Uplifting Journey

Chapter 340 The Abyss Brood and the Inhuman Dr. Cheng

If we only talk about the energy level, the Rod of God, which relies solely on the potential energy of gravity to attack, is still far behind the nuclear weapons that can penetrate deep into the nucleus for mass-energy conversion.

Considering the various hard problems of carrying cost, black barrier guidance, and power load in the current technological environment, it is not unreasonable for the people on earth to jokingly say that this stick of God is only used if God is mentally retarded.

However, regardless of the process of action and only using the total amount of energy to measure the power, it is purely playing hooligans. The energy of a bullet may not be much higher than when a person runs around a corner and is hit by someone, but can the actual power of the two be comparable?

It is normal for a bullet with a good balance of penetrating power and stopping power to open a large cavity behind the hit point.

The momentum conversion link of weapons such as the Rod of God is highly focused in time and space, making its instantaneous impact and penetrating power unparalleled.

As for the electromagnetic warfare body supported by thoughts, after Cheng Bin turned into the president of the transport company, it was almost zero cost to move dozens of tons of ammunition to space orbit.

And this heavy big guy didn't fall from the synchronous orbit to the earth naturally at the beginning, but was accelerated and launched by Cheng Bin in the form of an electromagnetic gun.

It is propelled by solidified mind energy throughout the whole process, and the front end is also equipped with a mind energy module that can deflect and convert air resistance into power while guiding, and can dynamically adjust the ammunition shape according to needs at the moment of impact.

Therefore, in Cheng Bin's hands, the power of this stupid black thick tungsten alloy long shuttle with a mass of tens of tons falling from the sky is far more terrifying than theoretical calculations.

If it weren't for Cheng Bin's behavior of adding fuel after several test shots of different auxiliary forces to find out the actual effect, the earth would not know what kind of apocalyptic scene it is now.

But even so, the earth is full of mourning.

Since most of the Zerg broods are distributed on the shallow sea continental shelf, Cheng Bin's behavior of drilling holes on the earth is basically drawing the human body on all continents, which caused the tungsten alloy long shuttle that penetrated the earth's crust to cause the land and ocean Turbulence between plates.

Storms, earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions... endless natural disasters are raging on the earth.

The pressure accumulated in the earth was pierced by the rod of God in countless openings, and the released energy of the earth's veins reduced the peaks to valleys and turned the ocean into hills.

In the northeast of Africa, because it is close to the oil production area and the hometown of the clone civilization, the Zerg forces are highly concentrated, and it has become the hardest hit area by Cheng Bin's intensive bombing, which even led to signs of instability at the junction of the Asian and African continents.

Fortunately, the earth's ecological circle has long been destroyed by the insect race erosion and human washing of the land. Human beings are all staying in high-defense fortress cities and relying on the chemical industry to maintain their lives. It is estimated that no one will come to Cheng Bin to talk about environmental protection. The problem.

Cheng Bin returned to the warehouse on the ground with constant aftershocks halfway, and received two rounds of ammunition under the stiff expression of the pale military leader before completing the cleaning of the Zerg base in all detection intelligence.

After watching the last wave of the hidden Zerg brood in the depths of the ocean from space, Cheng Bin lowered his altitude a bit, and while flying around the earth, looked at the circles of violent winds and waves visible to the naked eye below, while cleaning up. There are more planktonic Zerg at the top of the atmosphere.

I don't know what these unresponsive things from the Zerg lift into the air mean, maybe they are cannon fodder used to detect and attack with their lives for early warning?

While cleaning up the strange creatures he encountered, the three-dimensional image of the earth in Cheng Bin's mind was filtered and refreshed over and over again. This is the thought energy solidified on the crashed alloy long shuttle that he used to spread the mark near the Zerg nest site, Try to find traces of the remaining swarms and superhumans.

The Heart of the Swarm, which dominates all Zerg actions, needs a certain scale of Zerg units with basic brains to support its center. Now that the global brood has been destroyed, if Cheng Bin can still detect the unknown power that interferes with the Nian Qi , then you can follow the clues to find the deepest hidden power of the Zerg.

Even while flying while exploring, Cheng Bin can circle the earth in one minute - of course, this is also because the air at his altitude is so thin that there is almost no reason.

Cheng Bin, who moved at super speed, traced a ball of wool around the earth. After occasionally landing on the surface to clean up some suspicious targets, he finally found the hidden center of the Zerg.

I don't know whether it is unexpected or reasonable, but the clues Cheng Bin found point to the Mariana Trench in the western part of the North Pacific Ocean, the deepest ocean currently known on Earth.

