Valkyrie of the Marvel Universe

Chapter 45: Training the Hulk

Hulk's falling body was kicked away halfway. "Coincidentally", the place where he landed happened to be the location of General Ross's convoy.

"Damn it!"

"Quickly disperse and retreat separately! The second group will leave behind!"

"Let the fighter plane take off and launch the missile!"

After all, General Ross was a battle-tested general. Although he was not flustered, he commanded the retreat while issuing offensive orders in an orderly manner.

Hulk's kick this time was heavier than the ones Peter hit before, and it was heart-wrenching, so his anger now is unprecedented.


With a roar, he reached out and grabbed an armored vehicle, and threw it at another retreating convoy like a bowling ball.

Amidst the screams, two vehicles were knocked over together, and the fuel tank was exploded with great force. The explosion of the fuel tank ignited the ammunition, and the detonation of the ammunition scattered various shrapnel around. It caused secondary damage to those who were lucky enough to survive before.

After these rounds of serial killings, not a single person in the three armored vehicles survived.

But it was clear that Hulk hadn't calmed down yet. With a big jump, he caught up with another tank, held the barrel of the tank with his hand, swung the tank up, and threw it at another convoy.

However, due to the delay of the first convoy, the convoy went a little farther. His tank landed behind the convoy, bounced on the ground, rolled forward, and only knocked down one armored vehicle, and he did not die. burst.

The soldiers in the car were completely shaken by the impact, and they didn't know if they were still alive.

Hulk wanted to continue chasing him, but the fighter plane arrived, and from a distance, the fighter plane fired a missile at Hulk. Under the control of the guidance system, the missile accurately hit Hulk's body.


Hulk let out a cry of pain, stretched out his hand on the ground and grabbed the wreckage of an armored vehicle, and threw it towards the fighter plane, but the fighter plane had already lifted up and flew away.

This made Hulk even more angry.

But after such a delay, the military convoy had already run away.

Hulk looked around, only to find that the guy who hurt him just now is being bandaged by a man.

As long as someone lets him vent, he doesn't care who the other party is.


With a loud roar, he strode towards the opponent.

Zhan Liu had just done simple hemostasis for Peter, and then sent qigong into his body to help him heal his injuries.

Peter's injuries were indeed serious, with multiple bone fractures and massive blood loss, but these injuries were not fatal for a warrior of the magnetic field rotation level.

He just needs to do first aid, don't let him die now, and then Peter can use his kung fu to slowly heal his injuries. Of course, it will definitely be faster if he is sent to the hospital for blood supplementation and first aid.

He glanced at the Hulk who had come back with a big stride, and he also wanted to try, where is the limit of this Hulk.

But at present, Peter's injury has just stabilized, and it is really not suitable for him to be impacted by the aftermath of the battle. He has no choice but to make a quick decision.

"The magnetic field rotates, the twenty-fifth heaven!"

He pushed the limit of his strength, then stepped on the ultimate battle step, came behind Hulk in an instant, and punched Hulk's spine heavily.

His punch purposely contained all the power and did not spread outward, so the shock wave produced was very small, but the more concentrated the power, the stronger the lethality.

With a "click", Hulk's spine snapped.

Facts have proved that Hulk is not MAX in defense either, as long as he is strong enough, he can be knocked down with one blow.


With a miserable howl, Hulk fell to the ground with a "plop", struggled for a long time, and couldn't get up.

But looking at the twisting muscles on Hulk's back, Zhan Liu could tell that Hulk was healing himself, and this blow would not kill him.

But Zhan Liu didn't mean to kill Hulk, he stepped on Hulk's back, and said in a cold voice: "Back back, let Dr. Banner come out."

"Hulk!" Hulk's face was full of anger, and the anger in his eyes wanted to burn Zhan Liu clean.

"Hehe, you don't have a long memory, do you? Well, I'll teach you today!"

Zhan Liu aimed at Hulk's spine that was about to heal, and kicked hard again.

With a "click", Hulk's spine broke again.

"Have you learned well? No, right? Then let's continue."

After Zhan Liu kicked and broken Hulk's spine more than a dozen times in a row, Hulk was finally scared, and the fierceness on his face disappeared, leaving only grievances and grievances.

Hulk is intelligent, but only at the level of a child.

For bear children, it is not impossible for you to reason with them, but the effect is too slow. The easiest way is to let them taste the power of fried pork with bamboo shoots, and they will naturally become obedient.

As the green color on Hulk's body gradually faded, his figure gradually shrunk, and what finally appeared was...a naked man.

Zhan Liu reached out and threw the coat to Banner, then turned around and flew away with Peter in his arms.

"Hey, wait, how did you do that? Can you help me?"

Dr. Banner waved and called on the ground, but Zhan Liu didn't even turn his head.

The reason why Dr. Banner was woken up was to let him realize who saved him, and Zhan Liu would not do the work of an unsung hero.

Dr. Banner is also an important role in the Avengers, and he is also a scientist. It is also a good thing to let him and Tony be brothers and study together how to break the limit of the ultimate immeasurable qigong.

But Zhan Liu will not force it, and being on the pole is not a business.

If Dr. Banner wants to learn how to control his emotions, what is better than Ultimate Wuliang Qigong?

As long as he doesn't want to be troubled by the Hulk all the time, then he can't escape Zhan Liu's palm.

Zhan Liu carried Peter to the hospital.

Because of today's great war, the current hospital is full of wounded patients, and it is hard to find a bed.

But Zhan Liu couldn't be bothered, he called Tony, and then the dean ran over to greet him with a bunch of people.

After omitting unnecessary nonsense, Peter was sent to the examination room as a priority, and then blood, infusion, and hospitalization were all in one, and he didn't have to worry about anything.

Sure enough, although the eldest brother is not a monkey, he is good at everywhere.

Zhan Liu was very safe in his work. After sending Peter to the hospital, he called Ben Parker.

Peter's battle with the Hulk today was broadcast live on TV, and the Parker couple naturally saw it too.

Later, the Hulk was lured away by Peter, causing the live broadcast to be interrupted. No one knew what happened next. The Parker couple were secretly worried about their nephew. After receiving Zhan Liu's call, they hurried to the hospital.

After the two arrived at the hospital, Zhan Liu left the job of taking care of Peter to them.

Anyway, for Zhan Liu, this minor injury won't kill him, so if he stays here to waste time, he might as well go back and give those disciples another shot, and try to get a few more beginner disciples out as soon as possible.

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