Ran.

Cheng Bin thought it would be very difficult to jump into space at the edge of the skyrocketing black hole event horizon. After all, the degree of space-time distortion is beyond imagination, so he mobilized all the power of the neutron star war body and made a full plan in mind.

But unexpectedly, Cheng Bin found that within the direct influence of the black hole, the short space jump back and forth to the fourth dimension was unexpectedly easy, and the troublesome process that required a huge amount of energy to explode and manipulate the curled dimension was unbelievably simple.

Out of curiosity, Cheng Bin followed the feeling of stepping on a spring, and jumped as far as possible from around the black hole. Then he was startled by the rapid change of time and space, and almost stopped.

After Cheng Bin carefully stopped and returned to the three-dimensional space, he compared the star map a little bit, and was a little surprised to find that he had landed tens of thousands of light-years away from the experimental area.

Cheng Bin immediately realized the significance of this matter: "The difficulty is several layers lower, and the consumption is so small. How can a black hole be used as a transportation hub for Xinghai?"

Although the black hole ejection is only a one-way ticket at present, as long as the landing point is well controlled, an astronomical fast track can barely be built between the two black holes.

"I just don't know if it's okay to temporarily create a small-mass black hole. If it's feasible, as long as I find a way to create a stable and controllable simulated black hole environment, wouldn't I be able to travel the galaxy comfortably?"

Cheng Bin, who has basically no constraints in this world, complied with his interests and curiosity, and immediately planned to try it when he thought of these.

The panorama scanned the vast starry sky, and Cheng Bin found the real positions of some suitable stars, and then chose a small star that was at the end of its life and teleported there.

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