Uplifting Journey

Chapter 619 The Notorious BIG

Platinum Star·World.

The turbulent waves, the flying leaves, everything in the world faded and fell into a stillness. The weird man with deep malice in his eyes stopped in mid-air, and bundles of shocking bombs wrapped around his chest and abdomen, It was also completely frozen in the last link of the detonation procedure.

"The guy who is willing to die? It's really troublesome." As the only existence with strong colors in the gloomy world, Jotaro pressed the brim of his hat with some headaches. He glanced at Cheng Bin who was frozen like a sculpture next to him, and found that he was right. He looked at the strange man covered in bombs with an interested smile, not even the slightest bit of nervousness on his face.

A mere bomb would naturally not threaten a life like Cheng Bin's.

"Cheng Bin has more investigative channels than I do. It's impossible not to know the approach of this weird guy, and to know something about this guy from the expression on his face?"

The stop of time won't last long, Jotaro flashed a few thoughts in his mind, and he and Platinum Star flashed in front of the bomber man. After a little scrutiny, he saw the man's condition in front of him very closely——

His physical fitness is not as good as that of ordinary people. Judging from the details of his palms and knuckles, he has not experienced any professional combat training. On the contrary, he has many characteristics of drug addicts.

But this guy is a stand-in messenger.

The other party had no intention of hiding it at all. Jotaro saw the foreign object behind his neck at a glance. It was a stand-in that had not yet fully materialized, with a distorted blood-red body and a small amount of blue-and-white striped shell. Orange-yellow ovals are inlaid in its "head" like eyeballs.

"The threat posed by bombs is often not as good as the ability of a substitute, and a self-destruct attack can be done by any die-hard ordinary person. Why use a substitute messenger? Unless the self-destruct behavior is closely related to his substitute ability contact."

After making a preliminary judgment in an instant, Jotaro controlled Platinum Star to step forward, and gently removed the bomb belt wrapped around his waist and abdomen while carefully avoiding contact with the unknown double and its body.

No matter how unbelievable the situation is, it is right to prevent the realization of the enemy's intentions first.

Jotaro, who flew back to the edge of the cliff, waved fiercely, and the bomb belt pierced the sea like an arrow under the precise power of Platinum Star, and fell into a standstill after being away from Jotaro's body.

——Although with his knowledge reserves and the precision and speed of the Platinum Star, it is not impossible to prevent the detonation of these bombs, but the duration of the Platinum Star·World is not much left, and these tightly packaged bombs are very difficult to disassemble. bother

Jotaro, who returned to the original position before the time stop, adjusted his posture, trying to make himself consistent with his posture before the time stop, and then he turned his attention to the man who launched the self-destruct attack: ". Time began to flow."

Earth-shattering explosions rang out from under the sea cliff, fiery red lotuses broke through the water and bloomed wildly, and the raging fire engulfed the rocks under the sea cliff, and rolled up into the sky along the sea cliff.

Amidst the reversing waves, the trembling sea cliff ushered in the second collapse. The strange man whose bomb disappeared inexplicably staggered and fell to the ground. Somewhat flustered, he groped stiffly on himself, and then His fearful eyes turned to the two men who stood firmly in front of him with the flames and smoke as the background——

Even if he is willing to give his life for his boss, but in the face of power beyond common sense, he still can't restrain the fear in his heart-the fear of the unknown.

"Damn it. My stand-in 'BIG' is extremely sensitive to movement and speed, but he didn't notice the bomb leaving him at all. What abilities do these two people have?"

Carney used both hands and feet, and got up from the trembling ground. He looked at the two people in front of him in amazement, and he couldn't even tell who moved the hands and feet of the mysterious phenomenon just now.

But soon, Carney gritted his teeth and continued to walk forward, and a red flesh double with roughly the outline of a human appeared clearly behind him——

His stand-in "The Notorious BIG" has the ability to slowly devour and assimilate substances, but his low basic quality limits the display of this ability, and it is difficult to protect the body, so it is difficult to play any role in frontal combat.

In the early days of the development of the Passion Organization, Carney's stand-in could only be used to deal with corpses and some things that were not easy to destroy by normal means. In the field of stand-in warfare, they belonged to the role of staying behind and dispensable.

But now, he is one of the secret personal guards who enthusiastically organize the big boss, and he also enjoys a very high status and treatment among the personal guards.

All of this is because he has comprehended, or was told by the double, his true ability—a nearly invincible ability that will only be activated after the death of the main body.

Originally, it was impossible to prove this ability to others alive, but for some reason, the leader of the Passion Organization easily believed in Carney. He didn't think it was an excuse for Carney to raise his status, but gave him respect and respect beyond imagination. treatment.

Now is the time for him to repay this trust.

There was a weird smile on Carney's face, and twisted tentacles of flesh and blood stretched out from his substitute, slowly and firmly inserted into the back of his neck, spreading along the spine to the brain and the whole body.

The ability to devour matter erupted in every corner of Carney's body. His face was twisted in severe pain, and the skin all over his body kept swelling and shrinking, gradually shriveling as if being eaten by an invisible monster from the inside. .

——This guy's self-injury is a necessary condition for the ability to activate? The time stop cooldown has ended

Jotaro, who sensed something was wrong with the strange man in front of him, looked at Cheng Bin: "It's hard to stop the double from killing the main body from the inside, if you know something, tell me quickly."

Cheng Bin coughed, and said to him from left to right: "Some of my information may not be reliable. This guy probably has the ability to release after death. Didn't you say that the double will automatically protect the main body? The double will take the initiative to inform the main body , will death release such information that is extremely unfavorable to the ontology?"

Seeing Cheng Bin's prevarication, Jotaro snorted: "This is the case in most cases, but as long as it conforms to the latent wishes of the main body, it is very common for a substitute to hurt the main body. I have even tried to get Platinum Star to stop me heart."

Within two sentences, Carney had reached the verge of death. Unable to move, he knelt down on the ground and stared at the two enemies in front of him, as if he wanted to engrave their faces into his soul.

But in the next instant, Carney's eyes went dark and his whole body turned cold—he suddenly lost his sight and hearing in the unspeakable pain, and the air around him turned into icy water at some point, and the people submerged in the darkness He fell into suffocation in an instant.

It was the Platinum Star that activated the time stop, instantly destroying Carney's sensory organs, and smashing it into the cold sea water under the cliff——

First rule of double encounters - sense your enemy while avoiding being caught by the enemy's perception.

Since it is judged that the opponent's purpose is suicide, and there is no way to stop it for the time being, it is necessary to let oneself out of the enemy's perception range——

In addition to the indiscriminate strike ability that only lunatics can awaken, no matter how terrifying the stand-in ability in this world is, it also operates according to the will and cognition of the ontology. Breaking away from the enemy's perception is an effective defense method in most cases.

However, the notorious BIG is not as easy to deal with as Jotaro thought.

As Carnie's life disappeared silently in the sea, a strange shadow approached the surface of the sea, and bloody tentacles broke through the waves and danced wildly towards the sky

"Starting from the Guhuo Bird"

It’s a good book to watch all night. Don’t be put off by the subtle style of painting at the beginning. The writing, plot and characters are really powerful, crushing me for more than a few streets.

Well, it's just too short.

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