Urban Demon Slayer

140 A bunch of coincidences

"Xiao Chen, can you trace Mr. Huang's scent?" Li Qianqiu turned around and asked.

It’s not like people come to this place very often. Besides Ah Da, the second monster smelling like this should be Mr. Huang.

Wang Qianchen closed his eyes, took a deep breath through his nose, and carefully identified the various smells in the air, such as soil, stones, wood, plastic greenhouses, traces of fire...

Among them, the smell of fire was the strongest, almost covering up all other smells.

"No." In the end, Wang Qianchen shook his head.

"Look around for any clues." Wang Qianchen's answer was not surprising, so Li Qianqiu gave a second order.

Everyone immediately spread out and searched around the ruins. Wang Qianchen also called out Mr. Honglou and others. Everyone was sleeping soundly, but they did not dare to be unhappy if they were woken up, and they tried their best to use themselves.

Bumblebee directly transformed into a car, turned on the high-beam headlights and illuminated the scene in white, and used the broomstick to blow the charred dust to see if there was any evidence left behind.

, Mr. Honglou took out a copy of "Sherlock Holmes" to see where to start in this situation. Noodles waved his hands and said: "Whose mobile phone is out of battery, I will help him charge it..."

His true form is a data cable. In addition to tying up people, he can also absorb hidden static electricity from the air and convert it into electricity to charge various devices. He is a very practical monster.

Banzhuan was swimming in the air, turning on his own curse and provocation mode: "Huang Sanye, isn't your XX mother a member of the Ten Thousand Demon Society? Isn't your XX mother very capable? Come out and fight me for three hundred rounds, Wan Are all the cowards in the Demon Society so useless? I photographed you so that one Buddha ascended to heaven and two Buddhas were born..."

After everyone checked for half an hour, Ban Zhuan scolded the weasel in Luzhou City for half an hour, and the words he used were not the same. He scolded the weasel in Luzhou City, and the scolding was as unpleasant as possible. If Mr. Huang If you are really nearby, you will definitely not be able to help but jump out.

It's a pity that there were still no clues in the end. Huang Sanye not only burned his house on fire,

The scene was also cleaned very clean, not a single hair was left.

After working for most of the night, this was the result. Everyone was in a bad mood and finally gathered around Li Qianqiu in frustration.

At this moment, the morning sun has already risen. Summer mornings always come very early. The whole land has faint signs of lightening up, and the range of sight is getting farther and farther.

Li Qianqiu squinted his eyes and stared at the plastic greenhouses scattered all around and said: "These greenhouses are neatly arranged and well-planned, as if they belong to a certain person or company. I will look back to find out who owns these industries. Maybe There can be new clues!”

Indeed, as a member of the Ten Thousand Monsters Association, Mr. Huang is also the well-deserved leader of the monsters in this area. It is impossible for him to choose his residence here for no reason.

Starting from this greenhouse, you might actually be able to discover something.

After determining the next target, everyone returned to Luzhou City.

According to the previous arrangement, Wang Qianchen suspended his studies and returned to the company to keep an eye on Chairman Youwei. Li Qianqiu went to investigate the owners of the greenhouses and other demon slayers.

People continued to patrol different urban areas.


Since Wang Qianchen became the manager of the sales department, he spends less and less time in the company every day. Fortunately, he has a lot of resources left by Zhao Mingquan. As long as his performance is outstanding, no one cares where he goes. Asking means traveling on business, entertaining customers, and promoting products.

On this day, Wang Qianchen did not punch in and leave. Instead, he sat in the office handling official duties and monitored the activities in the chairman's office upstairs.

He had a pretty good impression of the chairman. He was smart, capable, and good to his employees. He was not as harsh as Liu Feng, so from the bottom of his heart he didn't want to be particularly problematic, but he still had to do the work that needed to be done.

At nine o'clock in the morning, Li Qianqiu's call came to Wang Qianchen's mobile phone.

"We found out that the greenhouse is special." Li Qianqiu said solemnly.

"...I know." Wang Qianchen sighed softly.

"But that doesn't mean anything. Maybe it's just a coincidence." Li Qianqiu added: "Anyway, just keep an eye on Youwei. If Mr. Huang is really

There is contact with him, and it is very likely that he will go to find him after his lair is taken away. "

"Understood." A coincidence may not be a big deal, but if a bunch of coincidences come together, it is no longer a coincidence!

Wang Qianchen hung up the phone and continued to listen to the sounds upstairs. Those floors could block the smell, but they couldn't block the sound - at least not completely.

At the same time, Youwei also arrived in the office.

Although You Wei comes later than most employees, he still arrives at the company on time every day. He has always been a very self-disciplined person. This is true in Tunliu County, and he still maintains his characteristics when he comes to the city.

The business in Tunliu County can be left to his cronies. Without Liu Feng in Luda Company, he can only do it himself.

When Youwei entered the office, he took off his coat and hung it on the hanger. The secretary had poured a cup of hot tea ten minutes in advance and put it on the table. He pulled out his office chair and just picked up the tea cup on the table to take a sip when he suddenly realized that there was someone hiding under the desk!

Youwei was startled, and just as he was about to scream out, the other party had already come out and made a "silence" gesture to him.

(End of chapter)

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