Uplifting Journey

Chapter 479 Extra Story-1-024 Another failure and the crying witch

Hot lava, dust covered with radiation, and the remains of buildings that barely retain their outlines.

Everything destroyed by the nuclear explosion frantically gathered towards the site of the nuclear explosion in the rewinding airflow, and a series of terrifying hurricanes slowly formed around the looming huge shadow under the cloudy clouds.

"How could this be?" Ba Mami, whose legs were trembling, looked desperately at the storm that tore everything ahead. "Even nuclear weapons can't kill it."

"Don't worry," Wen Wen stroked the blond girl's hair, and said to the city guardian who has only now shown a trace of what a real girl should look like, "The Witch's Night has been expelled many times in history, and it doesn't Not invincible.

"No matter how it develops in the future, I guarantee that it will disappear soon here. I will send you to the refuge. You can do your part to prevent the witches from Night of the Witch from scattering over there and threatening ordinary people. people."

Ba Mami turned her head suddenly, but before she could react, the world in front of her turned into a refuge covered in nuclear explosion smoke.

Wen Wen went back and forth for a long distance calculated in kilometers in an instant, without taking a breath, she looked through the hurricane outside and looked at the inverted doll in the relatively calm eye of the wind, and then sighed softly in her heart——

The nuclear weapon controlled by the purple witch is not without any results. The head of the stage witch who was exposed to the nuclear explosion burst into a large number of cracks, and even one hand was mutilated.

But in the eerie laughter that emanates from it, these superficial injuries seem to be hallucinatory, disappearing in the colorful light that distorts reality.

Wen Wen's eyes moved away from the witch, and turned to the black, long and straight girl who appeared in the eye of the wind at some point.

The girl who failed the battle had no expression on her face. She raised her head and quietly stared at the witch who was laughing and spinning with the gears, not knowing what was going on in her heart.

But the stage witch, who has been crushed by a series of attacks since she descended in the sky, started to fight back——

The black spikes that seemed to be condensed from different concentrations of darkness, with densely colored star dots, burst out from the witch's body like thorns. Xiaomei Homura, who didn't start the time stop, seemed quite familiar with this kind of attack. She dodges and wanders through the dense attacks like a stroll in a garden, while staring at the witch, as if she is observing and calculating something.

The black spikes seemed to tear the ground, and after being dodged by the target, they immediately collapsed and condensed into a large number of tiny humanoid familiars with limbs and outlines. Straight girls swarmed over.

Spikes so fast that the naked eye can’t distinguish them and densely packed black elves blocked Xiaomeiyan’s dodging space from all directions. With nowhere to hide, she pulled out a light machine gun from the space familiarly, and fired to kill the black human figure. The familiar moves towards the gap.

But the witch's methods are far more than that.

After the super-giant whirlwind was fully formed, the witch turned her face to Akami Homura as the gears rotated, and the endless wind twisted and gathered at high altitude, accompanied by a large number of swept city wreckage and bombarded the girl.

Ordinary weapons can't destroy flying props with such a high deflection quality. Seeing the huge wreckage formed by the compression and condensation of several buildings hitting her head, Xiao Meiyan glanced at the time hourglass on her left arm, and then she stopped her activities against the witch. Observation of details, start time stop again.

After the countless huge wreckages landed on the ground, another violent earthquake was caused, followed by countless chaotic wind blades torn dense vertical and horizontal gullies on the shaking ground, and the figure of the black-haired girl fluttered like a butterfly in a storm. The aftermath of the terrifying shock was repeatedly squeezed and blown away.

During the continuous attacks, the girl who was swept up into the sky lost the flexible control of her body, and spiral hurricanes rushed out from the inside of the eye of the hurricane, repeatedly pulling the girl's figure, making her unable to regain her balance.

The hot magma left after the nuclear explosion was completely pumped up by another force, condensing into a sun-like crimson sphere and crushing it towards the girl who was squeezed by the wind.

The girl who had been avoiding the black spikes and familiars all the time seemed to be exhausted. She no longer tried to avoid the coming terrorist attack. Her right hand lightly grasped the edge of the time shield attached to her left arm, ready to surround it The center of the circle rotates counterclockwise.

——As long as the round shield is rotated and the time hourglass is turned upside down, she can travel through time, go back to a month ago, and think about new plans again.

But at the next moment, black lines suddenly appeared in the eye of the wind, weaving a dense trajectory like a spinning top in an instant.

Xiao Meiyan, who was unable to control herself in the gust of wind, felt the violent wind and thunder around her suddenly disappear, and her body, which had suddenly lost its flying speed, was gently hugged by a pair of hands while falling.

The girl took a closer look, and found that the terrifying hurricane that hit the sky and the earth had disappeared without a trace at this moment, and even the black spikes and familiars that were raging in the gust of wind collapsed and disappeared neatly at this moment, and large tracts of city remains Lost power and fell to the ground, only the witch who was hanging upside down under the gears was still floating there and kept making weird laughter.

Wenwen, who was in free fall, landed on a broken building wall with a buffer. She put down the girl she was holding, looked at the shield on her left arm, and said, "No wonder you stop when it's useless. Sure enough, when the hourglass is finished, you will stop." will lose this ability."

After standing up again, Xiao Meiyan rolled back the hair in front of her face, and silently looked at the mysterious woman beside her. After half the payment, she looked up at the witch who had been silent for a long time and said, "What did you do? Why? She doesn't continue to attack?"

"Its power to create and control the kinetic energy of matter is offset by my dagger." Wen Wen showed the girl the dagger held back in her left hand, and a layer of twisted ripples with high-frequency tremors could be vaguely seen on the edge , "This dagger solidifies my ability, I let it plunder the extra speed beyond the normal state of matter in a vast area

"As for why it doesn't continue to release magic power and familiar attacks, then I don't know—maybe I made her afraid when I defeated all the black forces in an instant?"

"Afraid?" Xiao Meiyan withdrew her gaze from the sky, looked at Wen Wen and said, "Ordinary witches may have some human emotions left - from the twisted and absurd scenes and things with a little human memory in the enchantment I can figure it out. But Witch's Night is not in this category."

"That's right," Wen Wen sighed looking at the gear puppet in the sky that was constantly smiling, "This guy is not only not afraid, but also laughs very arrogantly."

"She's not smiling," Xiao Meiyan stared at Wen Wen seriously, and sighed softly, "Although I don't think she has emotions, she is indeed crying."

Wen Wen was startled: "How did you hear that?"

"The more you listen, the more you can understand." The black and straight girl looked up at the witch who was slowly rotating with the gears, then raised her hand and used her magic power to simulate the witch's laughter, "It sounds Laughing, but you carefully discern the twisted magic around her, turn her voice upside down and listen to her words"

In the purple magic power that shone in the girl's palm, there came the witch's voice upside down—it was an intermittent, choked-up sobbing.

Wenwen listened to the slightly distorted crying, and after a moment of silence, she looked at the witch in the sky and said softly: "The witch is the existence after the consciousness of the magic girl has collapsed, and she has the seed of lament equivalent to the soul gem, but the night of the witch

"What is the essence of this existence that has appeared many times in history and has been prevented by magical girls many times without harming the fundamental existence?

"Surely you know something, Kewpie?"

I heard that in the TV version, there was a scene of Witch Night being attacked and injured by Homura Akatsuki, but I couldn't find it.

I listened carefully and played it backwards, that weird voice was indeed like laughing and crying emmm

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