Urban: I Am God

Chapter 673: Eliminate or Join (Part 2)

In some respects, the performance of these satellites is at least dozens or even hundreds of times higher than before. In terms of energy alone, this could not be solved in the past, but now these are not problems at all.

After finalizing these technologies, Hu Fei immediately began to make the following preparations. Next, the major domestic hardware companies will start first. The integration of new chips and other electronic products is no longer a problem.

And this is the best time to enter the market. If it is placed in the previous world, let alone whether China has the ability to manufacture chips, even if you manufacture them, Western countries, especially Intel, Qualcomm, etc. These chip manufacturers have already designed various trade barriers for you, unless you use it yourself, anyway, if you don’t use it for ordinary civilian business, then it’s no problem.

But if you use it for civilian use, unless you do not do business with the whole world, otherwise, some rules must always be followed, and now, these are all not a problem, not to mention that these chip designs and so on are all up-to-date, All are designed based on the latest computer architecture. Even if these are the original things, at this time, they are absolutely not afraid of those foreign manufacturers.

Because it is very simple, now the fist is on our side, yes, international trade seems to have issues such as patents, but in fact, another reason why these things can exist is that there is a country's strength behind them as a guarantee, otherwise, everything It's all empty talk.

Just put it on the original earth, a company in Somalia has developed a world-leading chip. If you don’t cooperate with those companies in the West and don’t hand over the technology, do you want to enter the market? If you are troubled, can you do it? Your company will be wiped out in minutes, and no one will say anything. At most, the international authorities may condemn a few words.

But if condemnation is useful, then it's a fart.

Under the current circumstances, your business will be easy to do only if the country is strong, otherwise, everything is empty talk. In the same way, if it is put into today, why is there no problem for Huawei's mobile phones to enter the United States? Didn't you see that it was invited by the US government? There is even a tax exemption, and there is no such thing as a ban on sales.

This is what is brought about by proper strength. What kind of first-rate companies make standards, and second-rate companies make brands. If there is no backing of a powerful country, what is the standard? Hehe, believe it or not, if you made it, the standard will also belong to others in the end?

Hu Fei sees these problems very clearly now, so Hu Fei has no pressure to snatch the market of these companies. Of course, Hu Fei has no interest in these hardware manufacturers. It is impossible for Hu Fei to do everything by himself. Anyway, these manufacturers originally existed in China, and now they are nothing more than expanding their scale.

When they started production and stocking up, Hu Fei directly asked the official website of Star Technology to issue the latest announcement on the official Weibo.

"...After our brand-new technical efforts, Star Technology can now accept applications for the opening of major websites while maintaining a brand-new Internet system. We support any website network to use our network. Of course, on certain hardware In terms of hardware, there may be some differences from the previous hardware. If necessary, please contact the staff of our business department directly from major companies. We believe that with our efforts, the world will restore the original era of prosperity in the information industry Not too long."

This announcement is not very long, and some of the data in it may not be known to people in this industry. There are not too many fans of Star Technology's official Weibo, but now because there are too few entertainment channels, almost every official Weibo They all have a lot of fans, and none of them are zombie fans.

After all, Huawei's mobile phones are basically produced as much as they are produced. At present, Huawei's mobile phones have sold at least nearly 400 million units in the world. This is unprecedented, and almost all of them are purchased by foreign customers. Because in In China, Hu Fei and the others have directly opened the relevant network for all customers' original mobile phones.

But in foreign countries, sorry, mobile phones from other companies will not work, either you buy Warwick, or you will not be able to surf the Internet.

Anyway, for Hu Fei, now that he has shares in companies like WeChat and Huawei, this is equivalent to making money for his own company.

Although the governments of various countries are unwilling, they have nothing to do, because the current situation is stronger than others, and more importantly, after the release of the latest official Weibo of Star Technology, the governments of various countries immediately held emergency meetings. They have held the meeting before.

Especially Star Technology has published similar ones before. Of course they know what China is going to do, but at that time they thought that although China had a good idea, they should not move so fast, and as they restored their original After power and production, there will still be many original people who choose the old Internet. In this case, China's plan will go bankrupt.

But who knows, their production order is recovering so slowly now. Although China is exporting some important materials, these materials must first guarantee the domestic conditions of others before they start exporting to other countries.

As for high-voltage cables, it is actually difficult for China to export them on a large scale! There are so many countries in the world, no matter how powerful China is in productivity, there is still an important transportation problem!

These high-voltage cables are not like ordinary wires. The weight of these high-voltage cables is placed there. Originally, they were transported by at least hundreds of thousands of tons of large freighters, but now? Although those aircraft can transport hundreds of tons at a time, the problem is that the transport capacity is still too small for a large freighter.

Of course, it is impossible for countries to just count on China, they are also producing. The problem is that the wires produced by some of the factories they resumed are still far away from the resumption of production, let alone guaranteeing the power supply of the whole country. It is an impossible task!

How many years did it take for countries all over the world to achieve the present cable spread all over the country? It was gradually completed after decades of layout. This is still their original land area, but now, the land area of ​​each country has increased by more than 50 times, and the increased cables are at least hundreds of times the previous number. It is simply not something that can be done in a short time.

Only as in China, firstly, ordinary residents solve the problem of electricity consumption by ordinary residents themselves, and the country first guarantees the electricity consumption of important units, so that the current basis can meet the energy design. As for the latter, as long as the production resumes, the latter is easy to say . The electricity connection can be done step by step. The problem is, they don’t have so many photovoltaic panels in stock!

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