
Chapter 5 - How's life being with the one who cared about you

"Oh god Peter,Zed are you okay?" Aunt May yelled.

"yeah we are Aunt may" peter said.

"Thank god I thought I'd lost you two"

"What about Mary Jane? Is she okay too?"

"Yes she was safe and sound aun may don worry" i said while aunt may sigh.

"Zed I've heard that you where trying to help but what if you were the one that well get hurt for trying to help that man?"

"I...I just"

"I know that you were trying to help but what if's?"

"-And because of you that man one man is safe but would you exchange your life because of him just like that? You were just a kid Zed" I snapped.

Aunt may just sight from what i just did and I know right now I was really irresponsible. From their perspective I was just a teenager who want to fool around saving lives not knowing when to die and I understand that I really understant what she meant to that.

[Yeah she's right dude even though you have me you can't change the fact that from there point of view you are just a kid they where afraid of losing you specially Your aunt who loves you as there own...she really loves you I can tell even though you are not there blood relative tsk tsk Fix the problem dude]

"Yeah I know I really understand her really" Zed said to venom.

"May, maybe we should call it a night," Uncle Ben spoke softly, "gone on, go to bed you two it's already nighttime"

"let's go to may there just a kid experiencing an event like that can make them grow" Ben gently assured her. She nodded sadly as she turned and left, leaving Ben and I alone at the dining table.

"I-I'm..." I cannot say a word there it was like a bomb to me not thinking how worried they where for me. I was not use to it... In this world all I think is my future goal I did not think about the feelings that may affect those that loved me. I thought that I will be okay beeing alone as long as the one I cared never get hurt. Ckecking them from time to time and as long as there is parker he can protect them.

"It's alright Peter, I understand," he said softly.

"I'm really sorry uncle ben" I said

"you have too realise, you two are all May and I have, if we lost you..."

"I'am sorry uncle ben it's just that from the moment I saved that guy it really makes me happy about my achievement I do not know that-that" this is the second time i broke into tears having someone that truly loves you really is warm from the inside.

"Yes, I suppose it is," he smiled, "go to bed Zed, peter. Don't' forget you have school tomorrow."

I nodded, "night uncle Ben"

"Good night" he replied as I walked outside towards my house proceeding into my bed and locked the door behind me. I sat down on my bed and sighed, taking off my bag i sat beside the window looking at the sky above. I completely messed up

[Dude what's the plan now? Are we going to continue forward or just live a comfortable life your choice] Venom said while waiting for my reply.

"You know dude? What i really want in life when I first got here is just to have some fun. I don't really care what people think about me I just what to do what I want not following any rules just going forward having fun. Right now I realized that life really is hard just by thinking the one that loves you and cared about you waiting there while you on the other side battling some villains not know when will you come back or what is going to happen"

"It was like a soldier in war... do you have confidence that you can walk alive? Hahaha 50/50 right? The f.u.c.k! Life really is harsh well now I cannot go back down as my goal is to do what we want have fun conquering them showing them fear of what we really are because WE ARE VENOM!"

[hahaha I like your attitude dude lets continue forward to the path that we already been taken. Keep moving forward until we reach our goal and be content and bored by it] Venom laugh happily.

"Yeah keep moving forward"

The next day:

I was in the Daily Bugle the very next day. Well, not me, but they did have the wolverines's fight in the front covers and a sinister picture of picture of me in the side. It looks like they had my name really stretch and scatered, people calling me 'Venom'

The article itself was in chaos not sure what the monster guy up to, which was surprising considering it something that really scares the government. Even though I did save the lives of soldiers, they still label me as a monster.

From various statements from the scene it seems the people there mention the fight was like seeing devil and monster fight.

I smiled, maybe this time Venom would really be the monster guy. With that done and a healthy breakfast, it was time to go to school.

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