Uplifting Journey

Chapter 668 The True Ability of the Loser Shichen, the Perfect Assassination Method

The beggar's willpower does not seem to be very firm. Yoshikage Kira, who is not experienced in interrogating, has not had time to learn many skills in this area in practice. Just because he accidentally killed the other party and went back in time slightly, the other party was Everything is recruited.

In the process of chasing and killing before, Yoshikage Kira had already learned some information about the substitute from the beggar who was not tight-lipped. He knew that most of the substitute messengers possessed one and only one distinctive ability, and Judging from the previous two deaths, there are at least three enemies against him——

The beggar is the mouse controller who controls germs, the air controller who poisons and suffocates him silently, and the water blade controller who cuts and destroys the killer queen.

The real enemy seems to be an organization that can drive multiple substitute messengers to carry out assassinations, so Yoshikage Kira is eager to get more information from the beggar's mouth, instead of choosing to simply kill the other party.

Now, he endured the physical and mental discomfort and repeatedly tossed into the sewer, finally reaping results beyond expectations——

The name and origin of the beggar, a lot of information about the substitute circle, the face and purpose of the organization behind it

Although the beggar's status in the organization is not high, the information he knows about the organization is extremely limited, but Yoshikage Kira is quite satisfied.

At the very least, he already knew when the beggar came to Duwang Town, and a series of previous actions including setting up spots, and of course, the most important information about several of his accomplices.

At the same time, Yoshikage Kira also learned the reason why he was targeted for assassination——

The organization behind the beggar, from the tip of the iceberg it knows, seems to be an international behemoth. As for the purpose of sending a substitute team to Duwang Town

Is to track down the "arrow" that can activate the substitute.

Unexpected, reasonable. Yoshikage Kira's own killer queen actually came from his contact with the arrow left by his deceased father. He also knows how precious this thing that can give people mysterious power.

Therefore, after learning from the beggar that the purpose of his organization was to obtain arrows and exclude other people who knew about the arrows, Kira Yoshikage was actually relieved while his heart was solemn——

At least, now he knows the root cause of his inexplicable being targeted and assassinated, so that he won't die like a fly without a head like before.

"Then, this guy is useless"

Looking at the beggar whose face was limp with dead ashes on the ground in front of him, almost out of human shape, Yoshikage Kira straightened his mind a little bit, then he glanced sideways at the killer queen who slowly emerged beside him, and nodded thoughtfully. Nodded: "...Alright, let's test the true ability of the loser Shichen on him, and bring out his final value."

The Loser Eats Dust, as a time "bomb", naturally has the same ability to explode and destroy like a bomb, just like Killer Queen's other abilities.

It's just that the way this ability is manifested is very special.

The substantive killer queen flexibly bent over and grabbed the beggar's head.

"Character, time, method. Contact implantation, no need to set other detonation conditions, it will be detonated at the time when the second hand returns to zero." Yoshikage Kira raised his left wrist and glanced at the watch. He stared at the second hand that was about to point to twelve o'clock and murmured Said, "Go back in time. One minute."

The beggar, who only wanted to die quickly, seemed to have finally realized something after hearing the information about time and backtracking whispered by Yoshikage Kira, and a trace of shock and fear appeared in his ashen expression.

"Are you aware of my killer queen's ability? The reaction is very fast." Yoshikage Kira didn't care that his ability was noticed by a dead man - before the beggar could react, a silent explosion burst from every corner of his body out, engulfing him completely.

This is not an ordinary explosion. At this moment, everything in the world seems to be distorted and deformed in the space-time vortex.

The next moment, the wide sewage area of ​​the sewer returned to its original state. The blond man stood there quietly, while the limp beggar lay there gasping for breath, as if nothing had happened.

Yoshikage Kira blinked, and he raised his left wrist again, looking at the minute hand that had moved back by one frame, the corners of his mouth slightly curled up.

While breathing, the second hand passed the two o'clock position. Yoshikage Kira maintained the posture of raising his wrist to look at his watch. After glancing at the beggar on the ground, he began to step back slowly.

When staring at the watch to pay attention, a minute seems extraordinarily long.

Yoshikage Kira, who retreated to the corner, raised his wrist. He stared at the second hand that was about to return to zero out of the corner of his eye, and focused on the beggar ten meters ahead.

The beggar, who was tortured to the point of death, regained his lax consciousness a little bit. He saw Yoshikage Kira backing away, and his dull thoughts began to turn again.

However, the kill switch of the time bomb Loser Eats Dust has already been pressed by the Killer Queen.

Without any chance to react, without any detectable signs, the beggar's body twisted and annihilated the moment the second hand returned to zero, and all traces of it were erased in this sewer, as if it had never existed.

"Hehe, hahaha! Did you see it? This is the true ability of the loser Shichen!"

During the self-destruction process of the beggar, Yoshikage Kira, who did not make any movements, nor let the killer queen launch any attack, laughed wantonly.

The Killer Queen can anchor the fate of a thing in the previous timeline and continue it.

The target destroyed by the time bomb · Loser's Dust, even if it reaches a new timeline through time regression, it will be destroyed out of thin air when it reaches the same time point.

Even in the new reincarnation, Yoshikage Kira has never been in contact with each other.

A real, perfect assassination.

As long as the enemy is killed by this ability, it will disappear from Kira Yoshikage's time cycle forever. With countless attempts, he only needs to succeed once to completely eliminate the obstacles ahead in a stable daily life.

Yoshikage Kira, who was laughing wantonly, was soon choked by the dirty, poisonous stench of the sewer and coughed continuously. Under this stimulation, he quickly regained his calm emotions and began to think about the next test method.

Since it's a test, it doesn't matter if it's just blown up once. Yoshikage Kira's understanding of Loser Shichen only comes from the vague feedback from the double killer queen. The actual effect and limitations need more experiments to know.

The beggar has been destroyed at a previous point in time, but rewinding to an earlier point in time, it can be used as a test prop again.

As for the specific experimental process, there is no need to describe the tragic beggar's life and death over and over again.

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