Versatile Mage

Chapter 938: Disaster, strange bird tribe

"It doesn't matter." Spiritually gave Mofan a very positive answer.

Why? ”

"Time is fading. Time reversal and time quiescence are not established. There is no magic that can cause abnormal passage of time. The liquid of time is a kind of name. Maybe it can play something similar to time. The effect, for example, to promote the growth of certain plants, so that women will always be young and so on..." Ling Ling explained to Mo Fan very seriously.

The meaning in that sentence is that you have to believe in science, don't guess!

Mo Fan had no choice but to put things in order and continue to sleep.



When the people did not stay in Hanmi City for too long, they went directly to the National Pavilion of Peru - Royal Felipe Castle.

Arriving in Lima by plane, everyone did not have the mind to do any visits and shopping. In a hurry, they continued to arrive at the Royal Felipe Castle on the coast of Callao.

Royal Felipe Castle is located on the seashore, facing the vast Pacific Ocean. Mofan vaguely remembers to look down when he is flying. It seems that he just saw this magnificent castle.

The entire castle looks down from the sky and presents a five-pointed star, but each corner is not a triangle, but a bow-shaped corner, completely surrounded by a thick wall, and the innermost is a large castle.

Peru, like Japan, often faces harassment of the Kraken. The main purpose of the construction of the Royal Felipe Castle is as the command center of the entire western coastline of Peru. After all, it is not far from the Peruvian capital Lima!

Now in the calm season, the West Sea line in Peru is relatively calm. The local news reports do not mention the half of the Kraken. This is good news for Peru. After all, they are not like Tokyo, Japan. On the other hand, the chicken thief has developed the Kraken's attack into a way of fishing. For their country, the Kraken is a natural disaster that affects fishing, affects urban safety, and affects crop growth...

Arrived at the Royal Felipe Castle, the identity of the guard, the guards in front of the gate also very courtesy to bring everyone into the castle.

"Hello, I am the royal mage here - Osto, I am very glad that you can come to us in Peru." A dark-faced man came over and smiled at everyone, looking polite.

"Hello, we are Chinese national players, come here to get the chapter of the National Pavilion." Ai Jiangtu said directly.

"Don't you take a break?" said Royal Master Osto.

"No need, we have a good rest." Ai Jiangtu said.

"Well, I will arrange it, you will come with me."

Osto brought everyone outside. In fact, when entering the Royal Felipe Castle, you can already see the big test square in front of the fort. The Royal Master Osto lets people open the enchantment and the whole test square. It was separated by a layer of water curtain, which looked like a huge fountain square.

The players of the Peruvian National Pavilion did not take long. They had about eight or nine people, either with dark skin or white skin.

"These are young and strong people from the East. I hope that you will be outstanding." Osto said with a smile.

The test was very simple. The two sides selected three players to conduct team confrontation. Ai Jiangtu assigned Li Kaifeng, Mu Tingying and the official fish to play.

Peru's overall strength is generally the same, none of the three people assigned to reach the high-level, although there are some natural talents, but eggs...

The repair is superimposed, and the whole game is simple and easy, without any suspense.

"You are really strong, but please don't rush to leave, we hope to learn more with you." Ortos did not think that losing is a strange thing, naturally said to them.

"Yes, we also need some training." Ai Jiangtu replied.

"Of course, letting our players fight against your players doesn't make much sense. I hope that you will pick a few people here. We will pick a few people here and mix and discuss," Ortos said.



Mixed training, six to six, the team with three Peruvian players, the team with three Peruvian players, so mixed.

Everyone is already in place, just about to start. Suddenly a man in military uniform and black iron comes out of the fort. He is followed by about five or six people, male and female, dressed from them. In terms of dressing up, there are some statuses.

"It seems like a general!" Jiang Shaoxu saw the medal of the black iron man's chest, whispered.

"Hey, General Mott, are you interested in seeing the young people's competition?" Osto immediately greeted him, a very respectful look.

"I am not interested," General Mott replied in a cold voice.

The royal mage, Osto, was awkward and suddenly did not know how to answer.

