Urban: I Am God

Chapter 742: The Plan Begins (Part 1)

Chapter 742 The Plan Begins (Part 1)

When the eye of the wind began to self-assemble in space, Nuwa and Experiment began to carry all the remaining more than 300 satellites into space and put them into relevant orbits.

These 386 satellites are located on different orbital planes, and they are all very large, at least comparable to other satellites, and they all have their own power systems and computers, and the computers they carry The computing efficiency of the core is not low.

With their size, the Nuwa could not carry too many satellites at one time, and it took three days to transport these satellites to the sky.

This is still due to the fact that the current Nuwa is too powerful, and it is extremely easy to enter space, so it doesn't matter what the weather is and the like, just go straight to the sky.

After all 386 satellites have entered the predetermined orbit, the eye at the position of the earth-moon relay has basically been assembled. A huge eye, which is much larger than the previous International Space Station, has been fully put into use, and directly started to follow 386 satellites are fully connected to the grid.

At this moment, it is located in a special hall on the ground. This hall is also located in a building on Chongming Island, but it is not located in the space of the Supreme Peak. There are already dozens of staff working here.

In the hall, there is an electronic prompt sounding at this moment, "The eye of the wind has been completely connected to the grid, and data synchronization is in progress. The countdown to data synchronization is 10 seconds, 10, 9, 8..."

"3, 2, 1. The data synchronization is completed, and the satellite self-inspection is started... The satellite self-inspection is completed, all 386 satellites have completed self-inspection, no faults, and the satellite orbit is being fine-tuned... The fine-tuning is completed, and it is expected to be in 17 minutes and 23 seconds The post-orbit will be finalized."

"The self-inspection of the entire system is completed, the core program is activated, and the Overseer Plan is launched... The Overseer Program is launched, the Overseer Program begins to operate, and the executor of the Overseer Program begins to authorize. The information of the executor Hu Fei has been confirmed. Mr. Hu Fei, please authorize .”

"I authorize." Hu Fei said directly.

"The authorization is completed, the supervisor plan is officially implemented, the all-weather scanning system is turned on... the power detection system is turned on... the energy detection system is turned on... the spiritual power fluctuation detection system is turned on... the optical monitoring system is turned on... the coordinates are positioned The system is turned on...it is turned on, the global terrain division detection is turned on...it is turned on."

"Fengyan Supercomputing is being connected...The connection is complete. The power user data is being written...The writing is complete, the database data is being expanded...The network database has been connected, and the data screening and expansion backup has begun...Estimated 7 hours Done in 18 minutes.


"The risk level system is being simulated... After the activation is completed, the data simulation system will continue to operate until it is completely completed."

"All resources and databases have been analyzed, starting analysis for recommendations."

"Proposal generation."

"First, the force is insufficient. Please produce 11 space battleships of Nuwa or more powerful to complete the global layout."

"Second, complete energy storage."

"Third, there is too little threat target data, and it is recommended to increase target threat data analysis."

"Fourth, the supervisor's strength data is missing, please increase the supervisor's strength data, this is the first priority."

"Please start to complete the above four items first. This suggestion will automatically generate relevant backups and send them to the national emergency host system for backup and the National Coordination and Management Committee. The first data monitoring of the wind eye has been completed."

Listening to the instructions one by one, Hu Fei took a deep breath. Fengyan is one of the artificial intelligence systems supported by supercomputing. Of course, there is still a long way to go from real intelligence, but in fact, its computing power is especially It is the fuzzy calculation and logical analysis capabilities that are already very powerful.

After listening to it, you will know what the Overseer Project does.

That's right, it is a plan to monitor all kinds of power users around the world, especially the power users of some special groups of people are within the scope of its monitoring.

The reason why I didn't use it before was because there were other things to do at that time, and I didn't feel that this matter was very urgent, but now it seems that this matter is already very big, so Hu It was impossible for Fei to put this matter behind his mind.

386 satellites allow it to monitor all locations in the world in real time, including the information of the North and South Poles and all locations above the sea. At the same time, spiritual power fluctuations, energy fluctuations, etc. are always in a state of detection. All powerful spells will be recorded.

And for some small-scale use, it will also record directly, but only silently, taking all the videos or other photos, and will not take any countermeasures.

Unless some special people appear, and these special people have been entered into its database, such as angels, demons, devils, etc. Of course, some descriptions are entered based on Yu Huaiyang's vague descriptions.

This is the power of the computer now, such a vague description can make Fengyan record all the things related to this description, and then report it to Hu Fei.

Then Hu Fei can see how to deal with these things.

In fact, the main purpose is to prevent people who may be aliens like angels from coming in, and the devil knows what they have in mind.

Of course, this is only the first stage of the supervisor plan. Its second stage is to complete the surveillance between the entire earth, moon, and Mars and Venus. The third stage, which is its final stage, will Surveillance within the entire solar system will be completed.

Because in the future, the strength of the entire earth will definitely expand to the solar system, and now humans have the ability to go to the moon and Mars, and it will not be difficult to expand their position in the future.

Sooner or later, human beings will go out.

"Feng Yan, the relevant data about me is accessed to file C832 of the network communication master computer, and the password is YNVWE3323." Hu Fei said directly. These data were naturally entered by Hu Fei. Knowing Hu Fei's strength, Fengyan will evaluate related matters.

"The file has been read, and the supervisor data has been recorded."

"Well, let me be notified of any incidents exceeding the calibrated energy level of 3 or more, and all events below the calibrated energy level of 3 will be recorded." Hu Fei took a deep breath.

"The order has been recorded." Feng Yan immediately confirmed Hu Fei's order.

"Then I'll leave first, and I'm not needed here anymore." After finishing this, Hu Fei directly spoke to Tang Guolong next to him.

Hu Fei is no longer needed here, and then Hu Fei can remotely issue commands to Fengyan directly through the headset. At present, the range from the earth to Mars is almost within the communication range, so there is no fear of not being able to receive it.

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