Uplifting Journey

Chapter 418 In-depth communication with the gods of rules, experimental volunteers in place

What does it feel like to be easily beaten at what you do best?

The god of the fire element, who was not promoted from humanoid flesh and blood life, did not become angry at being insulted. After he came back to his senses, he re-condensed an ordinary fire sea main body beside the dragon-shaped transparent flame, and then carefully recollected it. After the super-class paradoxes that the Red Dragon Casa had put in before, it simply expressed its admiration for the Red Dragon, and began to ask the mystery of it straightforwardly and curiously.

After all, the battle for control of the Fire Elemental Domain cannot cause any essential damage to a regular god like the Fire Elemental God——

To become a rule god, you need to embed your own rules into the entire world at one time when the era is changing and all the planes of the void and the astral world are closely connected, and you can truly be promoted to become a rule god.

And if you want to harm or kill a regular god, you have to start with the whole world. Generally, it is difficult to do it without taking advantage of the timing of the epoch.

Even if the core of power used to interfere with the world is usurped, it is not a big deal. Let alone the fire elemental god can take it back after digesting the latest knowledge fed back by the red dragon, even if it is completely abandoned. , it is only a matter of time before it condenses again.

Being stunned by a round of paradox shocks and losing the main domain, it is just that the fire elemental god followed the rune rules that the red dragon developed all the way before, and the power was brought into the ditch. After throwing away that part of the system, use the original control method I can still live.

Cheng Bin did not refuse the God of the Fire Elemental God's request for advice - anyway, the topic is there, and the God of the Fire Elemental God who has seen the new world can deduce it step by step if he takes a little more time to deduce it by himself.

To a certain extent, element gods rely on world feedback to always be at the forefront of their own rule field. Although they do not break away from the idealistic tone of the gods, mages whose thinking mode and power system are very close to the logical style, they observe the world Part of the angle of view is even deeper than that of Mystra, the master of the magic net.

Cheng Bin, who has achieved his goal and has seen the opponent from strength to soul, is inseparable. Cheng Bin prescribes the right medicine, and communicates with the god of fire element very happily. The two sides quickly unified their slightly different worldviews around the rules of fire runes.

Different from Morrigan, the god of forging who is stubborn or pure and stable, the god of fire element changed his position readily after a round of study and discussion, and changed all the idealistic style of painting that is the basis of his own power operation to Cheng Bin's objective materialist dialectics.

In the words of the fire elemental god, idealism and materialism are not important, and the path that can bring it a breakthrough and allow it to gain stronger power and higher vision is naturally worth studying. As for the worry about going the wrong way ? With a long lifespan and countless chances to come back, the god of fire element, who has been in the bottleneck for too long, simply dismisses it.

However, after accepting the local world cognition system provided by Cheng Bin, the God of the Fire Element raised a question about the field he knows the most and is best at——

"A system that is perfect and self-consistent, without contradictions and paradoxes?" After returning the well-studied transparent sea of ​​fire to the fire elemental god, Cheng Bin, who communicated with it through the void, pondered for a while after hearing the fire elemental god's question. .

After thinking about it carefully, Cheng Bin replied: "Since you understand the core cognitive spirit of my style, you should know that such a system does not exist for us, or we will never give up breaking An attempt to perfect the system and find deeper mysteries

"To be honest, if one day I encounter such a perfect system, which can explain and control everything in the world, and there is no longer any unknown place to explore, I will definitely have a terrible feeling that the way forward is cut off—what is the supreme thing? Yeah, that sounds pretty hopeless."

The God of Fire Element thought deeply, and then agreed.

When answering this question, Cheng Bin couldn't help but think of the underlying unit of the universe that he still called quantum foam, but with the research and application of quantum avatar clusters, it has been greatly different from the quantum foam he originally recognized.

Cheng Bin is very clear that what Samael once said is likely to be true—the root of the universe in the eyes of every high-dimensional life has a different form, and the series of knowledge systems of his quantum foam may not be able to represent the universe true appearance.

But Cheng Bin is more aware that what he sticks to and practice is always the path of scientific cognition, so what if the powerful power based on quantum foam technology like quantum avatar comes from illusion? Is there still less wrong knowledge that has been eliminated and changed along with the changes in his vision and level along the way?