General Mott did not pay attention to it. His eyes stared at the Asians with a group of yellow skins like an eagle, and then he said, "Are you a national player?"

"Yes, they are indeed national players, from China." Osto instead replied.

"I didn't ask you." General Mott seemed to be a bit unsympathetic.

Osto's more and more ignorant, what happened to General Mott today?

"We are Chinese national players. What is this general?" Ai Jiangtu feels that this person is not very friendly and his tone is not good.

"You must have done a very stupid thing in our country, and come with me to the watchtower!" General Mott said very heavily.

Everyone was puzzled for a while, and everyone and the general did not have any Liangzi. Why is he so unfriendly?

"Several people, as the general said, go to the watchtower." Osto smiled and kept his courtesy and elegance.

Everyone followed the general and went to the watchtower.

The watchtower is very tall, you can look into the ocean far away, you can also collect the tens of kilometers of coastline on both sides of your eyes... including the azure sky without a little cloud.

General Mott was still black-faced. After the government personnel arrived, he pointed to the long north coastline and the direction of the long day, using a tone of murder: "Look at what you did, if not The people in the Hanmi City have intercepted your news for me. I don't even know who to look for. How much trouble have you brought to our country? You know?"

Mo Fan was annoyed for a while. What kind of general, if there is no brain, I will swear everyone, what the **** is.

His temper can not stand the high spirits of others. When he was about to squat, Zhao Manyan stunned Mo Fan and then pointed his face stiffly at the sky...

Mo Fan looked around and gradually found a large cloud in the north sky.

The whole blue sky is as clean as the sea, and the clouds suddenly appear in the sky and are particularly eye-catching, but they are not white, but blue and green! !

The sky was so jade that the colors were not noticeable at first, until they were densely integrated into the clouds, covering a large area of ​​the sky, and people finally found out that there were extremely weird things.

"My God, they are!!!" Jiang Yan shouted.

Weird bird! !

It is the strange bird! ! !

In the Gobi, they came into the army, who knows that in the capital city of Peru, these strange birds actually killed without hesitation!

This is not the most horrible place. From the perspective of the hugeness of the cloud group, the number is probably more than ten times this time! !

That cloud group is much bigger than it was in the Gobi. It seems that the clear sky will be covered by them. The sound of the screams is transmitted hundreds of kilometers away. It is even like lightning, more and more clear, more and more harsh. sharp! ! !

"A tribe, this is a tribal air monster!"

"Too much, too many!"

Osto looked a little stunned, and the other people who followed him screamed one by one, constantly shouting "My God!"

Ai Jiangtu, Jiang Yan, Mu Tingying, Zu Jiming, Nanxun and others are even more stupid! !

Why is this happening, why is it like this? ?

From tens to hundreds, from thousands to nearly 10,000, and from nearly 10,000 to the current 100,000 tribes, where are these strange birds flying from, what exactly is it, endless so Incremental! !

The last time in the Gobi, we couldn't describe the horror of being attacked by strange birds. At this moment, it was a shock to the mind.

The tribe, the whole one does not fall, 100,000 demon! ! !

"What the **** have you done in the end, let this strange bird kill all the tribes??" Mo Fan asked.

This is really not a joke, it will all turn into a disaster. If the city of Lima is attacked by 100,000 demons, it will directly sound the alarm!

"We...we haven't done anything!" said Jiang Yan.

"I don't care what you did, please leave the city right now, right now!" General Mott’s voice was a roar.

"What do you say, you want us to leave??" Mu Tingying couldn't believe the general.

"General, these children will never have a way to go when they go out," Osto said quickly.

General Mott’s eyes were cold and he won’t be able to move.

"What you mean is to ask the soldiers of our country to make sacrifices. Do you know how many soldiers these strange birds can kill us!!" Mott said angrily.

Osto was speechless, but he finally felt that the players from China were driven out at this time, which was very inhuman. It was tied to the high cliffs and waiting for the vultures in the sky. food! !

"I won't say it again. If you don't leave, I have to kill you!!" General Mott turned to other people, his eyes filled with killing!

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