The deepest super trench is more than 10,000 meters away from the sea level, and the water pressure per square meter is tens of thousands of tons. At present, there is no diving equipment made by humans that can reach this kind of place without damage. Few people who approached it have died in the line of duty. .

Even the sunlight can only penetrate roughly 200 meters deep into the ocean, so the concealment and safety are indeed very high. If Cheng Bin hadn’t discovered some changes in the remaining creepers in the Pacific Ocean, he followed up and explored the shallow sea. The behavior of normal creatures collecting all kinds of energy and sinking into the deep sea, he may not be able to detect the abnormalities below the abyss layer.

Cheng Bin, whose panorama was separated by the thick seawater, withdrew the thought energy scattered all over the earth, restored the power of the electromagnetic warfare body to the normal level, and rushed down vertically from a high altitude, bringing waves of air explosions into the ocean.

There is not much difference between the sea surface and steel under the ultra-high-speed impact. Cheng Bin relied on the pre-infiltrated mind to lengthen the impact process to reduce the energy that needs to be transformed per unit time, and smoothly rushed into the depths of the ocean without injury. .

The brilliance from the sun weakened rapidly after Cheng Bin crossed the 200-meter limit. In the weaker and weaker light, Cheng Bin walked over a large number of tiny creatures infested by Zerg towards the huge gully between the seabed.

Every 100 meters deep, the water pressure per square meter will increase by 100 tons. Cheng Bin can bear the pervasive water pressure attack from all directions at first, but as he continues to go deeper, even if he is powerful, he will be overwhelming. The electromagnetic warfare body is starting to struggle a bit - the pressure of thousands of tons in all directions is much more difficult to deal with than carrying thousands of tons of ammunition into the sky.

However, this kind of problem does not bother Cheng Bin. He controls the electromagnetic warfare body to let go of the defense, and the whole body expands a circle, making the body "loose". In terms of balance, Cheng Bin doesn't need to directly confront the deep sea pressure, he just needs to keep his body from being distorted.

In this regard, the physical strengthening effect of the electromagnetic warfare body's deep molecular bonds is extremely effective. After all, Cheng Bin in this world doesn't even need to worry about the parallel world information resonance problem related to certain substances in the human body as in the past.

After the adjustment, Cheng Bin could hardly feel the threat brought by the water pressure, so he continued to sneak smoothly toward the deepest part of the trench.

In the desperate situation that ordinary humans cannot reach, Cheng Bin saw many wonderful creatures, such as giant squids. Cheng Bin also saw a lot of lantern fish that attract food with a lamp.

But Cheng Bin also knew that these seemingly ordinary beings were essentially members of the Zerg race.

In addition to independently incubating and manufacturing soldiers and workers, the Zerg is very good at corroding ordinary creatures, installing interfaces for convenient control and communication on them, and affecting the actions of these creatures through pheromones or electromagnetic waves.

Without active control, these creatures are at best unreliable monitors, and they will still live and reproduce according to the instincts contained in their genes, but as long as the Zerg gives an order, these things will turn into loyal soldiers, and even directly Sacrifice yourself to hatch the corresponding Zerg arms.

After passing these pretenders, Cheng Bin, who was diving all the way, finally came to the deepest part of this trench, and he saw a huge flickering light from a distance.

It was a gigantic creature, which looked a bit like an octopus or a jellyfish in appearance, but it was fixed upside down on the bottom of the sea. Its outer translucent tissue and tentacles radiated fluorescence, filled with mysterious power similar to Nian Qi.

Below this huge creature with a radius of hundreds of meters, the fiery energy from the depths of the earth is transferred up and then absorbed by a mysterious force similar to mind energy together with part of the water pressure. Above, there are many controlled Zerg creatures collected from the vast sea. All kinds of materials are gathered, and at first glance, the small life is quite nourishing.

Cheng Bin can vaguely perceive the various physical and chemical reactions that are taking place inside it. The inside of this huge biological core is like a special biochemical laboratory. Through the translucent appearance, you can also see the external incubation chamber. There are many adaptations. Or biological embryos that are not adapted to the deep sea environment are constantly cycled between birth and destruction, and the genetic mutations induced every minute can catch up with the accumulation of a century on the earth.

Cheng Bin, who had never been hidden since he entered the water, and could not hide his whereabouts, was naturally discovered by this special Zerg brood. After Cheng Bin started to approach, the wandering deep-sea creatures around him automatically moved out of the way. The tentacles on the surface of the nest also deviated one after another, exposing a wrinkled depression facing Cheng Bin that seemed to be the entrance.