There is a limit to life, but there is no limit to knowledge. No matter whether it is dangerous or not, it is the ultimate pursuit of every intelligent life after getting rid of material constraints and low-level desires.

Just as Cheng Bin was deeply communicating with the God of Fire Element while expressing emotion, a roar full of resentment and anger suddenly resounded through the entire void——

"God of Shadows!!! You"

The angry roar was only half-sentenced before it was completely snuffed out by the invisible force. The huge movement of the kingdom of God collapsed and crashed alarmed all the existences that touched the void.

The red dragon in the source of holy light blinked innocently, looked at the other incarnations of gods who were not paying attention at all, and then turned his attention back to the god of fire element.

Even the extremely ancient god of the fire element, who had seen too many major events, was amazed at the previous waves of fallen kingdoms: "It's such a large-scale battle of gods, what happened?"

"It's nothing, a bunch of evil gods who wanted to trap their allies were outraged by the public, and they were killed by the gods in turn." Cheng Bin coughed and brought the topic back. What do you think of the structure of the gods?"

Cheng Bin showed another version of the new structure of the God of Fire Element God. When he was researching the God of God, he explored the possibility of the transformation of the rule God. Can be used——

If the belief in the gods after transformation corresponds to the structure of the real name level, which is based on the existence of the human heart, then the rule gods in the new era correspond to the underlying code of the magic net that controls everything in the world, which is the law itself of the changes of all things.

Anyway, there are many places in the current magic net running on the basic rules provided by the rule gods. The transformation of the rule gods is much simpler than the belief gods involving real names.

When this topic was mentioned, the god of the fire element was silent for a while and then sighed: "The gods have no life limit, but they have the twilight of thinking.

"I have seen too many former enemies and companions, because of the passage of time, gradually lost the vitality of the soul, they gradually became indifferent to everything in the world, gradually no longer have emotional fluctuations, and finally they fell into eternal silence one by one , the soul ceases to function completely

"This is also the reason why ancient gods like me choose to sleep for a long time. We look forward to new changes in the long time, so that our hearts can regain the vitality of life."

——So, there are so many rune rules in the world, but there are so few runes corresponding to the rule gods. Is it because many rule gods are thinking about dusk and their souls are dead?

After listening to the emotion of the God of Fire Element, Cheng Bin answered thoughtfully: "So?"

The God of Fire Element said in a deep voice: "So, I am very interested in your plan, but what I am interested in is not the transformation that gave the old gods a way of life, nor the size and whereabouts of power and godhead, but your structure The key condition for the new type of gods to fully understand their own existence and thinking is hidden in them."

As expected, the god of rules should not be underestimated, and he realized this key point in the structure after getting such a little information. Cheng Bin sighed in his heart——Mystra, the god of magic who is addicted to pleasure, has quite detailed information at hand and has not noticed it. For this question, we must know that she is the spirit of the magic net who deeply analyzes the world.

The condition of having to be clear about one's own form of existence and the process of thinking means that if the new gods want to exert their true power, or even just want to maintain their eternal existence, they must twist their concepts and paths to a direction similar to that of Cheng Bin Come up, this runs through the entire architecture design, and there is no way to circumvent it by tricks.

"The mind is a very ethereal thing. No matter relying on belief or rules, every god is facing the impact of countless information on the mind all the time. Even if you keep tempering your mind and using various methods to take advantage of it, you can't avoid your own consciousness. A little bit of influence wears away."

The god of the fire element glanced at the vast battle of gods that was coming to an end in the distance, and then continued to Cheng Bin: "The more serious thing is that the memory and thought have deteriorated and decayed, so I want to ask you - can the new gods really be completely Control every change in your own thinking? Adjust your memory and thinking as you like?"

"From a materialistic and objective point of view, it is completely possible to do this kind of thing," Cheng Bin replied affirmatively to the question of the God of Fire Element, but then he turned to say, "But just like before As mentioned, it is impossible for us to control everything perfectly and completely.

"As we deepen our cognition and excavation of the truth, our understanding of the existence form and carrier level of our own soul is constantly updated and upgraded, and the definition of 'I' is constantly changing as we move forward.

