Those corpses returned to their respective pits and even buried themselves in the soil. The same was true for Axiu, who stood in the coffin and gathered the soil back into place with both hands.

"Mom!" Tan Zuo shouted and immediately rushed towards Axiu.

After finally seeing my mother "resurrected", how could I just watch her go back again?

Tan Zuo rushed to Axiu's side and pulled Axiu away with all his strength, but Axiu ignored it and continued to sprinkle dirt on himself.

"Why is there a child here?!" The Taoist was surprised and immediately came over and pulled Tan Zuo aside.

"Let me go! Mom! Mom!" Tan Zuo struggled and cried.

"Is this your X?" the Taoist asked, pointing at Axiu.

"Yes, this is my mother!" Tan Zuo cried even harder.

The Taoist sighed and said: "My child, I'm sorry, your mother is dead..."

"My mother is not dead, she can still move!" Tan Zuo cried, threw himself on Axiu, and hugged his mother's body with all his strength.

At this point, Tan Zuo suddenly lowered his voice.

Next, he didn't say a word.

Wang Qianchen said softly: "Later, did you figure out what happened?"

Tan Zuo was silent for a long time before nodding: "I understand."

Axiu was not resurrected, but was possessed by a corpse-controlling technique. In folk parlance, it was called a "fake corpse." This fake corpse was not formed naturally, but was manipulated by humans.

After the Taoist explained the reason clearly to Tan Zuo, he buried Axiu back again.

After the Taoist left, Tan Zuo sat on the grave all night. When it got slightly light, he made up his mind to join Maoshan and master the art of controlling corpses.

He felt that since the corpse control technique could allow a corpse to crawl out of the ground and fight, why not let the corpse do other things, such as eating, drinking, embroidering and watering flowers... or even have its own consciousness.

In that case, what's the difference between dead and alive?

This idea sprouted in Tan Zuo's mind, and then it got out of hand. In order to make his mother Axiu "alive", he decided to

Work towards this goal.

Before that, the first thing was to prevent the mother's body from decaying.

He found a lot of antiseptic medicinal materials and carefully laid them in his mother's coffin. He would open it every once in a while to check the situation and beware of insects or rat bites. He also added a lot of insect repellent medicinal materials. He knew that his idea was absurd, so he never mentioned it to anyone. Under his careful care, Axiu's body had been well preserved.

When he reached adulthood, Tan Zuo began to sign up for Maoshan's new recruits.

The first year, it failed.

The next year, it failed.

In the third year, it failed again...

There is no way, he is really not the material in this area, whether it is drawing talismans or practicing swordsmanship, he has no talent. Now that he is over 20 years old and his mother has been dead for so many years, he has not even taken the first step. How can he not be anxious and worried?

He still remembers that night, when he knelt on his mother's grave and cried, asking God why he didn't let him have a little bit of it.


Then he woke up.

When I draw the talisman again, I can draw it quickly and well, and the effect is also very outstanding. Even if there is no spiritual power in the body, it can still produce extraordinary effects. The Taoist priest responsible for recruiting new people was so surprised that he immediately introduced him to Mao Shijiu, the current head of Maoshan.

Mao Jiu also loved Tan Zuo very much and accepted him as his personal disciple.

Tan Zuo stayed in Maoshan for a year and learned all kinds of magic. He believed that his sudden awakening was no accident, but that his mother was helping him in heaven, so his goal of resurrecting his mother became more determined.

Tan Zuo moved to a thatched house in the back mountain in the name of meditation, but in fact he moved the body of his mother Axiu and concentrated on studying version 2.0 of the "Corpse Control Technique".

Corpse control is actually a forbidden skill in Maoshan, and only a few people can master it, because everyone generally believes that disturbing the deceased is a rude thing, and it can even be easily counterattacked by Yin Qi. It is best not to use it unless it is a critical moment. .

Tan Zuo portable

The prototypes of the few pieces of yellow paper he carried were really just paper. It was only through some means and nourished by his own spiritual power that he could look like a zombie.

Precisely because it consumes one's own spiritual energy, few people will feed this thing.

Not willing to put effort into pieces of paper, let alone actual corpses.

In short, no one refines real corpses, regardless of whether they are ownerless corpses or the corpses of their own relatives. This kind of behavior is immoral and can easily be regarded as evil heretics. Therefore, Tan Zuo never tells others that he secretly practices it in his own body. The world is doing experiments.

During the day, he listened to the radio and read novels, which made others think that he was arrogant and unwilling to practice or attend classes with other disciples.

At night, he began to study how to make his mother's body "alive".

He had already mastered the basic corpse control skills, but he was not satisfied. He hoped that his mother could do more. If her limbs are stiff, then find a way to make her blood flow; if her face is expressionless, then find a way to make her smile!

(End of chapter)

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