Urban Demon Slayer

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Du Hong said with a smile: "You still have a high emotional intelligence, I'm really convinced! By the way, is there an undercover agent?"

Wang Qianchen shook his head and said, "No, the people in the Hangcheng Demon Slayer Team are very clean, and none of them have anything to do with the [Liberation Association]."

Du Hong laughed: "Let me just say, although these guys have very low emotional intelligence, they would not do such a thing! In this case, can we go to the Valley of Flames?"

Wang Qianchen said: "Okay!"

A group of people went out, locked the store door, got into several cars, and headed towards Mount Putuo.

Not long after they left, another group of people entered the "Guangguang" book bar.

It doesn't matter if the door is locked, it's too easy for them to pry open the door.

After entering, everyone looked left and right, exclaiming from time to time: "This is the Demon Slayer's base, there's nothing special about it..."

"It's just that it's not as comfortable as our cave!"

"When humans are sick, they build a special bathroom to go to the toilet, as if they love to be clean..."

Just go and

The returning monsters such as Lang Baibai and Fei Heizi.

They flipped around here and there, very curious. Fei Heizi put his hands behind his back and said, "You can touch other things, but don't touch the books. Books are the wealth of this world, and every one of us monsters must love and cherish them." "

Lang Baibai couldn't help but said: "Don't touch other things, just take a look around."

Fei Heizi said: "You say that, and I'm not happy. Brothers have been acting with you for so long, and you can't even use the tools to kill the demon?"

Lang Baibai said: "Don't talk nonsense. My dog ​​brother finally managed to sneak into [Demon Slayer], what's wrong with us giving him a little help? He has become stable in [Demon Slayer], which is good for us, right?"

"Yes, yes, your dog brother is so capable. We will all rely on him in the future! Okay, I'll look around too. There are a lot of books here. I'm still very interested." Fei Heizi put his hands behind his back and walked in the rows I lingered in front of the bookshelf and saw a magazine called "Men's Wear", so I took it down

He came to look through it and nodded while reading: "This is a good name. Men have to pretend. If you don't pretend, you won't be called a man..."

At least Fei Heizi can pretend. Other monsters are wild and untamed. They jump up and down in the book bar. From time to time, he posts a photo to the circle of friends: "The base of the demon slayer in Hangzhou, pick up the book bar and check in!"

The following series of comments:

"Wow, why did you end up at the Demon Slayer base in Hangcheng?"

"Awesome, buddy, take me with you next time!"

"Are you drunk? Aren't you afraid that the Demon Slayer will kill you?"

Lang Baibai tried to dissuade her at first, but in the end he couldn't help it anymore and started to wander around.

Fei Heizi pretended to be well-educated, made himself a cup of coffee, and continued to wander among the bookshelves. His true appearance was that of a baboon. When he saw these shelves that smelled of wood, he couldn't help but want to climb them. He wanted to crawl, but he suppressed his instinct and just reached out and touched it.

There was a "click" sound, and when I touched a certain piece of the bookshelf, a piece of it dented.

"Huh?" Fei Heizi was stunned.

, stretched out his hand to press it again, and heard a "click, click, click" sound. Two tightly fitted bookshelves spread apart, revealing a dark underground passage.

This passage is in the corner of the book bar. The other monsters are busy with their own affairs, and no one pays attention to him.

Fei Heizi didn't take it seriously and walked away.

After a while, he came back, his arms bulging and his eyes full of joy.

"Let's go, let's go!" Fei Heizi closed the bookshelf and waved to the monsters.

Then all the monsters left.

After several hours of running, Wang Qianchen, Du Hong and others finally arrived at the foot of Putuo Mountain.

Like Qingcheng Mountain, the front mountain of Putuo Mountain is a scenic spot, while the back mountain, which has not yet been developed and is forbidden to ordinary people, is the sect that has been responsible for the task of slaying demons and training countless disciples for thousands of years.

The buildings on Putuo Mountain are mainly temples, with monks wearing cassocks and knocking wooden fishes coming and going. Of course, there are also lay disciples, who are mainly responsible for carrying water and growing vegetables.

Similar to the difference between the inner sect and the outer sect, the status of lay disciples is actually not very high, at least not as high as that of Buddhist disciples who have truly converted.

But Du Hong is an exception.

Du Hong wanted to convert, which was a matter of minutes, but he didn't want to. He just wanted to drink wine, eat meat, and marry a wife, and he would not shave his head until he died. But because he is a direct disciple of Master Huiguang, he can naturally enjoy all resources, and no one dares to look down on him.

In Qingcheng Mountain, Wang Qianchen didn't even dare to show his face, but it was different in Putuo Mountain. He was so arrogant following Du Hong. The disciples I met along the way greeted and saluted Du Hong, and Du Hong nodded slightly.

Gu Yan and others who followed him also gained face. They all straightened their backs and looked extremely proud.

This is not the first time for everyone to come to Putuo Mountain. In the past, they would come here to seek help from monsters that they could not kill, but how could they not be cautious and polite?

Du Hong, who was walking at the front, seemed to be much taller in everyone's mind.

(End of chapter)

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