"Of course, as long as you step into this field, you can easily solve things like losing vitality and thinking in twilight. As for how to restrain the changes in your soul's core algorithm at will, that's another course. "

When it came to the issue of cultivating the mind, Cheng Bin couldn't help but recall those sects of cultivation in the world of vitality——

Compared with the gods in this world who pay more attention to the scale of belief and godhead level, practitioners in the vitality world pay more attention to spiritual cultivation. No matter what practice route they take, they cannot avoid the steps of cultivating the mind. Rigorous requirements for thinking analysis and control ability.

The most obvious example is the cultivating sect of Immortal Cultivation, which is similar to the Thunder Tribulation Ghost Immortal. On the path of abandoning the body and focusing on the soul, practitioners control every change of their emotions and the birth and death of every thought, which are all basic operations .

Although the practitioners in the vitality world are different from those like Cheng Bin in terms of the starting point and training methods of mind control due to the different perspectives of idealism and materialism, the final results achieved by those who seek the Tao are similar.

"That's good. God of knowledge, as long as the timing is right, your ability is enough to easily kill a god like me. Even if all the gods are slaughtered to carry out the plan violently, it is only a matter of time for you, so I believe you show those things that were given to me”

The God of the Fire Element smiled with a hint of emotion towards those gods of spiritual death in the past, and then he continued: "After seeing your things, I probably guessed the purpose of your coming to me, so what else do you want? Come on, even if you want to take away my godhead in advance, it's fine."

Cheng Bin couldn't help being surprised by the decision of the God of the Fire Element: "For the plan that still exists, is it really good for you to put all your chips so decisively?"

"I'm alone, I have no believers and no relatives, as long as I want, what is there to hesitate?" The fire elemental god asked back, "No matter how perfect the rune rules are, it can't change the essence of my life. I have waited too long , I don’t want to fall into silence anytime and lose consciousness forever.”

Cheng Bin glanced at the captives brought back by Tire in the Hall of the Source of Light, and then smiled at the God of the Fire Element: "Even if it is to be a pioneer for the realization of the plan, to carry out some unreliable experimental work?"

"I'm not the kind of guy who is afraid of risks and only cares about benefits. I don't even care about my godhead, so why bother?"

The God of Fire Element snorted and continued: "Besides, after reading your rune rules, I am quite interested in the new version of the magic net—the one who participates first will always get more opportunities, right? Is it? I don't believe you will leave the future magic net to that poor Mystra."

"Okay, thank you for the great support of the God of Fire Element." Cheng Bin smiled--now the experimental products of the belief gods and the rule gods are all together. It seems that it is not necessary to finish the experiment of the new gods before the abyss expedition. problem.

After discussing the matter of the god transformation experiment, Cheng Bin continued to discuss some issues with the extremely ancient god, the god of fire element.

For example, the views on the abyss and demons - the position of the ancient elemental gods in this regard is similar to that of the magic net. The demons spawned by the high-entropy environment of the abyss also have benefits and supplements to their rune rules. The essence of life runs through the rules of the world tree. Does not care about the eternal battle between other gods and the demons of the abyss.

As for the war between the great arcanist and the gods back then, although the God of Fire Elemental had been in a deep sleep state for a long time like the God of Knowledge Oghma, he knew more about this matter than the God of Knowledge—because the magic net The birth of this special thing touched all the rule gods and aroused their slight attention.

From the God of Fire Element, Cheng Bin knew the main initiator of the union of gods and spirits that slaughtered the civilization of the great arcanists, and now the influential but extremely low-key god—the God of Sun and Moon.

Cheng Bin, who hung up the Void phone after some communication, turned his attention back, while looking at the evil god captives in the hall of the Holy Light Source Temple, and at the same time examining the various interactions between the magic net of the main plane and the sun and the moon.

"I remember that in the planes covered by the magic net, the sun and the moon are one of the components that the magic net controls the original magic torrent. Could it be that the sun and the moon appeared before the magic net?"

Dad did so many checks, did it turn out to be high blood pressure? It should be caused by the high load and fatigue at high altitudes. You have to lose weight.

There are many things to add to Calvin, the writing is very floating.

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