With a delicate mood, Cheng Bin approached the groove, and then the sunken tissue wrapped Cheng Bin into a void, and then the void broke away from the skin and sank toward the core area of ​​the brood.

Through the translucent skin, Cheng Bin can see that he is passing through various organs of a huge creature. This kind of horror scene may scare ordinary people into paralysis, but he doesn't care much about the appearance. Anyway, it's just lumps of matter.

Not long after, the bubble carrying Cheng Bin came into contact with a tough membrane and merged into it, and Cheng Bin in the bubble came to a room of tens of square meters.

Stepping on the biological skin-like ground, Cheng Bin raised his eyes to look at the wall facing him in the room. Behind the translucent wall, he could see a huge mass of material like a human brain that was covered with gullies. Although there is a big difference in the fine structure, looking at the texture and color, it doesn't seem wrong to say that it is a huge brain.

Cheng Bin, who looked at the super brain for a while, looked back, and saw a white worm drilled out of the fleshy floor in front of him, and then curled up, turning into a white and red chrysalis.

Numerous blood vessel-like veins connect the pupa from the ground. During the expansion and contraction like a beating heart, the pupa gradually grows larger. In a short period of time, a series of extremely complicated reactions occurred inside it.

In Cheng Bin's induction, the existence inside the chrysalis grew plastic around the modulated gene at a speed visible to the naked eye, and soon completed the growth, tearing the chrysalis and getting out.

It was a naked Asian young man. After getting out of the chrysalis, he raised his hand and wiped his hair covered with translucent mucus. After the mucus hardened and fell off, a blood-red leather coat grew out of thin air, and then he tried to walk. After taking two steps, he raised his head and looked at Cheng Bin.

To Cheng Bin's surprise, the young man had an extremely similar appearance to himself.

"Dr. Cheng?" Cheng Bin tentatively asked - since the Zerg ruler is willing to create this body, it means that it still retains a certain amount of human thinking and has the desire to communicate with him.

The young man who put his hands in his hair and scratched his scalp paused, then smiled hoarsely and bluntly, and gradually recovered his normal language ability in a sentence: "cough how many years have I heard this name?" ? Really nostalgic feeling”

It's really true! Cheng Bin thought for a while, and said curiously, "How did you become like this? What's going on with the Zerg?"

Dr. Cheng snorted softly, then walked around Cheng Bin, looked him up and down, and slowly said on the way: "If life wants to survive, it must adapt to and overcome the environment. For this reason, it is constantly forced to transform itself. Isn't it a normal thing?

"...Human beings are too inefficient and too weak. If you want to become stronger, you must surpass human beings. I have long since ceased to be human."

Cheng Bin turned to face Dr. Cheng, frowned and said, "I'm talking about your behavior, even if your life form has undergone a huge change, but what about your consciousness? Why do you want to destroy human beings as soon as it appears?"

Dr. Cheng pressed his forehead with one hand and laughed nervously twice. The malicious eyes that overflowed from his fingers made Cheng Bin feel like a light on his back. He stared at Cheng Bin and said in a low voice: "Didn't I say that? Of course It's about survival, and better survival."

"925 or should I call you Cheng Bin directly?" Dr. Cheng spread his hands, "After seeing the information about you from those clones, especially after contacting your 'mind energy' and hearing what you call me , I probably understand who you are. So let me ask, are your parents and girlfriend in your hometown still alive?"

girlfriend? Cheng Bin recalled his experiences in the world of Outland One—in that world, Dr. Cheng and Liu Xin seemed to be together smoothly.

Thinking of his past life and relatives in the inner domain that are still under the control of the system, Cheng Bin raised his eyebrows and said, "They are all living well now, why ask this?"

"But my family members are all dead," Dr. Cheng sighed, "by the Z virus, by my ability, by the stupid tendency of human self-destruction, you see, when I got a chance to save everything , should I try my best to catch it?"

"What does this have to do with you coming to this world to destroy human beings?" Cheng Bin frowned, "Speaking of which, how did you travel through time?"

Dr. Cheng raised his index finger and pointed at Cheng Bin, and said in a regretful tone: "Because of you, Cheng Bin, why are you still alive? Why don't you give me a way out and let me reunite with my relatives?"

Cheng Bin was stunned and said, "What do you mean?"

"Hehe, it seems that you have forgotten a lot of things." Dr. Cheng smiled coldly, "Then do you still remember the ending of my world and the name 'Lord of Infinity'?"

emmm, I didn’t finish until eight o’clock again. Such a chapter would consume me about six to eight hours a day, but these few days have consumed me at least ten hours, tsk.

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