Uplifting Journey

Chapter 466 Extra Story-1-011 Bringing Desperate Wishes and the Magic That Dominates the Soul

Sakura Kyoko's father runs a non-mainstream church. He is a rather idealistic person and has been trying to promote his own set of religious ideas.

The principle of being kind is always right, but it is far enough away from life. How many people in this world will care about a new religion that looks suspicious?

The man who is obsessed with his own beliefs never gave up trying to find other ways out. The increasingly desolate church made their family’s economy gradually collapse. Even his two daughters had to endure hunger for a long time, often relying on prayers and half an apple live.

The red-haired girl, who didn't think the truths her father said was wrong, made a wish to Chubby in hunger and confusion—hoping that people would listen to her father's words patiently.

She was immature and believed that as long as people listened patiently for five minutes, they would be persuaded by her father's great truths, and the situation of the church and family would improve.

A miracle that cannot be achieved by common sense, let her become a magical girl with the magic that twists the mind.

People dominated by psychological hints gradually flocked to the church, the flame of faith rose inexplicably, and everything seemed to be developing in a good direction.

However, when her father discovered her identity as a magical girl and knew that people's respect for teachings did not come from belief, but the distortion of will by magic, he, who had the deepest belief, collapsed.

Raging, drinking, accusing his own daughter who was secretly fighting against the witch as a witch, his broken nerves finally led him to the most extreme path——

He killed the girl's mother and sister, and threw himself into the flames together with the fanatical believers.

Sakura Kyoko, who survived by the power of a magical girl, couldn't understand what happened, so she left the dilapidated church in despair, sealed the power that dominated the mind and illusions in the depths of her soul, and began to use magic power wantonly for herself. And live the day.

"So, it's really stupid to use precious wishes on such inexplicable things, right? It's better for people to be selfish."

In the desolate church full of signs of destruction and burning, Sakura Kyoko, holding a big bag of apples and gnawing, glanced at the place she was most familiar with, and then turned her head to Wen Wen who was walking slowly, "I might as well have It takes a lot of money to make a wish, maybe there will be magic to make money?"

Wenwen's eyes turned around the church, just observing the traces of destruction and deducing the process of restoring the material changes, she could imagine the hysterical emotions of the vandals.

For a teenage girl, such a scene would be like a nightmare.

Randomly found a broken table and sat down, Sakura Kyoko returned to normal attire, shaking her white legs under the hot pants, chewing an apple while saying: "Don't have that disgusting expression, I'm telling you this is not Wanting to get sympathy from you doesn't mean that I regard you as a friend who can communicate these things"

After throwing away the fruit core casually, Sakura Kyoko held the sacred emblem of the sect attached to the soul gem hanging around her neck with one hand, stared at Wen Wen and said: "In normal form, I can't shake a single finger of yours with all my strength. , but with such powerful power, you don't have any soul gem breath on your body.

"In exchange, can you tell me your secret? If there is a way to bypass the soul gem pollution and magic power restrictions, I will naturally not waste energy on raising witches."

"The scent of the soul gem?" Wen Wen sniffed it. Anyway, she couldn't detect any distinctive scent on the girl except for the fragrance of apples.

"I knew it, you didn't even feel this." Sakura Kyoko picked up an apple again, and began to gnaw on it after being cleaned and disinfected with incomparably familiar magic power, "otherwise you wouldn't unabashedly bring the seeds of lament in body, let me track it easily——but you run really fast."

"No concealment?" Wen Wen muttered helplessly, "I've been thrown into the subspace, what breath can I smell through the four-dimensional fault?"

A few Chubby jumping over from among the wood fragments looked up at Wen Wen and said, "Obviously, the keen sense based on magic power is also unreasonable, maybe there is a close connection between the fusion souls on some level." Not sure."

Wenwen thought to herself when she heard the words—the fusion souls similar to pseudo-high-dimensional life are closely related to each other? In this case, wouldn't the hidden things in the soul of intelligent beings in this world be more suspicious?

"What are you muttering about?" The red-haired girl who ate the remaining apples in the bag at a rapid rate of three or four mouthfuls, without any swelling in her stomach, said loudly, "I have torn my wounds like this, and you still avoid me Isn't the question a little too much?"

"We didn't reach any agreement before, are you talking to yourself?" Wen Wen sighed, "I can only say that my power is not fundamentally different from the soul gems of your magical girls. Do you know some secrets? It must be a good thing. If you want to ask why, you might as well go to Chubby.

"If you simply want to become stronger, I can give you some advice - use your real power to fight me once, I want to experience your ability intuitively."

"Huh?" Sakura Kyoko held the Seed of Lamentation in her hand and twirled it, "With this thing, I can at least mobilize the magic power on a large scale and use the real combat form twice. You are really interested in continuing to 'communicate' with me." Is it? But to be honest, I am a little excited to meet such a powerful existence as you."

"The real fighting form?" Wen Wen shook her head, "If it's just an increase in strength, speed, and quantity, it's meaningless. What I really want to see is the miracle that matches your wish, that distortion , the magic that dominates the heart.”

Sakura Kyoko was silent for a while, and then she jumped off the table, and the normal clothes on her body transformed into a red magical girl battle outfit while the red light flashed.

Staring at the woman with unfathomable strength in front of her, the red-haired girl condensed red light in her hand and turned it into a long spear she used. It exploded and spread rapidly in all directions.

"Scars are less painful if you expose them too much, but you will still feel uncomfortable." The girl pointed the spear at Wenwen in the distance, "Since you have asked so enthusiastically, let's have a good experience." Bar!"

Suddenly without any warning, Wen Wen was shocked to find that her chest and abdomen had been pierced by a red spear from behind, and the blood and internal organs were flying in front of her eyes, making the expression of the girl with the gun in front of her somewhat dark.

The next moment, countless spreading diamond-shaped patterns were woven into a cubic cage, and a magic barrier was instantly formed, sweeping and sealing the two women, one large and one small, and everything in the cage into another strange space.

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